Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 10 - Chapter 486 - Let’s begin with the members listing for Usage!

"Alright. I will now start with the members who will be the foremost vanguard for advanced dungeons."

An air of tension shrouded the guild room as I announced.

As of now, the sole guild actively moving to challenge the advanced dungeon was ‹King Absolute›. But if ‹Eden› took the cake here, it would definitely shake the world in its wake. Plus, the fame that would come as a member of such an illustrious team needed no word to explain.

It was an all-too familiar feeling of being stuck in a tense situation.

Even my hands were sweating like crazy but I somehow masked my situation by bringing up a serious expression and continued.

"First member will be our primary attacker, who is going to be—Ester."

As soon as my words ended, the tide of nervousness reached its peak and everyone's gaze turned to Ester.

Noticing everyone's focus gathering on her, Ester's signature soft smile turned into a stiffened, stone-like expression.

"Ester's driving ability will sharply jump once she transitions into an advanced job, which is an indispensable utility to clear the dungeon efficiently. Also, her offensive power is the best among present members. I believe once she acquires the advanced job, even those tanky bosses wouldn't be able to handle her attacks."

As I briefed my reason for choosing her, Ester stood up from her seat and bowed, facing everyone.

"It's my honour to be chosen. I will put every fibre of my being to make sure this decision shall never become a stain!"

Truly impeccable. It was an act befitting of someone who had been Princess's aide since childhood, holding no hesitation.

"Wow, that's a cool remark, Ester! Congratulations!"

Unexpectedly the first person to bless her was Lana. Her face was bright as the sun, with not a hint of shadow. It subconsciously brought a smile to my face.

Suddenly, one person applauded, then another, and another as they congratulated Ester.

"Congrats, Ester. You did it."

"Congrats, Ester. Make sure to keep any harm away as the sword of party."

"It's reassuring to see it's Ester. Good luck."

Shizu, Sierra and Celia showered Ester with their words of gratitude along with applauds.

With the usual soft smile back on her face long ago, Ester graciously thanked them.

Once the atmosphere had calmed down to some extent, I moved to another person.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Then the second person, who will be our primary tank, is—Sierra."

" " "Congrats." " "

This time, everyone's tone of voice was a shout of cheers rather than a surprised one. I guess they all had expected this outcome.

"No matter what happens, Sierra is always there to tank the situation. She has a high resistance for both physical and magical attacks. A tank that defends against all. I believe Sierra is someone who would be able to defend against even the powerful attacks of advanced dungeon’s monsters. Her presence would always be a reassuring one."

"Understood.—I will work every bit harder since you have chosen me."

Sierra also stood up from seat, placed one hand on her chest and announced resolutely.

Much like Ester, everyone moved to congratulate Sierra, who responded with a smile.

Once again, when members were done, I moved on.

"The third member will be our primary healer—Lana."

"Leave it to me. Hmph, no one is going to drop out of the battle as long as I am there!"

As if she had been just waiting for me to say that, Lana stood up excitedly and raised her finger. Her voice filled with an unwavering confidence. She was in her usual self, the galant princess.

Healers were fragile, it was game over if they got hit. Yet, it was her forte to march on dauntless.

"Sure, we will be relying on you to heal. —There's little to say about Lana. Her recovery, buff, magic spells, magic defence, and plethora of support & recovery spells are all the need of the hour at any moment. Her recovery power's ceiling is also extremely high. I am sure she would be able to provide essential support against the formidable opponents of Advanced dungeons."

"Uh-huh, guess I have no choice but to stand up to your expectations. Leave it to me!"

Lana puffed out her chest. How reliable~.

At the end of the day, there was no contesting ‹Saintess› was truly the best in healer jobs. Lana's spot was pretty much cemented over this fact.

Starting with her attendees, everyone showered her with applause and cheers. Lana replied to them with a content expression. Hehe, she's like the mascot character of guild~.

Once everyone was done, I continued to the fourth member—oh wait, that's me.

"Next member As a jack of all trades, I should be able to follow everyone and prove to be useful for the advanced dungeons."

"I don't think the team would be complete without you at all."

"We'll be counting on you, Zephyr."

I responded to Lana and Sierra's reply by raising my hand.

Applaud followed...though it seemed quite dry compared to before. I mean, yeah, it should have been given but......the sad thing is still sad.

"Alright, now it's time to reveal the 5th person."

One more final member.

We did have 6 ‹Advanced Job Ascension Ticket› but there're only five members needed to reach the boss. This was why we're going to focus on those five members.

An air as tense as stout wire enveloped the guild room this time. Everyone appeared far more nervous than when I was about to name the first team member.

"So, the final member would be our scout and sub-attacker—Karua."

The guild room was engulfed by an ear-splitting silence instantly. It wasn’t until a sigh echoed that the silence was fractured, the still time finally started to tick in.

"Phew~. So Karua is the final member huh. A pity it's not me. But good luck, Karua."

"I know Karua would be all-okay! Show them what the ‹Eden› speedster can do that-desu!"

"Good luck, Karua onee-chan!"

It began with Rika, then Pamela and Lulu followed suit to congratulate Karua.

Meanwhile, the person appeared puzzled, seemingly unable to comprehend the gravitas of the situation. Wait, don't tell she had been napping all this while? ......I guess...or really hope that's not it.

Anyway, for now, I began to explain my reason for selecting her.

"As I said earlier, Karua would be our scout and sub-attacker. We can totally focus on the human-wave tactic, much like what ‹King Absolute› is doing, and bulldoze through the dungeon and clear it. But it faced a problem of pacing. I believe we should focus on a few and aim for a swift clear. Karua can detect traps and destroy them, and I think even the advanced dungeon monster would be unable to catch up with her speed. Karua, I want you to protect the team from any inbound threat."

"Hnn, roger."

Confirming that Karua was awake, I explained my reasoning, to which she firmly nodded.

Alright, I believe she was going to be okay......okay, right?

Karua, too, received shower of praises as I concluded with the announcement of team members,

However it seemed the members were now curious about the final ticket, appearing even fidgety. Well, I have already considered who this ticket would be going to.

Time is ripe so I should put it on now.

"I know everyone must be curious about the usage of the final ticket and...I'm thinking Hannah should have it."


Hannah let out a completely befuddled voice, seemingly not expecting for her name to call out at all.

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