Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 10 - Chapter 488 - The Five Hurdles to the Top-tier Advanced Jobs

---Advanced Jobs.

I didn't explain much about them to the members yet, but they also had different tiers; ranging from low to high. They're not much different from basic jobs in this case.

With the goal in my mind, our target was obviously the best. The <Princess Job> category especially had even more stronger variants when taken the special route.

The <Princess Job> category was already the one of the kind with strong skills and spells. Their advanced variations took them further to new heights. The noteworthy, and eye popping one if I may so, benefit of them was the 36 SUP!

This single aspect alone triumphs over other jobs. I definitely wanted nothing but advanced princess jobs for Lana, Ester, Sierra.

However the problem boils down to their pre-requisite. Much like the basic jobs, one also needed to clear the pre-established conditions to unlock the said advanced jobs for rank up.

Well, the saving grace was clearing wasn't as handful as basic jobs...though that only applies if you know the conditions.

The basic requirements typically goes like---

  1. Raise the X job to X level.
  2. Raise the X skill/spell to X level.
  3. One of the values in status must surpass the minimal value.
  4. Change into an advanced job while equipping X equipment.
  5. Use X item.

The job promotion had these five categories that needed to be cleared.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Starting with the first requirement, one must have to cross a certain threshold.

If one wants to acquire the advanced job version, they would have to raise high-ranking basic job like <Sword Saint>, <Spellblade>, <Master Swordsman>, <Female Swordmaster>, <Miss Sword Girl> to their max level.

The key point here was X level. The job wouldn't appear if the level requirement doesn't match or if it was reset due to <Job Transfer>.

Following on, the second and third conditions were actually a kind of trap. One must have to be careful of what they're doing now else it would waste their build.

In sword saint case, the requirement for X could be unlocked by raising <Iron Slash> skill to LV10. Meanwhile a 【△△】would appear when the STR value crosses 500.

However the problem arises when you don\t know which <Skill> or <Spell> they needed to raise, what should be the skill level or till which point they need to increase their status. It was akin to shooting arrows in the dark and hoping they somehow score bull's eye. This required trial and error.

Well, the game had the save and load cheat so it was rather fun.

However SP and SUP were finite, and failure means losing their investment. No wait, or maybe not? One could peep at their list of available <Advanced Job> by using the ticket, and if they don't find any worthwhile job, they could cancel and the ticket would be returned.

Yeah, then it was simply a matter of trial and error.

I should discuss this with Chief Miston.

Anyway, coming to the 4th condition, requiring specific equipment while changing to an advanced job.

A befitting example would be the <Dragon Knight Princess>, where one needs to be in 'Riding A Dragon' state to make it appear. The dragon here meant a dragon mount which when equipped served as accessory equipment.

The other specific condition stood like 'must be equipped with certain equipment only found in Int-high' or the tougher being 'must be fully geared with high-ranking series equipment' or 'must equip specific high-grade equipment.'

Then again, a majority were reusable so it wasn't that hard, just troublesome/

And finally coming to the last condition, which required the usage of X item.

It wasn't as much of a convoluted process, and just as its name implies, one just needed the specific item to fulfil the condition.

Like, <Exalted Swordsman>, the advanced version of <Sword Saint>, requires <Calm Heart> or <Swordsmith> requires <Sacred Heart>.

The <Gladiator>, advanced version of <Great Warrior>, required <Heart of Protection>. <Destroyer> required <Heart of Fury>.

The <Heart> series items were all items that were used in high-low tier advanced jobs that could be 'excavated' from the Int-mid and above dungeon. They disappear inside the body when used. But they particularly provide no benefit in themselves, not even the status.

Also, there were plethora of jobs that required <Calm Heart> and <Heart of Fury> so they're particularly for the <Exalted Swordsman> or <Gladiator>. Right, it was also possible to create them. (Only god knows how one could create a heart).

Aside from that, the mid-tier advanced jobs use <Crystal> category items and <Jewels> in high-tier advanced job scenarios. Either of them were SR rarity items that could be 'excavated' from the Int-high or above dungeon. They're drop rate sucks, but it wasn't as bad compared to the ticket. And even that headache was nothing if we had the recipes to create those pieces.

But coming to reality, the <Heart>, <Crystal> and <Jewel> were all sufficiently available in this word. It was natural for them to pile up when the appearance rate of tickets were abysmal.

They're quite pricey due to their rarity but maybe because there was no one who had thought of clearing the condition beforehand, while not having the ticket itself, there were heaps of stock available to purchase. I guess people only buy when they get the tickets in their hands.

I digress but cut to chase, I already had the necessary items prepared for everyone present right now. Also, we were already scrambling to stock up on them for the rest of the members as well.

They're quite cheap compared to the game honestly. I bet their inventory must have been overflowing with those. No one knows about the future so it's better we purchase them as much as possible.

Besides, these <Heart>, <Crystal> and <Jewel> were only necessary for the special advancement route. They didn't make any difference when progressing through normal means. But it was possible to acquire the advanced job even without using them of course.

The items were required for the advanced route, and if one wanted to reach the pinnacle, one couldn't stay off this path.

Returning back to the topic, a high-low tier advanced job for everyone present was confirmed as long as they clear either of three requirements.

For the high-mid and top-tier advanced jobs, they would have to have <X category holder> to be qualified for high-mid tier advanced jobs.

Finally, for the top-tier advanced princess jobs, they need to clear 'special conditions.' However the 'special conditions' varied in so many types that the researched condition would likely be a waste 9 out of 10 times.

These were the hurdles to reach the top-tier advanced jobs.

While it was typically nearly tiresome, the reverse was true once you know them. It was time for Lana, Sierra and Ester to clear them.

First one was Sierra. The special advanced route for her was to...equip five shields at once.

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