Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 10 - Chapter 490 - Classes Resume! Introduction of a New System!

The final day of summer vacation, too, came to pass as we welcomed monday. At the same time, the classes were finally resuming from the long break.

On other hand, the guild <Eden> had started tapping on advanced jobs. The first member to have that chance was Sierra.

Well, we could only clear a part of it before calling the day, more so because we had started late, after dinner. Though I did have plans to go through them <Advanced Job Ascension> after classes.

But first of all, the classes need to end up quick! Ah, well it;s just opening ceremony, it wouldn't take long.

Like any other day, Hannah visited my room, we had breakfast together and left behind the aristocratic dormitory as we marched forward to the school building.

I waved goodbye to Hannah at the forked path and arrived at the <Combat Department 1st Year> school building.

"Holy crap, it really did return to its clean state!"

The summer festival themed decoration that had been put on the school building and courtyard yesterday had been cleaned up, leaving not a single trace that could hint there was ever a festival.

Phew, <Craftsmans> were truly a force to reckon.

As I reeled back in surprise internally, I noticed someone approaching me.

"Good morning, Zephyr-sama."

"Hey there, Celestin. It has been since...yesterday huh?"

It was Celestine.

But sheesh, can he please stop appearing out like ghost? It's bad for my heart. It just makes me suspicious that he keeps himself around......waiting for me? ......Ahaha, no way...yeah.

"Is there anything happening today?"

"Today we have the opening ceremony and a long homeroom session. I think we'll gather in the classroom first and then head to the gymnasium. Also, there seems to be an important announcement during today's long homeroom."

"An announcement? I hope it doesn't stretch long."

The <Advanced Princess Job> had been waiting for after all.

"I believe it will be by the morning."

"Woah, will it? That's one burden down then!"

I mean, it was common sense to have a half-day for the opening ceremony. Now that I had Celestine's confirmation, I would be able to focus on the advanced job resolution in the afternoon!

As Celestine and I arrived at the classroom, we saw it was already more than half filled.

It was still quite early if you ask me, but I guess they must not have been able to suppress their excitement to visit the classroom again after such a long time. I greeted others while entering.

"Good morning~"

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"Good morning, Zephyr!"

"Good morning, Zephyr."

"Good morning."

Lana, Sierra and Ester greeted back, taking notice of my entry.

I wonder what kind of wind had started blowing in, Lana appeared more upfront recently than ever before, like properly greeting back etc. Hmm, maybe it's better to say growing? I guess she must have had great deal of experience in this summer vacation.

I greeted the others and went back to my seat when the gloomy expression of the quartet jumped into my sight.

"Heya, you four. It's really been a long time, eh?"

I raised my voice in greeting.


"Why the long faces? Oh, I get it, you're feeling blue because summer break is over, right?"

"Over......? Ah, yeah. It certainly ended......hmm."

"Fufu, summer vacation? What kind of delicacy is it?"

"Alas, I betrayed my biceps. I couldn't give them the growth I wanted."

"This is why the study nerds are called armchair experts."

Whoa, what's with the doom and gloom? I couldn't feel their usual hyperactive aura. Normally, as soon as I showed up, they would go full gung-ho mode.

"Zephyr-sama, may I have a moment?"


Following Celestine's call, I moved over to the corner of the classroom where he explained to me the reason behind the quartet's gloomy expression.

Cut to chase, it seemed they had failed their first-term exams and had to spend summer vacation taking supplementary classes.

No, wait. I'm sure supplementary lessons were supposed to be only 10 days long? The situation was still bewildering to me until listening further to Celestine. Apparently, their home wasn't far away so they also had to make a round there.

They returned to the academy and got bogged down in supplementary classes, hardly able to enter the dungeon during summer break. And to further wham the final nail, supplementary lesson attendees also had the summer homework as a bonus, something they weren't aware of beforehand.

By the way, we didn't have any summer homework. Of course, this was a privilege only for us. And believe wouldn't want to fall into clutches of it.

"Alright, let's ask them to let the bygones be bygone."

"......Perhaps, yes."

This was the end of our discussion. Just as discussed, I urged them to focus ahead and forget the bygones, hearing which I saw them trembling as a blue vein popped out on their forehead. Well, it seems like their engine of energy had finally kicked off huh.

On the other hand, it seemed like <Machos>, too, had to take the supplementary lessons, though they managed to clear it by working out on their brain's muscles. ......Must have been some unique method.

As everyone mingled with other classmates, recouping the gap that had appeared in their friendship due to summer vacation, the time passed by in a jiffy and before we knew it, the chime rung. Phyllis-sensei and Ladvenna-sensei took their entry at the same instance.

"How do you do, everyone? It's really been a while, eh."

"Good morning, boys and girls. Did you enjoy your summer vacations?"

Phyllis-sensei was an eye-candy beauty like usual. She even seemed more mature than before.

Ladveena-sensei, too, was her usual self.

"Today's opening ceremony so we'll be first heading to gymnasium. We will held a long homeroom session after that and that would be it. Classes would resume normally starting tomorrow. I believe you all must be stuck in doldrums from summer vacation end, still don't forget to do your best."

It's an unwitting feeling, the encouraging words of Phyllis-sensei always compel you to work hard.

Alright, let's do our best!

Following the explanation of teachers, we all moved to gymnasium where we listened to their grateful speeches---though I would call them hypnotic words to induce sleep---and aftward, the rest of the details were informed to us in the long homeroom.

"Please pay attention everyone, I have something to announce. It seems like Kingdom has finally prepared the prototype system for the <Job Transfer>, so I believe it will soon be announced."


The classmates stirred faster than lightning as soon as Phyllis-sensei informed the class.

However, as everyone here already had high-ranking jobs, the buzz also dies down as quickly as it appears since it doesn't seem like the system would mean anything to them.

But as it was still one of the most discussed matter, everyone closely pay attention to Phyllis-sensei's words.

"It's to be expected that the number of <Job Transferee> advancing to high-ranking jobs would increase in the academy following the implementation. So, while encouraging for the <Job Transfer> system, the academy has also decided to also carry out the class change, which normally would have happened only once a year, coming December temporary."


It was a bombshell drop.

---Class Change.

One of the main annual event in the academy. Yet, what was supposed to happen once was now going to be twice. Academy sure had made up its mind huh.

Well, it would be for best if the <Job Transfer> led to the high tier job of a similar department. But if the ball happened to drop in another park, like a <Swordsman> from <Combat Departman> instead acquire <Seeker> from <Support Department>, then unless the situation was limited to handful of students, class change was obviously the optimal choice to reduce the confusion.

Also, since it was one of the cornerstones for the students, as which class they dropped into after class change could influence their future career too, it was taken very seriously.

Any resemblance of colour had vanished from the quartet's face sitting in front of me, but I guess they would be fine.

Meanwhile, irrespective of the huge bomb she had dropped on students, Phyllis-sensei continued."

"Furthermore, the class battle that should have taken place in December---<Class Versus Battle> will be going to happen next week."

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