Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 10 - Chapter 493 - Advanced Job Ascension - Sierra Edition

"I want you to acquire the strongest shield job.

Sierra's eyes rested over me for a while at my request. I was well aware it barely lasted for the seconds, however internally, it was like tens of minutes—or even hours had passed. I could feel my heartbeat unwittingly beating faster and faster.

Perhaps taken in by the sudden change in atmosphere, Lana and rest of the members, too, closed their mouths. For a moment, only silence drifted in the room.

It unravelled only when Sierra finally opened her mouth to answer my request.

"—Very well. I will take that strongest shield job you are recommending."

"Really?! Hurray! Thanks, Sierra!"

Yahoo, she agreed! I could finally have the strongest shielder!!

As I pumped my fist in my mind, 'however do remember it...,' Sierra continued.

"I have decided on it because you want me to. I hope you don't forget this fact."

"Of course! Fuhaha, I really am gratified. ‹Eden› will take another firm step closer to its goal! It's only a moment when others too know which is the strongest shield job!"

I took a triumphant pose, showing my inner job with my gestures, though the severeness behind Sierra's gaze hadn't toned down any bit.

"......You truly haven't gotten it down. What do I do with you...... Haa, anyway, of course you already somehow magically know how to get it as well, right?"

"Yup. First use this ‹Jewel of Sacred Heaven›, and then line up four ‹Small Shield› around the ‹Dragon Statue›. This is all you need."

"......I will be done immediately. Everything is fine but... isn't this the same item said to have no effect anywhere in the ‹Jewel› items?"


Receiving Sierra's nod, I took out the indispensable act for job ascension. Though when she glanced at it, the severeness of her stare went up by a notch or two.

However ‹Jewel of Sacred Heaven› was the rarest of item in ‹Jewel›, and also the most used one. Huh, they have yet to realise its usage? I was sure atleats 20% of ‹Advanced Princess Job› use them.

Oh, that unravels the mystery that I couldn't wrap my head around. I was totally stumped why they're available for so cheap.

Normally, one alone would cost a high amount, so when I found the unbelievably cheap price in the market, I ended up buying a lot. ......Oh well, I am sure we would require them!

Anyway, this should be enough to complete the prerequisite.

"Try it, Sierra."

"Alright, but......"

Sierra accepted the 20cm big ‹Jewel of Sacred Heaven›, gleaming with pale-blue shine, from me. It was shaped like a world cup trophy, though Sierra appeared put off for some reason.

But having made her mind, she corrected her expression to a sharp one, closed her eyes and slowly channelled her mana into it.

Consequently, the gleam of ‹Jewel of Sacred Heaven› increased in intensity and started to turn into effect particles. Before long, it completely vanished, meanwhile the dancing particles disappeared in the body of Sierra, as if being absorbed in her body.

The scene struck as phenomenal, Sierra looked really cool amidst the radiance of pale blue particles and most of all...she looked prettiest.

"It looks so beautiful."

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"You look so amazing, Sierra-san......"


Somehow, Ester, Lana, Hannah and Karua had appeared beside me, unknown to my notice. Perhaps they had stepped up to take a firsthand look at the fantastical spectacle being played out.

Well, I could relate since I had forget breathing when I first look at it, such was the charm of it. Whoever thought of this effect was a damn genius!

However it only lasted for few second, and at end the item consumption effect come to an end.

"Ah, it ended. What a shame."

"I really wanted to see it for a while longer."

"Can you please not be so straight? It really...embarrass me."

Woahhh! Sierra averted her eyes out of embarrassment! So priceless!

"Are you tired, Sierra-san? Would you like to have tea?"

"Thank you for the offer, Hannah. But I'm fine. I will have it later."

No, Hannah. How did you even come to serving tea topic? Also, I'm sure eating or drinking was not allowed in this ‹Measurement Room›.

"Now you just need to put these four shields around the statue."

I took out a few rare ‹Small Shield› from my ‹Item Box›.

They're not as rough looking as ‹Infinite Shield› from yesterday, but with a more sophisticated white outlook and abilities much better than it. Well, there was no deeper significance why I was using them, it's just these looked far more fitting to use instead of crude ‹Infinite Shield›. Their white, metallic surface looked quite beautiful as light bounced over the surface.

Sierra carefully placed them around the ‹Dragon Statue›, completing the basic arrangments.

"I'm done."

"Nice, now will you touch the ‹Dragon Statue›? I believe it should appear now."

"......I can feel my heart racing to be honest."

With this, all the preparation were laid.

The prerequisite for unlocking ‹Sanctified Shield Princess› was—


  1. ‹Shield Princess› must be at LV75.
  2. Status value of ‹VIT› and ‹RES› should be above 400.
  3. Use ‹Jewel of Sacred Heaven›.
  4. While equipped with five shields, hold your forte against the attack of 300 monsters.
  5. When opting for Advanced Job Ascension, place four small shields around the ‹Dragon Statue›.


This was just the specific template for an advanced job, otherwise the general ‹Advanced Job Ascension› condition were—

  1. Raise the X job to XX LV.
  2. Certain Stat values must pass the minimum threshold.
  3. Use item X.
  4. ‹Special Condition›.
  5. ‹Special Condition›.

The other conditions like must have X category etc were already fulfilled when acquiring ‹Shield Princess›. In their place were two ‹Special Conditions›.

Everything was set, all that was left was to check the list.

Enacting the scene from a while back, Sierra held the ‹Advance Job Ascension Ticket› closer to heart while her other hand touched the head of ‹Dragon Statue›. Immediately, a familiar list popped up...albeit, there was a new addition to the list—‹Sanctified Shield Princess›.

Sierra turned to glance at me for the confirmation, I responded with a thumbs up. Go for it, girl!

"—Select ‹Sanctified Shield Princess›."

The instant Sierra murmured the name, the list zoomed in on the ‹Sanctified Shield Princess›, while other options disappeared.

With her confirmation, ‹Shield Princess› disappeared, changing into ‹Sanctified Shield Princess›.


For a split second, white fireflies like twinkling of light appear around Sierra. Then the four ‹Small Shield› rose up in the end and moved around Sierra like dancing into the sky.

"W-Whoa, what's going on?"

"It's the animation for ‹Advanced Princess Job›."


I replied to Sierra as her startled voice echoed, though she replied with another doubt.

Well, yeah. I mean, the effect doesn't play out when transitioning into a normal ‹Advanced Job›. It's reserved only for when someone is changing into certain top order jobs.

It was the touching effort of developers to motivate players to not just stop at one point, but that they should continue their journey. True enough, players did put effort in finding the condition of other jobs just to see the exclusive animation. Nice one, developers!

Back to reality, man, it sure is beautiful despite that...... To be frank, the game's effect was actually quite pale compared to it. It was like seeing a part of a parade and getting overwhelmed by it.

Still, it didn't abate how stellar the performance was, absolutely glamorous. Even the four girls, who couldn't stop themselves from commenting a while back, had completely become spellbound, uttering no word to break the beautiful illusion.

Alas, the effect disappeared just as suddenly as it appeared. One by one, the ‹Small Shield› stopped hovering and returned to their original spot.

Ugh, what a pity. It truly ended so soon. But at least, it made it clear Sierra's job ascension was successful.

"Sierra. Congratulations on moving to advanced job ‹Sanctified Shield Princess›!"

I uttered my congratulations.

—‹Sanctified Shield Princess›.

By manipulating the four hovering shields, thus they protect the party. This was the essence of the strongest shield job, which was now Sierra's.

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