Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

When I came to, I found myself lying in the house of the shopkeeper. It seemed he had moved me there after I had fainted suddenly. I was grateful to him for his rare kindness.

“Thank you very much.”

“What are you doing trying to become a courier?”

“I thought it would be the easiest way to make a living.”

“Being a courier is a very demeaning and strenuous job… Tsk, tsk.”

The shopkeeper clicked his tongue, and I had to agree. Couriers were somewhat part of the martial world but fundamentally were laborers employed in the transportation business. Among couriers, it was rare to find someone who had mastered high-level martial arts. Most lived their entire lives with mediocre skills and met a pitiful end. Perhaps, making a living as a shopkeeper like the one before me was easier.

The shopkeeper spoke again.

“I’m sorry, but I’m too busy making a living to take care of you. Have some water and be on your way.”

“No, I’m grateful enough.”

“As I said earlier, there’s no courier agency around here. You have to cross several mountains to reach Wanghe, where the Sagong Courier Agency is.”

He then handed me some decent-looking clothes. They seemed to be hastily tailored from pre-existing garments to fit me.

“Uh, I don’t have any money…”

“Just take it. In these times, looking like a beggar attracts more misfortune than good.”

“… Thank you. May I know your name?”

“Ha-ha, everyone calls me shopkeeper Song.”

“Alright. Goodbye.”

Changing into the new clothes, I left the inn and made a resolution.

‘I will somehow repay the kindness from Three Pine’s Jang-cheol and Shopkeeper Song, one way or another.’

I knew too well how difficult and arduous it is to give something for free in this harsh world. I’ve never helped anyone when there was no gain for myself. Both Jang-cheol and Shopkeeper Song were no different from me but were willing to help others at their own expense. That alone was incredible. If I didn’t return the favor, I’d be no better than a wretched person.

I moved again, this time heading towards Wanghe. On the way, I got better at hunting wild animals, so the frequency of roasting meat increased. In the region around Huangshan mountain, I didn’t see any bandits, likely due to the presence of several minor martial arts sects including the Huangshan Sect.


I found a cold waterfall and pulled up my inner energy to protect myself while I washed my dirtied body. Usually, one could catch a cold, but I had enough nutrition and well-trained inner energy, so I didn’t feel very cold. After drying my clothes, I felt considerably refreshed.

Upon arriving in the Wanghe area, locating the Sagong Courier Agency was relatively easy. I was unfamiliar with the Huangshan region, but Sagong was the biggest courier guild around. After inquiring about a few locals, I quickly found the place easily.

Standing in front of the Sagong Courier Agency’s signage, I paused to think.

‘Sagong Courier Agency… I’ve heard it was established by the Sagong family, but know little else. Is it alright to entrust my life here? Well, I have no other options right now…’

Shortly after, I entered the Sagong Courier Agency.


“Hey, move that load over here!”

“Who didn’t stamp this? Rookie, take this and get it stamped~”

“Yes, brother!”

Inside, true to a courier agency, many people were busy moving goods and preparing for transport. Despite the hectic atmosphere, I knew I had to approach the courier head.

“Excuse me, I want to become a courier. Would you consider taking me in?”

“Huh?! Kid, stop joking around! We’re busy; go away!”

I had asked one of the couriers as a test, but he just scowled and dismissed me. After all, most couriers are laborers, so a kid in their early to mid-teens wanting to join them would sound absurd. Even I would have responded the same way. This time, I decided to ask properly.

“Where can I find the courier head of the Sagong Courier Agency?”

“Huh?! The leader is right there, the one in white!”


I followed the direction of the courier’s finger. Indeed, there was a person unlike the others, dressed in a high-quality white robe. From the person’s dignified appearance, it was clear that they were not born into the courier profession but likely came from a more refined background.

However, something else surprised me.

‘A woman?’

Indeed. The individual identified as the ‘courier head’ was a beautiful woman dressed in white robes. She seemed even prettier than Mrs. Seo, the mistress of the village chief whom I had seen before. She appeared to be in her mid-twenties, her facial features were neat, and her skin was flawless. Most notably, her clear eyes seemed to magnetize anyone’s gaze, proving that she possessed extraordinary beauty.

However, this female courier head was truly a being I had never seen or heard of before. While it is true that a courier head handles more administrative tasks than a regular courier and is better paid, the job fundamentally involves physical labor and exertion. It was unheard of for such a delicate woman to be a courier head.

But as soon as I saw her casually strolling around and observing her surroundings, I could instantly understand why.

“She’s mastered martial arts!”

Her movements were efficient and poised. This is a phenomenon that only appears when one has mastered the art of ‘stepping skills’ to ascendence level. Every step she took seemed to encapsulate the essence of martial arts. She must have at least second-tier level martial arts skills, making her more than qualified to be a courier head.

I cautiously approached the female courier head and said, “I’ve come to become a courier!”


She turned her head as if unexpectedly and looked at me. The moment I saw her face head-on, I felt like my mind went blank. I thought she looked like a work of art even from the side, but seeing her up close, head-on, the term unparalleled beauty was truly fitting.

A beauty that could overturn a nation!

“Wow… this is the first time in my life I’m seeing someone this beautiful.”

Her beauty was so overwhelming that I found myself simply muttering in awe rather than experiencing any lustful desires. This was the first time I found out that such a beauty existed in a mere courier agency. She gently smiled and stroked my cheek.

“Little one, what’s your name?”

“My name is Baek-woong.”

“I am Sagong Rin, the head of the Sagong Courier Agency. Sorry, but you’re too young to be a courier, so how about starting off as a laborer?”

Her offer seemed like a form of consideration for a child, but I couldn’t accept it.

If I work as a laborer, I’ll be stuck doing menial jobs endlessly. I knew that being a courier, who only had to handle cargo and escort duties, was much easier, so I shook my head vehemently.

“I can fully handle the duties of a courier!”


Sagong Rin smiled as if in a tight spot. That light smile also had the magical force to make many men’s hearts flutter. Indeed, the laborers and couriers around us were sneakily stealing glances at her, clearly captivated. Although they held different ranks, it seemed like their male instincts couldn’t help but be drawn to Sagong Rin.

“Do you know what a courier does?”

“As much as anyone else does.”

“To be a courier, you must at least have some martial arts skills and physical strength. You’re quite young, so…”

“Watch this.”


Before Sagong Rin could finish her sentence, I used the [Silent Thunder Steps] and swiftly approached a nearby cargo piece. It was as large as one pyeong, resembling a hefty wooden ornament. It was clearly heavy enough that it would require at least three or four strong men to move it.


But I effortlessly lifted the massive wooden piece above my head with both hands. I could’ve done it with one hand, but I wanted to avoid appearing overly strong, so I lifted it stably.


“What kind of strength is that…”

“Is that a kid’s strength?”

The surrounding couriers and laborers murmured in astonishment. Indeed, the weight was something that not even a grown man could lift, even if he came back to life. It was an item that needed two or three skilled laborers to move it properly. Naturally, they were amazed that a kid like me could lift it.

Sagong Rin also looked surprised, then said, “Ah… you have substantial inner energy. You’re the child of a prominent martial arts family, aren’t you?”

She must’ve recognized that I lifted it using the energy of the [Thunder Dragon Breath Technique]. As there was no point in hiding it, I admitted it vaguely to Sagong Rin.

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“I lost my parents early and have been looking for a place to apply the martial arts I’ve learned. I really want to work as a courier.”

“Wait here for a moment.”


She disappeared into the compound with a dream-like step that seemed as if clouds were fluttering. It looked like she went inside a building, but I had no idea where she was going. I realized that her martial arts skills surpassed even my own.

‘That’s not a level of martial arts that a courier head should have. Could she be stronger than me in my second life before dying?’

At least a first-rate master!

The martial arts Sagong Rin mastered was not the self-taught martial arts developed over a long period by couriers through hard work and perseverance. It was undoubtedly a first-rate martial art that had been passed down for generations in a renowned martial arts family. The fact that she used her movement techniques to such an imperceptible level indicated that her martial arts skills were high enough to defeat several couriers easily.

I waited awkwardly, receiving the gazes of the couriers. And I realized that the Sagong Courier Agency was no ordinary place.

‘Sagong Courier Agency… Sagong Rin… Could this courier house be operated by the direct descendants of the Sagong family? Then the martial arts of the higher-ranking officers here would be comparable to those of any major martial arts clan.’

It’s surprising that such a place isn’t famous throughout the Central Plains. My heart fluttered at the thought of learning many things I didn’t know while going through reincarnations1. Will I eventually become omniscient and boast of unparalleled knowledge as I travel through the Central Plains?

After a while, Sagong Rin returned with three swordsmen in white robes (白衣: Baegui). They looked different from Sagong Rin, each with a sharp demeanor and good looks. As someone who’s been unattractive since childhood, I felt somewhat inferior. They must be Sagong Rin’s relatives.

The tall white-robed swordsman who stood at the front glared at me intently.

[TL/N: The white robe prob look smthg like this


“Follow us!”


They turned their backs and walked away briskly. I followed and soon found myself in an empty square where there was no sign of people. The white-robed swordsman spoke.

“Rin-ah2 told me that your martial arts skills are extraordinary for your age. You must be from a prestigious martial arts family. State your origins and the roots of your martial arts.”

Considering he called Sagong Rin ‘Rin-ah, it seemed he was close kin. They certainly had similarities in appearance, and he too was handsome. I responded curtly.

“Is that really necessary? I’ve already told you my name and situation.”

“I’m sorry, but the Sagong Clan is not in a situation where we can casually get entangled with matters of the martial world. If you can’t reveal it, we’ll have no choice but to turn you away regardless of how strong you are.”

They seemed to think I was a runaway youngster from a prestigious family, which could be problematic given the clan-based operations of the Sagong Clan.

I found myself at a loss for words. My martial arts were secret techniques from Azure Dragon Martial Hall, and if any of them were perceptive, I’d be at a loss. I could only vaguely claim to be the child of someone from Azure Dragon Martial Hall, but that was doubtful at best.

After some thought, I decided to take a gamble.

“Actually, the martial arts I know are family secrets. I’ve had to fend for myself since my parents passed away. How can I earn your trust?”

One misstep and they might realize that my techniques are from Azure Dragon Martial Hall, but I was betting they didn’t know. Given how far away Azure Dragon Martial Hall was, it seemed unlikely.

The handsome man who’d been questioning me chuckled.

“Let’s put you to the test then. Hyun3!”

A white-robed swordsman named Sagong Hyun stepped forward, his primary weapon appeared to be a sword. The handsome man tossed wooden swords to both of us.

“Spar with Sagong Hyun using these wooden swords for fifty seconds. I will find out your origins based on this.”

As I caught the wooden sword, I spoke.

“You’ve been quite brusque since earlier; may I know your name?”

“Hmm? You have a lot of nerve…”

Caught off-guard, the man responded.

“I am Sagong Pae4.”

“So, you are related to Sagong Rin?”

“He’s my younger brother. Everyone here is also a close relative.”

I see.

‘Let’s see how this goes.’

Even though my body hasn’t fully grown, the martial arts I’ve trained are intact in my memory. Moreover, I’ve loosened up enough traveling through mountains and forests to get here. Other than my smaller physique, there shouldn’t be much of a skill gap.

We took positions with our wooden swords, maintaining a good distance. We stared each other down before lunging forward.

The first attack was tentative from both sides, the following strikes clashing intensely. Sparks flew as if part of an illusion before piercing like lightning.


“Wha…?! How can this be?”

The conclusion came in just seven moves. My fluid sword technique had effortlessly found its way through his defenses, breaking Sagong Hyun’s wooden sword in half. Pressing the broken tip of my sword against his neck, my victory was indisputable.


“Can’t believe this.”

Sagong Rin’s voice of admiration was heard. Seeing Sagong Pae’s flustered face gave me some satisfaction.

‘Has my inner power increased compared to before I died? Did my inner strength advance while I was in the barn?’

“Things ended quickly, so I couldn’t really show you what my martial arts are about.”

“Hmm… I see. Among your peers, you truly have no match.”

Wait, he’s genuinely impressed?

My enthusiasm deflated a bit. I was expecting him to react poorly out of a sense of inferiority, but he remained calm. My expectation that Sagong Pae would challenge me himself also proved wrong.

“Rin-ah, you try him next.”

“Yes, big brother.”


Upon seeing Sagong Rin holding a wooden sword and walking out, I was taken aback. Why would Sagong Rin come out? I naturally thought it would be Sagong Pae who would come out and demonstrate his formidable skills, but things didn’t go as planned. Fighting against a woman felt awkward, and competing with Sagong Rin made me think I would likely lose.

“Wouldn’t it be more appropriate for your brother, Sagong Pae, to step forward?”

Sagong Pae shook his head.

“Not likely. Rin-ah is much stronger than me. If you want to gauge your abilities, then Rin-ah should be the one to face you.”


Sagong Pae admitted nonchalantly that he was weaker than a woman, but not a single expression changed among the couriers standing next to him. This was proof that they all recognized Sagong Rin as the strongest without hesitation.

As I looked at Sagong Rin, she had already assumed her stance.

The dignified, black-haired beauty holding a wooden sword was a picture in itself. Upon locking eyes with Sagong Rin, she gave me a slight smile and spoke.

“Please take care of me.”

Her tone was half-respectful. So, I also acted politely in response.

“Yes, likewise.”

I felt slightly tense. It was wrong to underestimate her for being a woman; I had to give my full effort.


As the duel began, our swords clashed rapidly, and in an instant, about ten seconds had passed. Amidst the gust-like frenzied sword attacks, I tried to find an opening, but Sagong Rin’s sword qi was incomparably meticulous and fast, unlike anything I had experienced with Sagong Hyun. Moreover, each of her strikes carried significant weight, making it awkward to counter with brute force alone.



I felt blood spurt from my hand as the swords clashed. The internal strength carried in Sagong Rin’s sword strikes was so formidable that I felt slightly injured. Surprisingly, Sagong Rin’s internal power was much higher than my current level.

Swish, swish.

Suddenly, Sagong Rin’s body spun like a top and like a phantom, she struck from twelve different directions. I hastily activated my dynamic vision to parry Sagong Rin’s attack, but I was not perfect. In the end, I was struck on the ribcage and the thigh.

Soon, Sagong Rin pointed her wooden sword at my clavicle, leaving me no choice but to admit defeat.

“I’ve lost.”

I felt a sense of self-reproach.

I thought I had become strong enough to not be looked down upon after undergoing my third regression, but to think that I would be so weak as to lose against a woman? I was aware there were many people stronger than me in the world, but it still felt unfair.

However, the reactions from the couriers were different. Especially Sagong Pae, who seemed genuinely surprised and coughed awkwardly.

“Hm, hmhm… To last a hundred and fifty seconds against Rin-ah… you’re a frighteningly promising kid.”

“That’s amazing. How did you achieve that level of internal power at your age?”



They seemed purely amazed by the fact that I had lasted a hundred and fifty seconds against Sagong Rin, not that I had lost. This meant Sagong Rin’s capabilities were much higher than I had assumed. Sagong Pae asked Sagong Rin.

“Rin-ah, can you tell which martial arts that kid uses?”

Sagong Rin stared into my eyes as if trying to see through me. Her eyes were so clear that I felt breathless for a moment. At the same time, rather than feeling defeated, I felt a sudden surge of possessiveness, wanting to make her mine someday. 

Soon, Sagong Rin smiled openly.

“I’m not sure. What little hero Baek-woong said seems true.”

“Hmm… If you say so, it must be.”

A moment later, Sagong Pae ruffled my hair contentedly and said, “Great! I’ll accept you as a new courier of the Sagong Courier Agency.”

That day, I went to meet Sagong Hwan, the owner of the Sagong Courier Agency. He appeared to be a middle-aged man in his early 50s, and he looked quite stern. After listening to Sagong Pae’s explanation and my match result with Sagong Rin, his eyes gleamed with interest.

“An outstanding young man. Work hard for our Sagong Courier Agency in the future.”

“Yes, agency master.”

From then on, I formally became a courier of the Sagong Courier Agency.

After getting Sagong Hwan’s approval, I received the new courier’s emblem, clothing, and weapons. After changing my clothes, I somehow looked like a bumpkin. However, I was grateful for the job, knowing that it would suffice for my living expenses.

On my way to the lodging, I encountered Sagong Rin again. It seemed like she had been waiting for me as she looked directly into my eyes when she saw me.

A moment later, I was struck by lightning.

“[Little hero, what’s your relation with Azure Dragon Martial Hall]?”


[Sound Transmission]!

A certification of a true master, or someone who has reached the peak stage, had resonated. Only the Chief Instructor Jin So-cheong could do this among those I’ve seen. Sagong Rin revealing this meant that she’s at an advanced stage of martial arts. It was also proof that she held back while fighting with me earlier.

Moreover, she seemed to have recognized my martial arts as originating from Azure Dragon Martial Hall. I managed my expression and responded calmly.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Is that so…?”

She smiled like a pure flower and continued, “I’m not bragging, but I have been taught by the Grand Old Master of Mount Tai. The Threefold Expert, Lee Gwang, the master of Azure Dragon Martial Hall, and Grand Old Man of Mount Tai are old friends. So, when I was studying in Mount Tai, I had the chance to witness Threefold Expert Lee Gwang’s martial arts directly.”


Mount Tai’s Grand Old Master.

That name would remain as the greatest legend in the righteous faction even thirty years later, and even now. He is the eldest martial artist living among the orthodox factions and a top-ranked Ten Martial Arts Master in the world, revered by all in the Mount Tai region.

‘So that was it! Sagong Rin was a once-in-a-lifetime genius who was taught by Mount Tai’s Grand Old Master!’

It made sense why even her elder brother Sagong Pae and other Sagong martial artists respected her so much. She probably entered the esteemed old  master’s tutelage after surpassing everyone in her family.

In fact, Sagong Rin could be deemed as one of the top five emerging talents in the central plains at this point!

I had competed against such a being. Of course, Sagong Rin must have gone easy on me, but it was still suffocating to unexpectedly encounter such a grand being. Seeing me lost for words, Sagong Rin gently caressed my cheek.

“It seems like you have your reasons, little hero. And after crossing swords, I could tell you’re not evil.”

“… Thank you.”

I realized that she had purposely let some things slide even though she knew everything. Had she twisted the facts, the Azure Dragon Martial Hall would have been immediately summoned, leading to an intense interrogation to verify the truth, complicating matters further. But thanks to her consideration for me, hiding the truth on purpose, I was able to become a wandering courier martial artist.

Sagong Rin smiled brightly.

“I hope you, Little Hero, can find what you’re looking for in our group from now on.”

I watched her silhouette disappear into the distance.

And then a thought crossed my mind.

Could I ever win her heart?

Setting aside the age gap, would there come a day when I could properly talk to her?

‘… Probably not.’

Another glaring weakness of mine came to mind, something I hadn’t wanted to think about while focusing on gaining strength.

I am ugly.

As a child, my face still has youthful features, making me look a bit less ugly. But fundamentally, I am not good-looking.

Even in adulthood, my appearance would be below average, making even ordinary women unattainable for me. The reason I never married during my first life as a wandering martial artist was because of this. Women would be repulsed just by looking at my face, killing any feelings.

“… Even if I become stronger by practicing martial arts, there’s nothing I can do about my looks.”

I don’t have to date or marry Sagong Rin. However, thinking about her and considering my situation and position, I was once again flooded with a sense of self-loathing. Even if I were to possess the world’s greatest martial arts, my congenital appearance is something I can’t change.

‘Let’s snap out of it.’

I lowered my head and entered the room.

Muttering the wisdom that Jin So-cheong had given me,

“It’s not too late to think about it after becoming stronger.”

  1. The word MC used here is reincarnation instead of regression.[↩]
  2. The suffix -ah is term for endearments for people close to you.[↩]
  3. Derived from the character, 顯 = Manifest, evident, clear[↩]
  4. Derived from the character, 覇= Rule by might over right[↩]

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