Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 15: The Unimaginable Figure

Chapter 15: The Unimaginable Figure

Hey, kiddo, isnt your mouth a bit too sharp? Do you eat rags for every meal?

Instead of getting angry at Shirons taunts, the slender-framed man just shrugged them off as if they were amusing.


Shiron wiped the blood smeared on his face with his sleeve.

It was as expected. Outside the cave, there was a body without a single scratch. The only person within Shirons knowledge who would do such a bizarre thing was the woman before him.

Why is this person cross-dressing?

A woman.

For some reason, the woman in front of him was dressed as a man.

He didnt know why and didnt care to find out. What mattered was that her disguise hadnt fooled Shirons sharp eyes.

One more to the count.

Shiron gripped his longsword in reverse. His combat excitement was waning, lessening the anger in his voice. Yet, his irritation towards his opponent had not subsided. He didnt like being threatened in this situation.

You act so arrogantly without even knowing your place. How amusing.

Arrogant? Amusing?

Unfamiliar words.

The person no, the woman, lost her smile and frowned. Being looked down upon by this audacious kid, even for her, wasnt an easily dismissible situation.

Kiddo, we just met, but what do you know to be talking so big? Im genuinely curious.

I know as much as I know.

And he truly did. It wasnt an exaggeration, nor bravado.

Shiron knew very well who she was.

Her slender body, the unique way she spoke, and, crucially, the shape of the short sword she carried. Even with her disguise, he was certain of her identity.

Special Task Force of the Police Bureau, Berta. By rank maybe by now, a lieutenant?

Unlike the bandits he just dealt with, she was a character frequently seen in the game. He was glad to see her, but he was bothered by the fact that she shouldnt have been here.

In this bonus stage, [Brothers Relic], there shouldnt be any NPCs.

Berta? I am Alrain. And the Police Bureau

Was it because he revealed her identity? Her voice was slightly trembling. Shiron cut her off as if he couldnt tolerate any more of her words.

Dont dodge it. Did you think I would be fooled by such a pathetic disguise?

Is that so? Then it doesnt matter.

Berta touched her face and removed her human skin mask.

A graceful lady with shiny black hair cut to her shoulders. Her face, which had been hidden, was now revealed.

Until now, no one ever realized my disguise.

Bertas heavily modulated voice returned to its original tone.

And Im not a lieutenant. I was promoted to inspector not long ago.

Berta smirked.

The fact that her identity was revealed by this little kid was something.

Due to the nature of the Special Task Force, where they had to operate in secrecy, she didnt reveal her identity readily, and most enemies who knew her face met their end at her hands.

In ways that left no trace, making them impossible to identify.

That was why Berta was more shaken than usual.

So? Who are you? I even doubt if youre genuinely this young. Its the first time Ive heard of a kid who knows about me.

Darn. Youre tense.

It was understandable why Berta was this tense.

How could she not be when a kid, seemingly wet behind the ears, saw through her disguise and knew her true identity?

Shiron chuckled.

In the game, she makes her appearance roughly ten years from now. At that time, she was still an inspector, so it was funny that she hadnt been promoted in 10 years.


Things were going as planned.

I dont care why a high-ranking person like you is in disguise and teaming up with thieves. Dont you think your life is too precious to be wasted for the nation?

Precious life?

Why are you so relaxed? Your skills are mediocre.

Suddenly, Berta felt the weight of her sheathed blade lessen.


Dont move. Ill kill you.


Berta realized that her beloved weapon, the Formless Sword, was now placed right near her neck.


Was it not one, but two of them?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Berta swallowed her saliva. She hadnt noticed their approach.

However, she felt aggrieved. Her senses werent so dull as to be easily threatened by a mere kid who slays people like animals.

Suddenly, she wondered if the kid had deliberately deceived her, knowing her identity.

She felt sickened.

Ive never been so careless.

Oh really? Maybe youve just become weaker than that guy. If you survive this, you should train harder.

Berta felt the warm sensation of the blade on her neck. The person behind her pressed the blade without hesitation as if ready to take her life.

Dont even twitch a finger. Your breath reeks of alcohol, so breathe softly. And Shiron. What do you need to watch out for next?


Keep an eye on that one. He might use magic, so be careful if he moves his lips.

Got it.

The boy spoke as if he was joking, but the girl emanated a palpable threat. Berta instinctively sensed the warning without needing words and broke into a cold sweat.

How did I not notice someone giving off such a strong presence? What kind of kid is this?

Berta decided to start with an explanation.

Young man Shiron, right? Lets resolve this with words. Theres probably some misunderstanding between us.

Youre quite concise.

Wont we talk?

You talked about killing me earlier. Youre quite the comedian.

I often hear that Im funny. Sir.

Berta forced a laugh to survive. It seemed like Shiron thought of something amusing, as he smirked.

Now, strip.


Berta looked stunned.

Inside a cold cave.

A woman, wearing only her underwear, was tied up and shivering.

Hey, you have a better figure than I expected. Quite sexy.

Its just clothes. I usually look skinnier. Sir.

Berta responded with a forced laugh, trying to match Shirons mood. She faced an unexpected form of harassment, but she didnt object, wanting to survive.

Wow, there isnt a single place you havent hidden a weapon. Why are modern spies so sneaky?

Well, its just the special forces. Sir. The regular troops respect honor.

Honor? What crap. Lucia, this looks good. You take it.

Thanks, Shiron.

This woman, shes like a goldmine. Ah, Ill take this one.

Shiron rummaged through Bertas belongings, humming a tune, while Lucia kept a sharp eye on Berta.

Once he finished, Shiron stretched out.

I cant use that trick again. I need to get stronger fast.

To divert the enemys attention, the blood he had purposefully smeared had a terrible smell.

After all, it was the blood of thieves who had only consumed alcohol and meat. It was sticky and had a foul odor.

But he felt no regret. Thanks to that, he easily subdued Berta, known as the crazy woman of the special forces. Grateful for the fact, Shiron wiped the blood off using Bertas shirt, which felt quite luxurious.


Shiron faced Berta.

Lets hear why a spy like you is with these thieves.

Shiron. She was talking about honor earlier. Why dont we just kill her? If we dont torture her, she might not talk.

Its a misunderstanding, little lady. Ill explain everything. Ask any questions you might have.


Who was this brat?

Lucia looked down at Berta with a cold gaze. She was quite displeased. Lucia worried about the empires future, wondering how such a woman reached the position of a law enforcement inspector. Such things never happened while Kyrie was alive.

You should be ashamed enough to bite your tongue and end your life.

Its just a police position, after all. What could I possibly know? Just like you said, Im also just a salaryman.

Enough with the noise.

Shiron interrupted the conversation as if he couldnt stand to listen any longer.

Lets clear up the misunderstanding. Depending on what you say, Ill decide what to do.

A life and death decision.

Bertas life was in Shirons hands.

However, Shiron didnt have any intention to kill Berta.

Berta played a significant role in a future parliamentary terrorist attack event.

Building a relationship now for the future might not be a bad choice.

He might have chosen a more harmonious method if she hadnt been so arrogant. But what could he do? She brought it on herself.

That is to say

Berta weakly lowered her head and licked her lips.

Embarrassingly, I got lost.


I was about to freeze to death when I found a bandits lair nearby. I thought Id stay there until the winter ended. Of course, I planned to kill them all when spring came.

The corpses up ahead, you killed them as an example?

Ah. You saw that? Yes, I did.

At that moment, Lucia chimed in.

Where were you headed? If you lost your way, you must have had a destination?

The Devils Castle.

Berta hesitated and then weakly replied.

You, why are you so hesitant? Whats the Devils Castle? Speak clearly, or Ill cut off your fingers.

At the mention of the unknown term Devils Castle, Lucia angrily made a threatening gesture, yet her expression was oddly excited.

Its true! I received clear instructions from the higher-ups. Its the Devils Castle. If you check my coat pocket, theres a piece of paper.

Shiron, as per Bertas words, checked the coat pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

On the paper was a clear mention of the Devils Castle. Shiron scanned the document, which even had illustrations. It was quite an official mission order.

Isnt this Dawn Castle?

The sketch featured a panoramic view of Dawn Castle drawn in charcoal. The true identity of the Devils Castle was the Dawn Castle of Prient.

Heh. How did it turn out like this?

Shiron chuckled while touching his forehead. Lucia was curious about why Shiron laughed.

Why? Is there something funny written?

Yes, something amusing is written.


Shiron flung his coat at Berta, who looked confused by the situation.

This girl, the paper is an order to watch the succession ceremony of Prient and then write a report. Dress appropriately, Officer Berta.

First, you have to untie me.

Lucia, just untie her legs.

Following the order, Lucia draped the coat over Berta and tied new ropes above it. After that, she untied the ropes from Bertas feet. Lucia was quite skilled.

Officer Berta.


Shiron seemed to have a rough idea of why Berta, who shouldnt be here, was present and why she hadnt been promoted until now.

Are you aware that the succession ceremony is the day after tomorrow?

I dont.

Can you guess who I am?

I dont

You. Are you ostracized within your organization?

Bertas face turned pale at Shirons pointed question. It seemed he hit a sore spot. Lucia looked at Berta disdainfully.

To begin with, the Special Task Force never had any expectations of you. They openly employed you, hoping for your failure.


The mission doesnt mention Lucia or me. Even if it mentions Lucia, why doesnt it mention me?

That means

Bertas face went pale.

The boys identity was becoming clearer.

A child related to the succession ceremony.


Shiron Prient.

Bertas eyes widened in realization. She almost killed the VIP designated by the higher-ups. She broke into a cold sweat at this realization.

On the other hand, Shiron smirked. He saw a path to make Officer Berta his own.

You, who is so incompetent and rigid. I have quite an interesting proposal.


For now, follow me.

Berta blankly watched the retreating figure of the boy.

What are you doing? Hurry up and follow.

Ah! Understood!

Seeing Bertas dumbfounded expression, Lucia poked her buttocks with a knife.

So damn unlucky.

Tears welled up in Bertas eyes, lamenting her pitiful situation.

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