Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 182: Knowing How To Wrap Things Up

Chapter 182: Knowing How To Wrap Things Up

Having returned to the expedition, Shiron volunteered for the extermination squad without being asked.

His absence wasn’t due to regret for leaving his post without formalities. Shiron was never one to mind others’ business, and his engineering unit had already completed their mission of expanding the front lines early.

After all, wasn’t his engineering unit composed of prisoners dumped there by a grumpy emperor? Thus, fulfilling their role wasn’t easy, and since no one at headquarters expected much, a lenient view was likely even if he didn’t step forward.

However, Shiron saw this as an opportunity to raise his reputation. Whether he liked it or not, the expedition showed no signs of ending.

“Is Hugo’s absence that significant?”

No matter how strong Hugo’s individual power might be, it was strange that an expedition, which should typically take half a year, had continued for over a year.

The essence of the expedition was ultimately demon hunting.

If they dried up the seed of the monsters that came over the mountains, it would be a simple end.

Shiron had no hesitation in executing the plan he had devised.

As such, another fortnight passed.


A massive vibration shook the mountain range.

The tremor felt like an earthquake, but among those present, no one thought it was an actual quake.

With the plains as a backdrop, dust clouded the air, and soon after, a gale blew.


In that gale, Shiron shook off the ‘last’ monster’s fluids.

It wasn’t just a shake-off. To ensure those watching from afar could clearly see, he deliberately raised his arm high and swung it diagonally.

The fluid on the blade dispersed in a semi-circle, and the tiny ice grains on the ground made the invisible gale visible.

It was an overt display.


Shiron knew he was striking a pose and blushed deeply.

[The hero seems surprisingly shy. You’d think he’d be used to it after a month.]

“Is this really effective? It seems like people would be happier if I just quietly killed the monsters.”

[Hmm, but hero, your demerits drop more dramatically when you swing your sword impressively and recite weighty dialogues rather than just killing monsters.]

“No matter how I look at it, it just seems like a teenage kid swinging around a sword.”

[Not at all. The way you shook off the blood just now was exactly like a scene from a bestselling knight novel!]

Latera chattered excitedly. She was one of the reasons Shiron ended up striking such poses.

[People here like this kind of thing, don’t they? I always say it, but I think you look magnificent!]

“I still think it’s not right.”

Saying that, Shiron wiped his heated face with a cold hand.

He wanted to sweep away everything in his own way, regardless of what others thought, but Shiron was the type who needed to catch two rabbits at once.

Not only did he want to end the expedition quickly, but he also wanted to raise his reputation as much as possible for the time being.

Raising reputation could involve performing good deeds, but gaining the favor of named characters also worked.

In ‘Reincarnation of the Sword Saint’, raising reputation involved completing missions given by NPCs or giving gifts, but now that it had become reality, even striking a pose had increased his reputation.

So, without being choosy between cold and warm water, Shiron had no choice but to follow Latera’s advice.

From discovering the monster to exterminating it and cleaning up afterward, Shiron acted out the ‘ideal’ hero as Latera envisioned.

He offered help without being asked and was kind even to those he disliked. After slaying the monsters, instead of resting, he visited the clinic to treat the wounded, squeezing out his holy power.

And today, in front of many onlookers, the last monster was dealt with.

Malleus, Igor, and most of the powerful individuals in the expedition had observed Shiron’s extermination process.

“Flicking his sword over a fallen monster. There’s still such a romantic soul around.”

“He’s a young man who knows his stuff.”

“Jealous, really jealous. When I was an apprentice knight, I couldn’t do that because I was too concerned about my seniors’ eyes on me.”

“The day I got caught, they beat me all night for just relaxing my shoulders.”

Bearded men sent Shiron approving glances.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It certainly wasn’t like looking at monkeys at a zoo. They simply wanted to see how strong Hugo’s nephew, who had been stirring up the mountains for the past fortnight, really was.

In fact, from the start of the expedition, it was widely known that Shiron was Hugo’s nephew. Hugo’s absence had been keenly felt in the previous expedition, and it seemed challenging to fill that void this time too.

And Hugo’s nephew had thoroughly impressed the senior commanders.

“I told you before. Even without emitting strong energy, he knocks down the big ones, doesn’t he?”

Though he couldn’t split a monster in two with a tens-of-meters-long sword energy, Shiron alone managed to kill a monster that usually required a group of experienced knights.

He kicked off the ground, leapt high, ran vertically, and embedded dozens of decisive strikes in the monster’s vital points. The process was so smooth that it left all the onlookers in awe.

Anyone who had participated in an expedition knew that the monsters coming over the mountains were different from the common ones to the south of the mountains.

Ordinary blades, even uncoated with sword energy, couldn’t even scratch them. Their large bodies moved swiftly, making them difficult to engage.

Unlike monsters, humans died all too easily.

This was true even for those wrapped in protective energy. The larger the monster, the greater the impact they could withstand until they couldn’t anymore.

Learning magic to create protective barriers or developing dynamic vision and reflexes to dodge attacks was advantageous.

Unlike others, regardless of the monsters’ speed, no one could approach their vital areas as swiftly as Shiron.

Therefore, mastering strong energy was essential for standing out in the expedition. Yet, Shiron was an exceptional individual whose popularity continued to soar.

There was no envy.

The seniors and Shiron had at least a fifteen-year age gap.

None of the people of such age here were petty enough to harbor small-minded envy towards a nephew or son-like figure.

Thus, the long expedition finally concluded.

The capital of the Empire, Rien.

The Imperial Palace’s Alhyeon Room.

The expedition’s commander, Igor Kairon, returned to the palace with the Crown Prince, without a chance to relieve the expedition’s fatigue.

The emperor slammed a thick stack of papers down. It was the expedition report Igor had submitted upon his return.

“Igor. Look up.”


Igor slowly raised his eyes.

In the midst of the crowded palace guards, the emperor’s gaunt figure was visible.

The emperor’s face, unseen for a year, no longer carried an aura of death, but the spirited look of the past was gone.

One son, he had driven out himself, but the shock of another trying to kill him and usurp the throne hadn’t faded yet.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“The general is one of the few people I trust. Do you understand that?”

“I am honored.”

“So, I’d rather not think that you purposefully prolonged the expedition…”


Igor responded in silence to the rapid barrage of words. Had it been another subordinate, they might have trembled unsightly, but Igor had served the emperor for decades.

The emperor, appreciating Igor’s unwavering stance, gave a bitter smile.

“Many skilled knights perished, but that’s the only significant loss. The people conscripted by the draft order, except for three who couldn’t withstand the cold and succumbed, were all safely returned. You could say you did your utmost for the empire’s future.”

“I am thankful for your leniency.”

“So, I would actually like to reward you… but there’s no higher rank than a commander… It’s unfortunate.”


Cough- Cough-

The shivering of limbs, the series of dry coughs.

These were all signs that were observed in the emperor, who was previously full of vitality.

“How did the expedition fare without Hugo?”

“There were quite a few who couldn’t adapt and were disorganized, but it seemed just a matter of time. The next expedition should conclude more swiftly than this one.”

Igor did not highlight Shiron’s exceptional performance in the final stages of the expedition. Everything was already detailed in the report, and it was wiser not to single out any individual to avoid criticism.

“That’s reassuring.”

The emperor massaged his trembling neck. Honestly, this prolonged expedition had made him fear it might signal the empire’s decline.

His concerns had grown after seeing Hugo, who had recently visited the palace.

It was foolish to expect the same vigor from an old friend who no longer displayed the robust physique of a warrior as before.

“How did Shiron Prient perform?”

“Outstandingly. He truly possesses a spirit akin to Hugo’s.”

“His strength, was it comparable to Hugo’s in his prime?”

“Not exactly. But with a bit more refinement, I foresee he will achieve a similar level of martial skill…”

“That’s sufficient. I understand.”

The emperor interrupted Igor’s explanation.

“Is there a need to dwell on being inferior to Hugo?”

“He wasn’t inferior. However, there was a minor concern…”

“What was that?”

“He didn’t exhibit any strong energy while defeating the monsters.”

“…Then isn’t that even more impressive? He managed to overcome the monsters without relying on strong energy.”

The emperor, not understanding Igor’s evaluation, coughed dryly again.

“…That’s the visible flaw, which is the problem. Hugo was a perfect warrior with no flaws. Whether it was character or strength, he lacked nothing, allowing many to follow him with admiration.”

“So, Shiron Prient can’t be a perfect substitute for Hugo Prient… That’s what you mean.”

“Exactly so.”

Igor answered emphatically. An expedition wasn’t a solo endeavor; it required leading many. Igor was careful with his words in front of the emperor, but from the start of the expedition, Shiron had caused friction among the young knights, including Eugen.

It wasn’t just Shiron’s age but issues originating from his character and other aspects. Initially, Hugo was too perfect a warrior, which had allowed the previous expedition to proceed without problems.

Compared to Hugo, Shiron was too human. He had the prowess of a hero but was honest like an ordinary person, which made him prone to irritation.

According to Igor, Shiron was just like any young man of his age.

With even one noticeable flaw, he was bound to cause friction later. Igor reported this concern to the emperor.

“…I see.”

After hearing Igor’s words, the emperor pondered deeply before making a shocking statement.

“I am thinking of abdicating the throne and retiring.”


Not only Igor but also the palace guards listening quietly crumbled in expression.

The emperor continued, unfazed by their reaction.

“My son. I wanted to leave a prosperous empire to Victor, but it seems my virtue is lacking or perhaps not aligned with the heavens’ will.”

“Do not say you lack virtue, Your Majesty.”

While Igor was visibly distressed, he bowed deeply on the floor of the Alhyeon Room. There were no other ministers present; this meeting was arranged after the council session specifically to hear from Igor alone.

‘To speak of abdication so lightly…’

Igor could not comprehend the emperor. Unfortunately, the emperor had always been an enigma.

Even when he was praised as a wise ruler who had forged the most prosperous empire, he remained an enigma, and now, as a lonely old man who had lost two sons, he was still just as unfathomable.

“I’ve lived my life doing as I pleased. If I liked something, I took it; if someone irritated me, I had them killed. But even then, the heavens were always on my side.”

It was fleeting. A spark of spirit in the emperor’s eyes.

“The empire only grew stronger. But now, it doesn’t seem so. I only know how to act as I please, and when things go awry like this, it’s time to step down. What other choice is there?”

“Your Majesty?”

The emperor rose from his throne.

“If it were once or twice, it would have been fine, but with such things continuing to repeat, I think holding on any longer is just an old man’s stubbornness.”

The emperor passed Igor and headed to the door. The palace guards belatedly followed him.

“I may not have been a beautiful person, but… I don’t want to be an ugly one. Let’s end the conversation here.”

The emperor himself opened the doors of the Alhyeon Room and moved to the villa where his son was staying.

He massaged his aching neck again.

‘…My neck hurts.’

Franz felt the crown on his head weigh heavily today.

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