Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 227: The Sea Illuminated By Stars (3)

Chapter 227: The Sea Illuminated By Stars (3)

Queen of the Deep Sea, Kiara.

Unsurprisingly, she was a demon who was defeated by the hero Kyrie 500 years ago.

Much like how Yuma barely survived after being defeated by Kyrie and went into hiding, the same could be said about Kiara. However, there was a stark difference between the two.

Unlike Yuma, who fell into a maternal obsession limited to Shiron, Kiara was a boss who only caused irritation whether faced by Shiron or Lucia.

It wasn’t because of the curse that gradually turned one’s body to stone or her tyrannical oppression of her fellow merfolk.

It was because the process of going after Kiara was absurdly troublesome.

The apostles could be encountered in the field as the player character’s fame rose. You could easily meet Demodras or the Tower Master of Despair in their nesting areas.

However, Kiara was different. To reach her underwater palace, various tasks had to be completed, one of which was gaining the cooperation of the merfolk who had fled from her tyranny.

So, did everything end if you gained their cooperation?

‘Ha, damn Yura…’

No, it didn’t.

The reason the deep sea remained unexplored and the demonic beasts of the enchanted forest didn’t cross the sea lay there.

[Whirlwind of Orr]

A natural barrier that shredded even steel ships to pieces.

Even Lucia, who had honed her body to the limit, could barely pass through it safely. With even a slight mistake, you’d face Kiara with your HP reduced to shreds.

‘That’s why I had to go through such trouble, even laying traps…’

Instead of the chef, an unknown woman arrived.

That alone was exasperating, but then she started making a scene by banging her head on the ground in a noticeable place.



-What’s that?

-I don’t know, looks like a thug.

-Oh no…

-Tsk, poor kid…

“Fuck, are you watching a show?!”

Feeling embarrassed by the attention, Lucia drew her sword and shouted, and even Seira blushed and tugged at Shiron’s sleeve.

“Hey, aren’t you going to stop her?”

“…You do feel embarrassed, huh?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean, it won’t leave a memory because of the curse anyway, so what’s the use of feeling embarrassed?”

“Are you going to keep talking nonsense? Hurry up and stop her, she’ll hurt her forehead!”

Taking his eyes off Seira, who was wearing a shameful outfit, Shiron approached the blue-haired girl.

“Did you say your name is Johana?”


“If you want to save your father, stand up immediately.”

“Yes, yes!”

Johana stood up quickly, facing Shiron’s fierce expression.

‘…He’s handsome.’

“Answer only the questions I ask from now on. If you lie, your father will die.”


Shiron asked the dazed demon girl several questions.

He verified if she indeed couldn’t come out due to her injured waist, if she truly knew the way to the queen’s palace, if she could guide them better than the chef. And the final question.

“Are you my enemy?”


Johana answered loudly and clearly, but Shiron didn’t care about her answers.

Shiron was already conscious of Latera, who had become an astral body.

[Everything she says is true.]


[Yes, and she even harbors a deep affection.]

‘…Affection? Why?’

[I don’t know? Maybe she’s a bit of a fool.]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

‘…Why are there so many idiots these days? There are those who commit terrorism in the name of the greater good, some who resort to sorcery to become emperor. Now, even when their father is held hostage, their affection grows.’

[I agree.]

While Shiron was having various thoughts in his mind, Johana gulped and crossed her legs.

‘…Not only is he handsome, but he’s also charismatic. And his personality is wild.’

As she continued her thoughts,


Johana’s cheek stung.

‘…She’s not hostile. Although my suspicion about whether she’s an enemy hasn’t completely disappeared, I need to take her along.’


Johana looked at Shiron with a puzzled expression.

‘Why did he hit me? Did I do something wrong?’

She looked around, hoping to catch some clues from others.

But the red-haired girl, the oddly dressed elf, and the sudden act of violence didn’t provoke any reaction from them.

As if intentionally ignoring her, they drank water or adjusted their sword sheaths without paying attention.

Only Shiron was focused on Johana, his fierce gaze directed at the demon girl.

“Why are you looking around like that?”

“I, I was wondering why you hit me…”

Johana asked, looking up at Shiron. She thought it would be better to refrain from actions that might be bothersome on the way to the temple.

However, his answer was a masterpiece.

“To confirm if you’re a spy sent by the enemy.”


“The method is rough, but I have no room for your circumstances. Your father broke the promise first, and if you hadn’t come, he would be dead.”


“Lead the way.”


Johana answered briskly and hurriedly took the lead.

Even with the guide’s assistance, the path to the temple was rough.

Just a moment ago, it was a sunny sandy beach, but despite walking along the shore, a rocky cliff with dark clouds suddenly appeared.

It wasn’t just that; after climbing the rocky cliff, the scenery changed so drastically that it felt like another world.

A swirling sea appeared.

‘It feels like I’m hallucinating.’

It was certainly a place where people’s footsteps wouldn’t reach. With such drastically changing landscapes, one could easily mistake it for a demon’s trickery or sorcery.

However, even this couldn’t shock Shiron’s party.

He had experienced the Enchanted Forest.

To those who had traversed a land that rejected humans, a whirlpool that wasn’t dangerous unless entered was not surprising at all.

Moreover, Shiron didn’t even glance at the whirlpool.

He only looked at the back of the girl leading the way on the rough rocky path.

‘Is she thinking of escaping now that her life is at stake? Or was she so scared that she sent her daughter instead?’

Even as they approached the queen’s palace, Shiron pondered why the chef hadn’t appeared.

Usually, he would self-deprecate, saying it was as if he had a suspicious illness, but he couldn’t help it. The excuse given by the merfolk girl kept nagging at his mind.

‘She said she hurt her back. Seriously, she needs to make plausible excuses.’

The chef was a merfolk, a demon.

In the Enchanted Forest, it might be possible, but it was not easy for a demon living among humans to get injured.

As evidence, when Johana had forcefully banged her head on the ground, her forehead was barely scratched.

The only threat to them in the human world was the holy knights who roamed the continent with their sacred hooves.



While lost in thought, a monster as big as a house rose from the sea. The monster with huge tentacles targeted Johana, who was walking ahead.

Shiron shoved the motionless Johana aside and turned the monster into minced meat.

“Wow, amazing! To cleave the Icarus in one strike!”

Johana clapped towards Shiron, who had cleaved the monster in one blow.

However, despite the praise, Shiron didn’t show any joy. He approached Johana with an unchanged expression.

“Why… what is it?”

“Why didn’t you dodge?”

Up close, Shiron looked angry.


“Depending on your answer, I will decide what to do with you here.”

“My body froze…”

Shiron grabbed Johana’s collar with one hand.

“You’re lying.”


“I hope you didn’t make me do something unnecessary.”

As if urging for an answer, Shiron tightened his grip on her collar.

“I knew you would save me.”

Johana answered in a heated voice.

“It’s what a hero does, saving a girl in danger. So…”

“Were you testing if I am a hero?”


Johana nodded, biting her lower lip.

Shiron chuckled and released his grip.

“So, what’s the result?”

“The sword you wield is the Holy Sword, proving your identity as a hero, right?”

“What if it wasn’t? I didn’t draw it until just before saving you.”

“There’s a legend passed down among the merfolk. That a hero will come someday to liberate them from the tyrannical queen.”

“Does the queen know about the legend? She doesn’t seem the type to leave such rumors unchecked.”

“Yes, but the queen doesn’t care… So, you’re the hero, right?”

“Yes, I am the hero.”

Johana’s eyes glistened with sticky, gleaming affection, pleased with his confident answer.

Seeing her smiling face, Shiron wore a disgusted expression and released her collar. The mark of being strangled by the collar remained clearly on Johana’s shoulder.

“Why… why didn’t you hit me? I thought you were going to since you looked angry. Hehe.”

Despite the rough treatment, Johana looked delighted, her face melting.

“If you really are the hero, you can hit me as much as you want!”

Latera was horrified by the incomprehensible scene.

[Wow, what’s with that girl? She seems completely crazy without any emotional middle ground.]

‘Should I seriously hit her?’

[…That’s probably not a good idea. She’s a demon, and your holy power can’t heal her.]


After finishing his conversation, Shiron sheathed the Holy Sword.

‘That said, I should stop hitting her. Hitting more won’t help this.’

Shiron approached Johana to check if she was uninjured.

“Stay still.”

“…You’re not going to hit me?”

“There’s no reason to hit you anymore.”

“…You really are the hero.”

Johana blushed and allowed Shiron to check her body. The atmosphere was the complete opposite of when he was hitting her. Johana’s heart pounded, and the intense throbbing was conveyed to his hands.


Seira and Lucia couldn’t keep their mouths shut at the ridiculous scene.

“…What’s with that girl?”


“Why do I feel so irritated?”

“It’s not just you, I feel nauseous because it’s so disgusting.”

Lucia mumbled and Seira agreed. Shiron seemed somewhat relaxed, but they were still wary of Johana.

It might seem excessive, but they couldn’t help it. They had felt pity when she was suddenly slapped, but now, despite not having a clear reason, a deep-seated hostility was boiling inside them.

‘I don’t like her.’

Lucia’s instincts, honed through countless life-or-death situations as a hero, were warning her to be cautious of that girl.

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