Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 52: A Request

Chapter 52: A Request

When the sun had passed overhead, inside Eldrinas residence.

Mother, Mother!

After training and having taken a quick shower, Siriel immediately went to see Eldrina.

Hmm? Why has my dear come to see me? You should be meeting your manners teacher after training.

Eldrina smiled at Siriel, who had hastily come to her.

Siriels hair was still damp, showing how hastily she had come. Normally, she would have been tended to by the maids, but due to a scheduled lesson with a home tutor after training, she was in a hurry.

Theres still some time, so its okay!

Siriel glanced at the wall clock and spoke. She still had 30 minutes, plenty of time to speak her mind.

Alright. Lets dry your hair first. Come sit here.

Eldrina pointed to a chair. Then, she muttered a soft incantation, creating a warm and gentle breeze. Siriel relaxed under the warm embrace.

However, remembering the reason she came to see Eldrina, Siriels eyes sharpened, and she clenched her fist.

Mother, I have a request.

What is it?

Eldrina, with her warm smile, asked this of her daughter. Normally, reports would go through the house steward before reaching Eldrina, but it had been years since Siriel directly made a request, piquing Eldrinas curiosity.

Upon receiving permission, Siriel faced her mother and said forcefully,

I want the servants to stop speaking ill of Brother Shiron.


Eldrina paused for a moment. Her daughters unexpected request almost disrupted her smile.

Did Siriel rush here to ask this?


Clearing her throat to regain her composure, Eldrina firmly responded,

I cannot do that.


Instead of being upset by Eldrinas refusal, Siriel sought an explanation. That unique reaction almost melted Eldrinas heart, but she managed to maintain her resolve.

The ideal wife and mother, Eldrina, gently stroked her daughters hair and kindly asked,

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Do you know how many servants we have in this mansion?

Im not sure of the exact number, but I know there are many.

334 people. If you include the escort knights, there are even more. From what I heard from Philip, many of them were warned after speaking ill of Shiron. I received all these reports.

Siriels eyes widened, realizing her mother was already aware of everything.

Think about it. Why am I allowing this to happen?

In situations like this, Eldrina often gave Siriel time to reflect.

For solving any given situation, deep contemplation is required. Eldrina wanted Siriel to develop the habit of finding her own path when there was no obvious answer.

With her arms crossed and her head tilted, Siriel finally spoke up.

Do you dislike Shiron, mother?

Oh dear. Do I seem like someone who would dislike anyone?

Im sorry. But I cant think of any other reason

Seeing the dejected Siriel, Eldrina sighed softly.

Its possible to silence them, but


Whether its for money or loyalty, they are people we recruited through public announcements. They are not slaves who obey unconditionally; they have their own thoughts and emotions. Silencing them might create other conflicts. Even if we dismiss them, the situation wont change if the cause remains.

Eldrina spoke calmly. Slowly lifting her head, Siriel looked intently at Eldrina.

So, you believe theres a problem with my brother?

Yes. Do you know why the servants speak ill of Shiron?

I heard rumors that Shiron treats them poorly.

Youre well-informed.

So is it true that Shiron mistreats the servants?

Siriels eyes widened as she stared at Eldrina. Eldrina slowly nodded.

The mansions servants, even by the standards of the capital, are well-educated. They have no reason to badmouth someone for no reason. If they are treated poorly, of course, theyll speak of it.

Then why does Shiron treat the servants so poorly? Shiron isnt like that

Holding the hem of her dress tightly, Siriel lowered her head.

She couldnt understand.

For her, Shiron had always been a kind older brother who always gave her delicious candies. Why would such a brother act maliciously towards others?


Eldrina snorted as if she had seen something interesting.

Why do you think he wouldnt act like that?

Because my brother is a kind person who doesnt know how to get jealous.



Siriel nodded once. She answered without any hesitation as if stating an undeniable fact.

My brother is kind and gentle.

Recently, Siriel had learned a self-defense technique and had been eager to show it off to him first.

At that time, Shiron praised Siriel, saying she was fantastic. He gave her candies and cookies and even patted her head. Something sweeter than the sense of accomplishment from training filled her heart.


Only that night did Siriel realize her mistake. At the moment of receiving the praise, she didnt realize that she was boasting about her abilities that Shiron lacked.

Realizing her mistake belatedly, Siriel could only apologize to Shiron the next day. Shiron assured her it was okay by placing candy in her mouth.

Brother told me not to worry and instead comforted me.

Surprisingly, from then on, Shiron asked her to share any achievement. He mentioned he felt reassured as she became stronger

Brother might have lied to avoid making me feel embarrassed

Sometimes, Siriel felt envious and inferior to Lucia. Despite eating less and starting training late compared to her, Siriel never managed to beat Lucia, which made her feel disturbed.

Was she jealous?

As Siriel expressed her frustrations, Johan told her that it was destiny. She just had to work harder. Like Hugo, her father.

It seemed Shiron never felt such common emotions. He genuinely looked happy for her, glowing in his sincerity.

So, lets do this.

Eldrina, with a twinkle in her eye, smiled brightly at Siriel.

How about confronting Shiron directly? You can ask him why he acted that way. Moreover, you can even help him with his problems.



Eldrina nodded.

Still a child not even ten years old, Eldrina noticed a familiar emotion flashing in Siriels eyes. An emotion she had seen in many women.

Shes head over heels for him.

Eldrina chuckled.

She wasnt bothered by the fact that her daughter had fallen for a boy.

Wasnt Shiron the legitimate heir of the Prient family that her husband had brought back? This situation wasnt too bad then.

She found no issues when meeting him personally.

Hes physically strong and knows how to think.

Eldrina smirked, hearing the rumors around the mansion.

Yet, he hasnt grown out of his childish ways. Pretending to be selectively kind wont fool me.

Suddenly, Eldrina thought,

What if she paired Siriel and Shiron? Just like she and Hugo, Siriel and Shiron seemed like a good match.

The benefits of this pairing were clear. Siriel could become a direct line of the Prient family, her husbands lineage. Their grandchildren would naturally inherit that lineage, too.

It was not a bad idea.

In fact, it was good.

Siriel hadnt realized love yet, but that didnt matter. Even if they didnt get together but became closer, there was no loss. Eldrina decided to support Siriel.

Um, me helping my brother

Siriel fidgeted with her fingers and bit her lip, clearly excited at the idea of helping her beloved brother. Her heart raced.

However, the anxiety returned to Siriels face.

But, will he want my help? What if he refuses?

It was understandable for her to doubt. Siriel never had the opportunity to help or favor Shiron. Plus, hadnt she recently made another mistake? Siriel was unsure of her persuasive abilities.

Im scared that a slip of the tongue might harm our relationship.

Watching her daughters changing expressions, Eldrina felt a tickling sensation in her heart.

If that happens, come back to me. If hes as good-hearted and devoid of jealousy as you believe, he wont hold onto a childs minor mistake for life.

Come to think of it, youre right.

Siriel recalled a significant mistake she made in front of Shiron. Even after the succession ceremony and her blunder in the carriage, Shiron forgave her with just one apology.

After a moment of contemplation, Siriel smiled brightly.

Ill give it a try!

Siriel then glanced at the clock and was startled.

4:05 pm.

She was late for her etiquette lesson.

Siriel hurriedly ran out of the room.

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