Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 97: The Putrid Smell (1)

Chapter 97: The Putrid Smell (1)

[The apostles of the demon god, blessed with divine power and grace. The nest has many annoying obstacles, so lets try to lure the opponent outside to deal with them. Confuse the player and afflict them with status abnormalities. Magical attacks. Since theres a blessing that blocked Seiras mental attacks, it should be able to block the source of fear, too. To lure the opponent outside, a high level of fame is required]

Weve arrived.

After enduring a not-so-pleasant ride for two hours, the carriage reached its destination. Shiron closed the book he was reading and stepped out of the carriage.

I apologize for not being able to give more under the circumstances.

Shiron handed two gold coins to the driver with a smile. The expression on the face of the driver, now holding the gold, looked uneasy even to Shiron.

Thank you for your patronage.

The driver muttered a routine greeting and bowed his head. Shiron watched the carriage drive away, then turned to look at the entrance of their destination.

Shiron had arrived at Nightreil Street. It was the street where Seira had once donned a ridiculous slave cosplay. However, he wasnt in the western area crowded with auction houses and gambling dens. He was in the eastern part, the entrance to the red-light district, where it felt like spring all year round.

Shiron felt a bit hungry and looked at Seira.

Lets grab something to eat. Know any good places?

Um, I dont come around here much.

Even though she sounded unsure, Seira fluttered ahead in her black nuns attire.

Unlike other areas with hotels and entertainment facilities, the red-light district had no stores open during the day. At best, there were 24-hour stew shops where ladies who had finished their nights work came to get a late dinner.

Sure enough, Seira entered a shop wafting with a thick aroma.


The clerk was about to greet the customers as soon as the door opened but froze upon seeing them.

It seemed clerics werent particularly welcome on this street. From the moment they got off the carriage, peculiar stares had been following Shiron and Seira. But Shiron didnt respond with violence to their attention. He just nonchalantly took a seat in a secluded spot.

Soon, a thick stew and bread were served in a metal bowl.

Heres a tip.

Its fine.

Shiron handed a gold coin to the clerk, but the clerk just stared blankly at him before abruptly turning away. Faced with the blatant disregard, Shiron didnt scowl but quietly muttered.

Should I call the owner to teach them about customer service? Their attitude is terrible.

It cant be helped.

Seira drew a circle in the air with her finger, making sure their conversation couldnt be overheard.

Trouble in this street usually comes from rowdy drunks and Lucernes inquisitors. Its unavoidable for human clerks to act like that.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Youre well-informed.

Of course. Although its a different area, I spent several years in Nightreil. I probably lived here longer than most humans.

Seira rubbed her hands together and began eating the stew. It almost tasted like the food from her homeland, filling her mouth. The large chunks of meat, simmered for a long time, fell apart without even needing to be chewed.

What about demons?

Shiron absentmindedly scooped up the soup while taking out a necklace. The backside was engraved with the young face of Siriel.

[Hugos Compass]

Originally, this unique-grade holy relic could only be obtained after Hugos death. The necklace Hugo gave before leaving the mansion five years ago pointed in the direction where magical energy flowed.

However, upon entering this part of the red-light district, the necklace began to wildly oscillate. Though the concentration was too low to feel on the skin, it proved the whole area was saturated with magical energy.

Is there any demon boss around here?

Im not sure.

Seira dipped a piece of dry bread into the bowl.

I dont really know.


They hide really well, pretending to be human. Like how Yuma and Encia are demons but no different from humans.


After the war 500 years ago, most demons preferred not to stand out. The lesson that theres nothing good in being conspicuous has been ingrained in them over the long years.

Seira sighed, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Weak demons, unable to pretend to be human, all perished. Even I, the greatest magician of all time, cant notice them hiding so skillfully.

Who killed them?

Who else?

Seira pointed at herself, then slowly turned her finger towards Shiron.

Me, and the Kingdom of Blessings. And those who deeply loathe demons. Thus, seeing demons outside the Demon Realm became a difficult task.

It wont be easy.

Shiron closed his eyes, deep in thought.

According to Seira, finding the demons hiding in the red-light district was not an easy task. The compass was not functioning correctly, and grabbing each conspicuous person and pouring sacred power into them was impossible.

However, the good news was that Shirons goal was not to find demons.

If I just encounter them, I should be able to recognize them

[Second Apostle Camilla Rodos]

Unlike the apostle struggling to kill Glen in the distant Demon Realm, Camilla Rodos had settled in the red-light district, operating in secrecy.

Maybe I just have to wander around until I run into her.

Shiron gazed quietly at the oscillating compass.

As the sun set and night fell, the red-light district transformed completely. People swarmed in, shutters that had been tightly closed lifted, and red lights illuminated the half-dressed women.

But seeing such women did not arouse any desire in Shiron.

Its like a butchers shop.

As night fell, his senses heightened. Magical energy that wasnt noticeable during the day started to be felt on his skin.

To search for the enemy, Shiron decided to start with the nearest shop. It was an entertainment establishment occupying a four-story building, offering both alcohol and women.

Whats this?

Shirons face crumpled slightly. He was about to enter the store when bulky men blocked his way.

There were three of them,

Thugs, who had learned cheap martial arts, bowed respectfully to Shiron despite blocking the entrance.

Sir, we need to check something briefly.

What do you need to check?

Ha ha. A bit of a rough cleric, arent you? Please dont be offended. Just a few simple questions, and youll be on your way.

Despite Shirons tense expression, the bulky man did not lose his smile. It seemed there was no rule against clerics entering entertainment establishments.

The man leaned in and whispered to Shiron.

Excuse me, may I ask your age?

Why do you ask?

According to imperial law entrance to entertainment establishments by minors under 18 is prohibited. So we have to check IDs at the entrance.

Shiron looked dumbfounded. Before he could even start his investigation, he hit a major obstacle.

What kind of world is this? Killing people is fine, but minors cant enter entertainment establishments?

Including his previous life and time since reincarnation, Shiron was well over thirty, but his current physical age was only 17. According to imperial law, he was still a minor.

But giving up was not an option. Too much time had already passed, and he couldnt wait another two years. There were things he had to do before the original storys timeline began. Shiron crossed his arms and spoke confidently.

Isnt Nightreil outside the jurisdiction of the empire? The imperial law shouldnt apply here.

A few years ago, Nightreils ordinances changed. About three years ago, I think Yes. Since then, even security officers from the empire sometimes patrol here.

Three years ago was when Shiron had left the empire.

Little one, hand it over.

Just then, he felt a nudge at his back. Shiron quickly took the handed item and showed it to the bulky man.

Is this enough?

The man glanced at the card Shiron presented, then grinned and stepped aside.

Please, come in, sir.

Well, excuse me.

Shiron coughed slightly and stepped in. The fake ID Seira had quickly made seemed perfect to him.


Seira, who had created the ID, did not enter the shop.

Guest? Do you have any business? The night air is getting chilly. Please come in.

Hey there.

Seira narrowed her eyes and looked up at the tall figure. In the night street, his face, shining with light, seemed full of discontent.

Dont you check IDs here?

Excuse me? I didnt catch that.

Why did you only check his ID?

The nun asked accusingly, and the tall man pressed his brow in discomfort. There were occasionally such customers. Those who got annoyed, asking if they looked so old without an ID check

However, he was a conscientious person who knew the manual well, even while working in an entertainment establishment. The tall man made a face without a smile and spoke politely.

Sister, we have a rule not to ask the age of long-lived races. If you insist, may I check your ID?

Never mind!

Seira kicked the entrance open and strode in.

A dimly lit room bathed in red light.

Oh dear.

A woman with elaborately painted nails spoke softly. Her black hair fell below her waist, and her red eyes sparkled even in the darkness. However, illuminated by the light, her face seemed more compassionate than bewitching.



Her ornately decorated nails were bitten, crushed, and torn against her pearly teeth. The woman trembled with rising anxiety, instinctively realizing that she was in imminent danger.

Lord, I pray to safely overcome danger today and to see the sun tomorrow, to reach peaceful rest.

Camilla prayed to the god she followed, hoping the approaching scent would fade away.

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