Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 103 Hunters? What Are They?

"Lady Hime." Isla called out before knelt beside Benihime, "Are you alright?" She inquired.

Benihime smiled in response to Isla's worry, "It's just a cut, I'll recover." She answered back.

Isla then assisted Benihime to her feet, blood ran down from the deep cut on Benihime's arm, it was so deep her bone could be seen underneath the layers of flesh.

"How dare he attack you like that, it's just a duel." Isla vented as she looked at Sato, who was getting surrounded by different Valkyries.

Benihime looked at her injured arm before she peeked at Sato, 'Was that fear I sensed just now?' She thought to herself.

Meanwhile, Sato was on his knees in the middle of the Valkyries who all had their weapons aimed at him.

Grunting, Sato looked at the ground, terror written on his face as began getting visions of his people, dead, seeming inside his head.

<<You seem to be in a state of distress, but the reason is unclear, I cannot detect any internal problem that could be causing this>>

'Don't you see them! Please tell me you do! They're… they're dying… I'm dying.. it hurts… I shouldn't feel pain then why does it hurt!'.

Sato muttered to himself as he kept slamming his head on the ground over and over again.

Divanchi arrived in front of Sato and she was immediately heartbroken at the scenery of him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

His blood was painted on the floor as tears flowed down his cheeks while he kept uttering the word, "Kill me! Kill me!".

Even the Valkyries were getting uncomfortable watching Sato damage himself right in front of them.

"M.. master?" Divanchi went to her knees and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Sato suddenly stopped; with force, he grabbed Divanchi by the neck and shoved her to the ground.

"Release her!" One of the Valkyries voiced out before all of them began to move closer.

"Don't come any closer!" Divanchi suddenly yelled, "I'll handle this myself".

The Valkyries all looked at one another before they ambled back and lowered their weapons.

"Why are you doing this?! Kill me… kill me already!" Sato sobbed, with his hand around Divanchi's neck and tears dropping on Divanchi's face.

Divanchi immediately pulled Sato close to her chest before she hugged him; she could no longer bear to look at him with the sadness powering his face.

"Kill me… kill me please," Sato muttered with his face resting on Divanchi's boobs as he cried his eyes out while everybody watched.


Benihime was seated in her office, while Akeno was enabling her to put a bandage on the huge injury in her arm.

"So… how is he?" Benihime suddenly raised a question.

Akeno tightened the wraps of the bandage before she responded, "He is currently asleep in the guest room".

She reached out for a pair of scissors and cut the end of the bandage before she tied it, "There we go, it should heal in no time".

"You're lucky you had your armor on or your hand would have been gone by now".

"I can't deny that, but still, the look on his face before he attacked me, I could most definitely sense fear… like he was afraid". Benihime proclaimed.

"I mean, he was going up against you, he might have been frightened of you and wanted to win no matter the cost." Akeno uttered before placing her band fan in front of her face.

"Akeno." Benihime called out as she sat on her chair as glanced at Akeno from afar.

"Yes Milady." Akeno responded.

"We've been friends since we were kids, I know by now how you act when you are desperately trying to hide something… what are you hiding?" Benihime

"Oh my, I wonder how you came to that conclusion." Akeno uttered with a silent chuckle following right after.

Benihime didn't say anything, instead, she just gazed at Akeno until Akeno gave in and chose to tell her.

She first started by asking Benihime a question, "Have you heard of the Hunters?".

"Hunters? You mean those evil entities that possess people? Yeah I think I remember them".

"And I'm sure you also remember, they caused the massacre that happened in The Dilop Kingdom." Akeno asked another question.

"Of course, didn't the kingdom go extinct after almost everyone died?" Benihime added the knowledge she knew and Akeno was happily explaining.

"14 points, correct, Now, don't freak out when I say this… but the Hunter is currently attacking Sato." Akeno revealed.

"What?!" Benihime jerked up from her seat, "The Hunters are right here…now?!" She yelled with a worrisome look on her face.

"I literally just told you not to panic"...

"Do you not understand how grave this is?" Benihime exclaimed as she walked toward Akeno, "These creatures have been known to wipe out an entire civilization… if they remain here, everyone could be in danger".

Akeno sighed in response to Benihime's outburst, "Hunters only prey on people they like or people they were sent to attack, although only gods have been known to send hunters to people, I doubt anyone can summon a hunter".

"So… what's your point?!" Benihime shouted, grabbing Akeno by the arm and pulling her close.

Akeno shrieked as she got startled, "What am saying is, I can drive the hunter away, but if it was sent, it will depend on the person's mental state… hunters only attack those they find interesting and those we have disobeyed authority".

"I see." Benihime uttered as she released her grip around Akeno's arm, "We should probably tell him about this".

"Are you sure?" Akeno asked, "I mean, if we tell him, we could risk exciting the Hunters, you know".


The door suddenly sprung open with Divanchi standing at the entrance while a Valkyrie stood behind her.

"I'm sorry, Lady Hime, I tried to stop her but she wouldn't take no for an answer." The Valkyrie behind Divanchi pleaded with her head bowed.

"It's alright." Benihime smiled before she stared at Divanchi, "I'm guessing you know what's going on". She uttered.

"A bit." Divanchi responded as she walked in already, "But not enough to save my master, I want to know everything about these hunters… and don't leave a single detail out".

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