Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 139 I Think I've Finally Found Him

Eri finished putting on her clothes while listening to everything Shinya had to say about Sato.

"Okay, I admit, you do have some point to your claim,..."


"That said, it's not rare to see travelers these days, the king did a summoning ritual not too long ago, he could be a product of that." Eri hinted, picking her magic staff on the ground.

Shinya sighed, "I was only excited because other travelers I have met were either from a different world than mine or from a different country, but this guy is from Japan, I can feel it".

"Excuse me."

A female hero, with long purple hair, and purple eyes with her priest, a man in a Western Chinese outfit behind her, spoke out.

She was standing in front of Shinya, looking down at him with a cold stare.

"Uhm? May I help you?" Shinya asked, looking back at her.

"The boy you mentioned just now, Sato Inugami, can you direct me to where he is?" The female hero requested.

Shinya was quiet for a while before he suddenly stood up from the rock he was sitting on, "Hey I remember you, aren't you the Elemental hero Kimiko Suzuki?" He hinted.

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His towel loosened from his waist and fell to the ground, revealing his dick to the public again.

Kimiko glanced down at it disgustedly before sighing, "Yes, that's me." She replied, ignoring the sight of Shinya's crotch.

A nervous smile showed on Shinya's face as he picked up the towel and wrapped it around his waist.

"If I remember correctly, we fought the demon lord together, right?" He asked.

"Yes, we did," Kimiko replied.

"I see, I see, nice to meet you again, I knew I could never forget a beautiful lady's face if I saw one." Shinya voiced out, his hand stretched out for a handshake.

Kimiko stared down at his hand and ignored it, "Sato Inugami, where is he?" She asked again.

Shinya slowly pulled his hand in with a sigh, "Are you perhaps looking to battle him or something? I should warn you he is not very strong".

"I believe that is my problem".

"Pfft, okay then, but it's not in the Human empire mind you, it's somewhere in the Demon empire, the outskirts of Fiona if you know there," Shinya explained.

"Fiona…." Kimiko muttered, "Thank you for the information," She said before walking away with the western man following behind her.

Shinya watched as she walked away and couldn't help but sigh, "Man, what a weird girl… right Eri?" He turned to his priestess.

"Please just put on some clothes, we have a meeting with the king today".

Kimiko was heading toward her inn, an apartment she had rented a while back in the kingdom.

Every Kingdom had a relic called the Summoner Stone, this relic can be used to summon people from other worlds after powering it with lots of magical powers.

When they are summoned, they are immediately given the title rookie, but after getting a party and completing a few tasks and missions, their rank is lifted by their priest/priestess to Hero.

Kimiko was also a victim of the summoning stone, the kingdom that summoned her was a small Kingdom on the west side of the nation, but due to important reasons, she came to the Warthniq kingdom and was living in one of the guild's inn.

Kimiko walked inside the inn and headed toward the guild's secretary, she placed a bag of money on the table without uttering a word.

"Oh, Miss Kimiko, you're here again." The secretary voiced out, leaving the paperwork she was working on to attend to Kimiko.

"Yes, I'll be staying for two nights." Kimiko informed before walking away with her priest behind her.

She headed toward her apartment, it was rather big for a room that cost 4 silver coins per night.

Walking inside, Kimiko first rested her sword on the wall before opening the window and laying down flat on the bed.

"Are you burdened about something?" Garfield, Kimiko's priest asked, staring down at her.

"Garfield, I think I've found him." Kimiko said with a weak smile on her face, "After all this while, I finally have a lead I can go with".

"Are you talking about the guy you had feelings for in your other world?" Garfield asked.

"Yes." Kimiko gave a short reply.

The sword resting on the wall suddenly turned into a woman wearing, black pants, black boots, and a white top.

"Hold on Kimiko, are you talking about the sword hero?" The woman raised a question, walking toward the bed before coming to a stop beside Garfield.

Kimiko sat upright on the bed with a sigh leaving her mouth, "Of course not." She replied, "But the name he mentioned, Sato Inugami… it's just the same as the guy I knew back in my world".

"Then again, it could all just be a coincidence," Garfield commented.

"Yes, what Garfield said, you don't really plan to travel to a different nation just to check if the man could be your man, Do you? " The woman asked.

"I won't know if I don't try." Kimiko uttered before she stood to her feet, "Once I'm done with my current quest, I'll proceed toward the Fiona Kingdom and search for him".

She had already made up her mind, and both her priest and guardian angel, Eril, knew they couldn't change her mind, so they obeyed and carried on.

Meanwhile, Shinya and his priestess Eri were already having a meeting with the king of Warthniq [Limbari Nation], Terence.

Although people called him a king, he ruled over three different Kingdoms, making him an emperor after most nations recognized his land as a sovereign Nation.

"Yo, king!" Shinya voiced out as he approached the throne.

"Sword Hero, it's nice you showed up, I heard about your success victorying the demon lord ruling the Terra Kingdom." Terence uttered.

He had long blonde hair and was seated on his throne with a crown and multiple seductive ladies around him.

"Yes, I did." Shinya responded, "But I didn't do it alone though, I had help from the Elemental hero".

"Oh? Next time bring her here, I'd very much like to pay my gratitude." Terence grabbed a grape from the bowl and tossed it in his mouth.

"Now that that is settled, I need you to do something for me." Terrence hinted, "I'm willing to lend you, 2000 of my men, to help you in taking the witch's forest for my keep… I believe it's time to lay cliam to it".

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