Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 142 The Story Of The Successor

In the beginning, there was nothing but emptiness - a vast and endless void that stretched out in every direction. No stars shone in the sky, no planets orbited around them, and no life stirred in the darkness. There was no light, no sound, no movement, and no purpose.

For eons, this emptiness persisted, untouched by any force or being. But then, something changed. Slowly and imperceptibly, the void began to stir, as though rousing from a deep slumber. A faint vibration rippled through the emptiness, barely perceptible at first but growing stronger with each passing moment.

As the vibration grew in intensity, it coalesced into a single point of light, a bright spark that hung in the darkness like a beacon. From this spark emerged a being, a formless entity that hovered in the void like a god.

This being was the Overseer, the entity charged with overseeing the world and everything in it. From its vantage point in the emptiness, the Overseer gazed out upon the void and saw that it was vast and empty, a blank canvas upon which anything could be created.

But he wasn't granted any power to work with, other than the ability to see distant possibilities of the world and to destroy any part of the world if it would serve no purpose.

Even though the Overseer had this power, he had no way of using it, it can't destroy something that hasn't been created.

So the Overseer began, using the raw material from the empty voids, he shaped stars, planets, multiverse, and so on, till he was satisfied and could no longer use the materials of the world.

Eons passed again, and the Overseer was left with a beautiful world but no one to share his success with and no live living to adore his works.

Thus he split into three paths, each part of him taking a different task over the world, The Creator, The Observer, and The Punisher.

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The creator was more open minded and her imagination was vast, surpassing even that of the Overseer, so she began her quest to create living beings in the world, which she called gods, dragons, and so on.

The Observer was one who was obsessed with balance, he observed everything and made sure there was a balance from the strongest creatures to the weakest.

While the punisher was one who embraced right and wrong, he made the rules and regulations of the world and made sure every living thing followed this.

But not everything was going smoothly, the entities began to flee from one another, when they felt their ideals clash.

The creator detests The Punisher for torturing what she created.

The Observer hated the creator for making complex beings that made it harder for him to create a balance.

And the Punisher hated the Observer for making it balanced that most don't have any choice but to break his rules for power.

Unwilling to come to an understanding, they separated into different parts of the universe.

The creator was left on her own, looking down at the children she created for eons and watching as they evolved into happy, peaceful yet deadly and negative creations.

Ever since the Observer neglected his duties, and the Punisher decided to let the creations do as they please, the gods began to take charge, coming together to birth humans with the help of their collective powers.

But even with all the evil that roamed the world, one thing caught the eye of The Creator, motherhood.

She noticed the women the gods had created for the men felt an extreme amount of joy when they gave birth, something the creator had never felt before.

Feeling lonely, The Creator decided to check and investigate what was so special about having children, since the law of having children was brought in by The Observer.

Like a huge force of fire falling from the heavens, The Creator landed on the ground in an open field.

Her body was gleaming with magic and her presence was so powerful that everything around her bowed, including the tallest of trees and the hardest of rocks.

"This form… will not work." The creator uttered. A bright light glowed around her and her form immediately changed.

She had long silver hair, red pearly eyes, and was wearing white peplos with brown sandals and a sun hat.

"This should do".

After making her body fit into her creations, she began to make her way toward the nearest county she could find.




She walked into the country and her amazement didn't stop growing when she saw the inventions and structures her children had made.

During her journey, she got to a huge river where she met some fishermen, hunting for fish in the ocean.

"Quick, rail it in?!" A man with red hair yelled, supervising the rest of the Fishermen who all had fishing rods in their hands.

They are all stood at the tip of the river and from the looks of it, it seems like he was teaching them how to hunt for fishes

"Excuse me, may I get a moment of your time?" The creator asked, walking toward the fishermen.

"Uhn?" The man paused, looking at the Creator, "Who are you?" He asked.

"Who am I?" The creator repeated, glancing around, her attention was quickly drawn to the large barrel of dead fishes in the boat.

Although bothered, The creator fought to control her emotions. Watching her creations suffer is something she despised but she also learnt about the food chain and knew it was a necessity that had to take place.

Sighing, she looked at the man and noticed that the students also had their eyes on her, mostly because they were drooling from her beauty.

"Excuse me, do you not have a name?" The man asked.

"Unfortunately not." The creator replied, "I named everything in this world but I never thought a day would come when I'd need a name".

They all looked at her feeling confused, "Look, if you are here to…" .

"Oh I know." The creator hinted, "You should call me Izanami." She said with a smile.

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