Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 154 The King Lends Assistance.

They went back inside the palace to continue discussing, but before anything, there was something Yaomira wanted to know.

"I understand that The lord of elves needs backup in defending against Fiona, what I don't understand is why this war started in the first place." Yaomira asked, looking down at Divanchi and Giron.

Giron peeked at Divanchi, contemplating the idea of answering the questions or putting up a lie.

With a sigh, Divanchi took the action and replied, "I don't know the specifics, but it has something to do with the Demon lord wanting to take the forest and it's resources for himself".

"And your Lord is not willing to hand it over?" Yaomira asked.

"He isn't".

"I've seen first hand the impressive materials your master has in his possession. Very well, then, you have my full support." Yaomira declared with a smile on his face.

Giron couldn't help but feel excited about the news, but he knew his work wasn't done, so he calmed himself, "How big of a support should we be expecting?" He asked.

"If you are referring to the military backup, then you have nothing to worry about. Expect nothing less than 20,000 of my best men." Yaomira proclaimed.

"Great then. Thank you for your help." Divanchi uttered with her head bowed and Giron followed and bowed his head.

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Since they were done with their mission, Divanchi and Giron left the Lyn stones with Riojas since they trusted each other.

And they had already signed a contract with a lawyer present, so the chances of Riojas backing out was very slim.

Sato was making sure to use every skill and help to secure a win for himself but little did he know he wasn't the only one preparing for war.

A Kingdom in the demon territory, a few lands away from Fiona, were also preparing to launch a full scale attack on the opposite Kingdom Warthniq.

The name of the kingdom was Terra and it was ruled by a Demon lord called Piranora, who was slain in a war against Warthniq by the sword and elemental heroes named Hinako and Shinya.

After the death of Piranora, his only son, Elyon took on the responsibility of having revenge on Warthniq.

The plan was to attack them when they were least expecting it. Terence, the king of Warthniq, already believed Terra had fallen… so any thought of a counter attack didn't occur to him.

As Elyon walked into the room, he was greeted by three Red Dragon warriors, dressed in full body armor adorned with the emblem of their prestigious rank. Elyon strode forward, stopping in front of a large table that held a giant map.

"Any updates?" he inquired, his tone firm and commanding.

"Sire," Mustang, the combat general, began hesitantly, "I implore you to reconsider. We only recently emerged from a war against Warthniq, and our soldiers are still in the process of healing."

Elyon considered Mustang's words before responding, "I understand. That's why I have given our troops a week's rest, during which they will receive specialized medical care. Surely that should suffice?"

"You are indeed generous, Sire," Mirondic added, a warm smile crossing his features.

"Great then, look here." Elyon asserted, pointing at a point on the map, "The last time we fought, they ambushed us at the left flank, meaning they took lots of detours to arrive there…".

"But we won't be doing so, we will take a direct approach at them… launch our attack in the middle of this sovereign land." Elyon completed.

"Ahh, I believe that place is called the Forest of Witches… I heard people were building villages inside already." Mustang informed.

"I wasn't aware of that." Elyon considered Mustang's comment, "Well, it doesn't change the plan, since we'll only be fighting outside and not in the forest".

"Agreed, Sire. It is imperative that we strike at their core, and not give them a chance to regroup or retaliate," added Mirondic, his eyes fixed on the map.

"But we need to be careful, Sire. The Forest of Witches is known for its treacherous terrain and unpredictable weather patterns. We must prepare our troops accordingly and anticipate any unforeseen circumstances," cautioned Mustang, his voice serious.

Elyon nodded in agreement, "Of course, we'll make sure to send scouts ahead of the main force to assess the situation and gather intel on the enemy's movements. And we'll also deploy our best navigators and survival experts to guide our troops through the forest."

The Red Dragon warriors listened attentively, each contributing their own insights and recommendations. They discussed the possible scenarios and strategies, weighing the risks and benefits of each approach.

As the meeting progressed, the details of the plan started to take shape. The attack would be launched in three waves, with the first wave consisting of archers and long-range artillery, followed by a second wave of foot soldiers and cavalry, and the final wave consisting of elite units led by the Red Dragon warriors.

"We'll need to coordinate with our allies to ensure a successful campaign," added Mirondic, his eyes sparkling with determination.

Elyon nodded in agreement, "Yes, we'll need to send emissaries to secure their support and devise a joint strategy. It won't be an easy task, but it's necessary for our victory."

The meeting concluded with Elyon outlining the next steps and delegating tasks to the Red Dragon warriors. They left the room, each with a sense of purpose and resolve to prepare for the upcoming battle. Warthniq was also making plans to strike at the Forest of Witches, but with a different strategy. Terence, the leader of Warthniq, devised a plan to send the Sword Hero Shinya and his party to the forest with an army of 50,000 men to drive out the residents.

However, Shinya had other intentions. He pleaded with the king to allow him to speak with the people in the forest first and try to convince them to surrender peacefully. In truth, his real goal was to meet up with Sato and persuade him to join Warthniq, rather than remain in the forest.

Terence was skeptical of Shinya's plan but decided to trust in the Sword Hero's abilities. He gave him the go-ahead to enter the forest and try to negotiate a peaceful resolution.

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