Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 157 The Heroes Arrived At The Village

Shinya positioned himself at the end of the room, surrounded by ten criminals, while Himiko stood at the entrance, standing a few feet away from Rikor.

To the side were the passengers, who were getting carried out of the room, one by one, by the priest and priestess of both heroes.

Rikor on the other hand was not too happy about the hero's involvement, he sighed looking to the ceiling before he voiced out, "You heroes always butt in at the wrong time, couldn't you wait until I killed the old man?".

Himiko didn't respond, instead she held her sword firmly, readying herself for the fight to come.

"You're not up for words? No problem… I'll move straight to the dance!" Rikor slashed his whip at Himiko. The whip bounced off the walls of the ship, bringing it to the ground after it was ripped out from the force.

Himiko, who had just dodged the danger of the whip, had her leg sliding on the ground as she kept her eyes on Rikor. "Let's go, Eril!" She muttered.

With a loud boom, Himiko's leg lifted from the ground. A whirl of flames dancing around her body as her sword was enveloped in wind.

As soon as she got close, Hinako sent her sword straight at Rikor, with a massive dangerous wind following right after. And even though Rikor was able to block the attack with his whip, the wind still sent him crashing into one of the tables.

Rikor was quick to do a flip to his feet, but Himiko was relentless. She suddenly appeared in front of him before he could even touch down on the ground.

Her sword went straight for his neck. Rikor could only thank his luck that he was able to dodge the attack even though it was only by a hair's length. His body dropped to the ground, still a bit panicked from Himiko's attack.

"I won't be beaten by a woman!" Rikor shouted, as he sought to stand up, he noticed his hands took the texture of the ground and merged with it. "What the hell?" He uttered in disbelief.

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"That should keep you in place." Himiko sighed, sheathing her sword before she looked at Shinya's position, "Are you done there?" She asked before throwing a deadpan look after seeing what Shinya was doing.

Shiya had one of the criminals on the ground and was stabbing every body part as if trying to find a soft spot. Himiko ignored with a sigh before focusing her attention back at Rikor.

Both Himiko and Shinya surrounded the criminals and locked them in a room with the aim of having them locked up in one of the prison's in the demon territory.

After a few more days of traveling the water, the heroes finally arrived on dry land. It was a free open land that led to the demon territory.

To Himiko's surprised, Shinya's dragon, Rextra was waiting for them at the border with some horses and goods. Shinya had already instructed her to go ahead since Dragons were fast travelers.

Shinya and Himiko made their way toward the border line where they were searched by the guards guarding the border. They were apparently in the kingdom called the Lurek Kingdom and it was right in between Terra and Fiona.

They then continued to make their way towards the main Capital of Fiona which took them one and a half days. From there, they arrived at Runo city, which took another day, before they finally arrived at their destination.

Both Shinya and Himiko had to ride their horses in a vast dry land, but unlike their previous travelers, this only took them a few hours.

They entered the sovereign land and passed through a lot of villages, including The village of the Valkyries, Rizaha before they finally got to the elves' village.

At the entrance of the village sat three beastmen, drinking beers while telling each other stories.

"I don't remember this much security the last time I was here, did I somehow miss my path?" Shinya muttered, looking at the guards from a distance.

"No, we're in the right place, I can feel her presence and I'm sure she can too." Rextra added, she was still in her dragon form and had goods on her back.

"There's no point standing here." Himiko left the group and approached the guard's with her priest and human sword following behind her.

"Oi! Hold on first…" Shinya whispered before sighing, "Should we follow them?" He muttered.

"No." Eri responded, "Let's see what happens".

Standing in front of the guards, Himiko raised her question, "Do you know anyone named Sato Inugami?" She asked bluntly.

The beastmen immediately rose to their feet and picked up their spears before aiming it at her, "Who are you? What do you want?" One of the beastmen interrogated.

Himiko stared at the spears and felt threatened, so she aimed her hand at them with a magic circle forming around her palm as she got ready to attack.

Shinya hastily jumped in, pushing Himiko's hand down as he smiled at the beastman, "Hello, do you remember me? I came here a couple of months ago.. uhn? sword hero?".

"Sword hero? Did Lord Sato mention this to you?" The left beastman asked, looking at his partner for confirmation.

"I don't think he…".

Before the partner could reply, Himiko chimed in, "So you do know a man named Sato, where is he? I demand I meet him right now!".

"Oi! Calm down, keep acting like this and they'll really think we are a threat." Shinya whispered to Himiko as he tried to calm her down.

As Sato and his group approached the entrance of the village, he voiced out from within, causing Himiko to fall silent. "Are those outsiders I see?" The voice asked suspiciously.

Despite the unease in the air, Sato continued forward confidently with Yuri, Giron, Divanchi, and Delta following closely behind.

Himiko's emotions were in turmoil as she saw Sato approaching her position. Her lips quivered as she forced herself to speak, her voice barely above a whisper.

"S-sato," she muttered, her eyes fixed on him. The tension between them was palpable, and it was clear that something significant had happened between them.

As they drew closer to each other, the silence was broken only by the sound of their footsteps on the ground.

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