Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 161 I Refuse To Believe We Were Bested.

General Rizen strode forward, his enormous halberd blade gripped firmly in his hands. As he drew closer to Deka, he came to a halt, eyeing him with obvious disdain.

His attire was a red, warlike outfit, complete with a green crystal positioned at the center of his forehead, as was the case with all remaining demons. His eyes held a yellowish hue, and his skin was a deep shade of brown.

"How do you wish to proceed?" Rizen sneered, towering over Deka.

Deka calmly placed his scythe to the side before answering, "We fight until one of us falls."

Rizen bellowed, slamming his halberd onto the ground before letting out a raging scream. A brilliant aura of yellow magic energy surged around his body, causing the earth to quake and the air to whirl around them.

Feeling ready, Rizen yelled, " Prepare yourself!" With a fierce battle cry, General Rizen launched himself at Deka, his halberd glinting menacingly in the light.

Deka quickly assessed his opponent's movements and managed to dodge the first strike, watching as the powerful weapon struck the ground and sent shockwaves rippling through the earth.

As Rizen charged towards him again, Deka stood his ground and met the oncoming attack with his scythe, the impact creating a deafening clash of metal on metal. Despite Rizen's formidable strength, Deka was able to hold his own, his grip on his weapon unwavering.

In a sudden burst of speed, Deka darted to the side and landed a powerful blow on Rizen's spine, sending the demon hurtling through the air and crashing into a nearby boulder with a sickening thud.

Breathless and adrenaline-fueled, With his heart racing and his mind focused, Deka raised his hand and summoned a bow made of darkness.

The intricate design of the bow was hypnotic, and the shadows surrounding it seemed to come alive with every move he made.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Deka pulled back the bowstring with ease, and an ominous aura began to emanate from the arrow. The arrow grew in size and darkness as he drew back the string, ready to release it with full force.

With a sudden burst of energy, Deka released the arrow, and it soared through the air with incredible speed and precision. Everyone held their breath as the arrow locked onto its target, General Rizen.

As soon as Rizen stood up from the rubble, the arrow struck him with immense force, piercing through his chest and bringing him to the ground once again. The explosion that followed was deafening, causing the earth to shake and tremble with the impact.

Deka stood still, his eyes fixed on the smoking rubble where General Rizen once stood.

The Fiona Kingdom were jaw dropped as they watched one of their generals get beaten by a mere elf.

Sato, who was watching from above the cliff, smiled before uttering, "I guess this is where the war begins… Carion, be on the ready".

"Understood." Carion, the leader of the beastman responded through the magic earpiece.

News quickly got to Jira through Lilith, that someone in Sato's forces had slayed one of his generals. Feeling frustrated, Jira ordered the marksman to rain arrows on them.

As Sato's forces prepared for the impending attack, Daina, the healing elf among them, suddenly sensed a dangerous presence in the sky. She looked up, her eyes widening in horror as she saw multiple flaming arrows hurtling towards their position.

"Look up!" she cried out urgently to her teammates.

Deka, their seasoned warrior, quickly assessed the situation and grimly observed the enemy forces charging towards them with fierce battle cries. The enemy cavalry, led by their seasoned general, thundered forward with their armies following closely behind them.

"We must break through their formation, eliminate the Lord of the forest, and claim our not falter!" The general barked his orders as he rode ahead on his steed, his hair and cloak billowing in the wind.

Sato's forces tensed, bracing themselves for the oncoming assault. With the sound of pounding hooves and clashing weapons growing louder by the second, they steeled themselves for the chaos and violence that was about to ensue.

Despite the chaos caused by the raining fire arrows, Sato's forces remained steadfast, standing their ground and not making any sudden moves.

They had a plan, one that they had prepared for weeks in advance. The witch of rage, Kirah, had cast a powerful barrier around their position, deflecting most of the arrows and protecting their troops.

Meanwhile, the enemy forces continued to charge towards them, their horses pounding the ground with a deafening roar. As they drew nearer, Sato's troops remained still, their eyes focused on the approaching army.

But just as the enemy forces were about to reach them, a series of unexpected explosions rocked the battlefield. Three squads from the right flank were blown up in quick succession, followed by another explosion from behind.

More explosions continued to erupt across the field, causing confusion and panic among both sides.

Sato's forces watched in amazement as their plan began to unfold. The hidden traps and mines they had planted across the battlefield were detonating, decimating the enemy forces and throwing their formation into disarray.

The element of surprise had given them a crucial advantage, and they were determined to use it to their advantage to overweight their lack in numbers.

"What was that just now?" General Mrot asked with a hint of bewilderment, still riding his horse but curious about the explosions and screams he was hearing behind him.

"Sir! There are traps on the battlefield… we've lost eight troops already!" A soldier reported, riding towards him on his horse.

Mrot's expression shifted to one of skepticism. "You expect me to believe these animals are smart enough to plant traps?" he retorted with a disgusted look.

But his eyes immediately widened in shock when he noticed a group of elves rushing out of the forest and taking a knee behind a barricade with their guns aimed.

And standing tall behind the elves, was Divanchi, with her signature smile on her face and her hand raised to the sky.

"What are they?... Are those…?" General Mort panicked, unable to make sense of what he was seeing.

Divanchi smiled before she voiced out, "Fire!".

With a flick of her wrist, the elves let out a barrage of bullets from their guns, hitting the enemy forces with deadly precision. The enemy soldiers, caught off-guard by this sudden attack, struggled to react in time.

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