Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 168 Canyon To The Forest.

Lana sat on the ground, her hand gingerly touching the spot where Sato had slapped her cheek. She was in a state of shock, her mind reeling with disbelief. "I cannot believe a man slapped me," She muttered to herself, her tone filled with indignation.

Her initial shock quickly gave way to a simmering rage as she watched Sato walk away from her. "How dare he," she seethed, her face contorting with anger. "He will pay for this!".

Without a moment's hesitation, she sprang to her feet, her hand outstretched towards the sky. She began to gather a powerful blue energy, her focus unbreakable as she channeled her anger into the gathering force.

With a fierce cry, she launched the energy towards Sato's retreating form, the crackling energy lighting up the area around her. As the energy hit its target, there was a loud explosion, throwing debris and dust everywhere.

Lana stood there, panting heavily, her eyes blazing with fury. She had unleashed her power in a way that she had never done before, and the consequences were devastating.

The ground around her was littered with rubble, and a small crater marked the spot where the energy had struck.

Lana brushed the dirt off her hand, a sly smirk creeping across her face. She felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that she had just taught Sato a lesson. "Hmph! That's what you get," she muttered to herself. "Now... I wonder who I should trouble next."

Suddenly, Sato's voice boomed through the dust cloud. "I was going to leave you alone," he said, his tone dripping with malice. "But it seems like you are in need of a lesson."

As the dust settled, Sato emerged from the cloud, his body unscathed despite taking the full force of Lana's attack. His eyes were dark with anger, and Lana could feel his powerful aura emanating from him.

'He… survived that?' Luna muttered in disbelief, She could feel her confidence waver as she faced the imposing figure of Sato.

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However, she refused to show her fear and instead squared her shoulders, determined not to back down.

"I take it you are part of Jira's forces, meaning you are only following orders, which is understandable." Sato muttered with a glint in his eye, he began to walk towards Luna, his movements slow and deliberate.

He continued, "I'll spare you if you promise to leave now and retreat, fair enough… that said, if you still plan on standing in my way… I won't hesitate to destroy you".

Lana braced herself for what was about to come, her heart racing with anticipation, "Just who the hell do you think you are?!" She yelled "Don't think for one second that was my full power you maggot!".

As he drew closer, Lana could feel the heat radiating from Sato's body. 'Who the hell is this guy… I thought… screw that!'. She readied herself, her eyes focused on Sato.

Lana could sense his power building, and a wave of fear washed over her. But she refused to back down, determined to stand her ground and show Sato that she was not to be intimidated.

The tension between them was palpable, and for a moment, Lana didn't make any move. It was a battle of wills, and Lana knew that whoever blinked first would lose the upper hand. She held her breath, waiting for Sato to make the first move.

The war-torn landscape around them was eerily silent as Lana and Sato stared each other down. The only sound was the distant echo of chaos in the background. Their eyes locked in a deadly game of cat and mouse, both waiting for the other to make a move.

Suddenly, Sato came to a sudden stop, breaking the tense silence. Lana braced herself for an attack, her face a picture of seriousness and precision.


Without warning, there was a deafening sonic boom as both of them lifted off the ground and charged towards each other.

Lana's fist was enveloped in a crackling magical energy, poised to strike, while Sato's face was dangerously close to hers, a sinister smile spreading across his lips.

Their collision was explosive, the force of their clash sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Lana's magic-enhanced punch connected with Sato's body, but he barely seemed to flinch.

Sato's smile only grew wider as he leaned in even closer to Lana, his breath hot against her skin. 'Shit! I'm gonna die!' For a moment, Lana felt her resolve falter as she stared into the dark abyss of his eyes.

Meanwhile, As the battle raged on, Fiona's forces continued to push forward, led by the formidable 6th General, Halton.

With a fierce determination, Halton took his troops deep into the canyon, hoping to find a path through the forest that would allow them to flank the enemy and turn the tide of the battle.

As they rode on horseback and ran on foot, their beasts hurled forward, they suddenly encountered something unexpected

Halton pulled his horse to a stop, his eyes scanning the canyon ahead. He could see a group of women dressed in armor, arrows trained on his troops.

"Stop! Hold your advances!" Halton shouted, his command quickly relayed to the soldiers behind him.

A high-ranking soldier rode up beside him, concern etched on his face. "General, is something wrong?" he asked.

Halton's eyes remained fixed on the enemy ahead. "The enemy has predicted our movements," He said grimly.

As they watched, another group of women emerged from the canyon, weapons at the ready, blocking their path forward.

Halton knew they were facing a difficult situation. His troops outnumbered them, but his instinct was telling him they were about to face a skilled enemy who had clearly prepared for their arrival.

"How did they know we'll be taking this route?" One of the soldier muttered amongst the troops

Halton immediately pulled out his sword, "Get ready for battle," he said, his voice ringing out across the canyon. "We will not let them stop us. We will win this war!"

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