Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 220 Do Not Buy

"Quick, this way! Hurry!" The werewolf's urgent cry reverberated through the air, his powerful palm striking the rocky wall with resounding force. In a brilliant display, the wall shimmered and split asunder, revealing a concealed passage leading to an underground tunnel.


Donned in enigmatic crimson garb, the werewolves swiftly filed through the opening, their footsteps resonating with purpose as they descended into the depths of the earth. With each determined stride, they moved with a singular objective in mind.

Within the dimly lit confines of the tunnel, one of the werewolves shed his hood, revealing a countenance marked by anticipation and mischief. Standing before an imposing ancient rock adorned with arcane symbols, he surveyed their clandestine haven with a twisted grin.

"At long last," the werewolf proclaimed, his voice laced with sinister satisfaction. "The time has come. We shall unleash the destructive might of our plan upon this accursed city... Are our comrades positioned as planned?" he inquired, casting a glance over his shoulder at the werewolf standing steadfastly behind him.

"Yes, sir. All contingents have assumed their designated posts," the subordinate affirmed, his voice resolute and unwavering.

Their objective, while deceptively straightforward, harbored cataclysmic consequences. Strategically planted throughout the town square, a collection of malevolent magic-infused bombs awaited activation—an ominous bargaining chip with which to dissuade the Duke from proceeding with the coronation.

The werewolf leader's eyes gleamed with malicious intent, his mind consumed by thoughts of havoc and discord. With each passing moment, their nefarious plot edged closer to fruition, its potential ramifications poised to reshape the very foundations of the city.

Simultaneously, Yuri swiftly disseminated information regarding the Resistance, ensuring that every vigilant guard in the vicinity embarked on a thorough search of the buildings. Although they managed to apprehend a few rebels, the overall outcome fell short of being deemed a resounding success.

Across the street, Divanchi dashed with remarkable agility, her fiery aura blazing in a magnificent display. With lightning speed, she navigated the labyrinthine network of streets and alleys, her senses honed to detect even the faintest flicker of magic.

[Divanchi, any progress?] Yuri's voice crackled through the enchanted earpiece, laden with anticipation.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Something of the sort. I can sense a substantial surge of magical energy nearby. I'm racing toward its source as we speak," Divanchi replied, her words blending seamlessly with the rush of wind as she streaked past an unfinished edifice, her form a fleeting blur.

Driven by determination and the fire that coursed within her, Divanchi's senses guided her unerringly toward the epicenter of the imminent threat. With every calculated twist and turn, she drew closer to her quarry, her mission gaining momentum with each passing heartbeat.

The stakes were high, and the destiny of the town square and its inhabitants hung precariously in the balance. As Divanchi surged forward, the weight of responsibility rested squarely upon her shoulders—a pivotal role in the relentless pursuit of justice and the preservation of peace.

Divanchi came to a sudden halt in the desolate expanse, the eerie silence engulfing her. "What's going on here? Noone's here but I can still sense this much magic energy." She said to herself.

Not a soul stirred, and the empty streets offered no hint of the magic energy she had keenly detected moments before. Perplexed, her eyes darted frantically, searching for any semblance of a clue in this mysterious absence.

Then, her gaze fell upon the ground beneath her feet. A revelation dawned, illuminating her features with a mischievous smile. "Of course." She muttered.

Understanding washed over her, and she clenched her fist, enveloping it in a fierce blaze. With a resounding force, she unleashed her fiery power, shattering the ground beneath her.

The street ruptured, and a cascade of rocks and debris cascaded downward, carrying Divanchi along with them. As the tumultuous descent ended, she landed gracefully on her feet, her fiery aura illuminating the dark path that stretched before her.

The underground layer revealed itself, a hidden realm concealed beneath the surface, beckoning Divanchi forward. 

Shadows danced along the dimly lit passage, hinting at untold secrets and imminent danger. Undeterred, she ventured forth, her determination unyielding, as she embarked on this clandestine journey into the depths of the unknown.

With every step she took, Divanchi's fiery presence illuminated the way, casting flickering shadows upon the ancient walls. 

The air grew heavy with anticipation, and the pulse of magic resonated within the confines of this hidden realm. As she delved deeper, Divanchi prepared herself for the challenges that lay ahead, her resolve unshakable and her heart aflame with a fierce determination to uncover the truth.

Divanchi's voice echoed through the underground passage as she navigated the mysterious depths.

"An underground layer beneath the town? Does Vlad even know about this?" she murmured to herself, her steps resolute and purposeful.

Through the magical earpiece, Yuri's voice broke the silence once again.

[Divanchi? Still no progress?]

"Calm down, I've stumbled upon an underground passage right in the middle of the street," Divanchi responded, her tone laced with confidence.

[An underground passage?]

"Yes, it appears so. And I doubt Vlad is aware of its existence. Regardless, I'm already investigating it. Just keep a close eye on Master for me," Divanchi replied, her voice carrying a teasing undertone.

[Tch! You don't have to remind me of that. Focus on your mission, and I'll handle my Master myself.] Yuri's voice came through before she abruptly ended the communication.

Divanchi's smile widened at the playful banter, but her amusement was short-lived. Without warning, a swift-moving fabric emerged from the depths of the cave, swiftly coiling around her arm.

Reacting instinctively, Divanchi strengthened her arm, resisting the force attempting to pull her into the darkness. With unwavering confidence radiating from her, she voiced her realization.

"So that's where you've been hiding," she declared, her fiery determination burning brighter than ever.

With a fierce surge of speed and flames, Divanchi soared forward, her determination propelling her closer to her intended target with each passing second. The air crackled with anticipation as she closed in on her quarry.

But in a sudden twist of fate, just as Divanchi reached her airborne peak, she found herself encircled by a pack of werewolf adversaries. Their menacing presence was matched by the cold steel of the guns they brandished, all trained directly on Divanchi.

"G-Guns?" Divanchi's voice quivered with disbelief as her eyes widened in shock. In that split second, she prepared herself for the imminent impact, her body tensing in anticipation of the danger that awaited her.


Perched atop a towering edifice, another pack of wolves observed the jubilant citizens of Nervek from a distance. Cloaked in an air of mystery, their eyes gleamed with resentment as they watched the festivities unfold.

"Look at them, oblivious fools reveling in their ignorance," the leader of the werewolves growled, his anger etched on his visage. "Allowing an outsider to rule over us is utterly unacceptable."

"Boss, the White Yggs have arrived," one of the werewolves announced, bowing respectfully behind their leader.

"About damn time," the boss grunted, pivoting towards the rooftop's edge to witness the entrance of a group of ghosts.

"Igin, never did I imagine a day when we would work together like this," Simlo, the ghost leader, spoke, assuming a human-like form, a sly smile adorning his ethereal countenance.

"Simlo, as expected, I find your presence detestable," Ignin responded, his strides deliberate as he approached Simlo.

"Well, desperate times call for desperate measures," Simlo retorted, casting a sidelong glance at the crowd gathered for Sato's coronation. "So, that's the new Duke?"

"Indeed," Ignin affirmed, his eyes fixed on Sato as he pondered the situation. "Rumors are circulating about his true nature as a demon lord. As if single-handedly defeating Fiona wasn't enough to raise eyebrows."

The two leaders exchanged a knowing look, their minds aligning on a sinister path that aimed to challenge the newfound power in their midst.

"And he also manufactured these guns?" Simlo inquired, extending his hand to one of his subordinates, who promptly placed the weapon in his palm with a respectful bow.

"According to our sources, yes, he was responsible..." Ignis confirmed.

"Intriguing," Simlo mused, a glimmer of fascination dancing in his eyes. He then turned to one of his followers, without warning, and aimed the firearm directly at her.

With a thunderous bang, the gun discharged, and a magical bullet pierced through the female ghost's chest. She crumpled to the ground, her ethereal form gradually decaying into nothingness.

Simlo chuckled, though he couldn't help but cringe a bit at the loud noise. He used his hands to cover his ears and playfully commented, "Well, that's quite the deafening sound, don't you think?"

"You're utterly deranged," Ignis retorted, his face contorted with disgust. The other werewolves shared a similar sentiment, their expressions revealing their distaste for Simlo's actions. 

On the other hand, the ghosts appeared unfazed, their demeanor calm and composed, as if such occurrences were a regular part of their lives.

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