Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 101 Graduation Ceremony.

There was something Ava wanted to remind Aiden of, so as he would be enjoying the graduation ceremony, he'll keep that in mind...he wouldn't enjoy too much that he'll forget about it.

So she voiced out at that moment, "Aiden, as you'll be enjoying your sister's graduation ceremony that day, I want you to keep something in mind".

"And what is that?". Aiden inquired with a bit of inquisitive facial expression.

"We have upcoming tests under three subjects, history is one of them, the subject you hate the most". Ava reminded.

Aiden placed his palm on his forehead and uttered, "Damn! That's true".

"I'm telling you this so you wouldn't over-enjoy your sister's graduation ceremony and forget about it. You have to revise what we've been learning, and that's the same case for us too. Remember, these tests are important".

Oliver placed his right arm over Aiden's shoulder and voiced out,

"But we all know Aiden is intelligent. Even if he over-enjoys the graduation ceremony and doesn't revise that much, he'll still do well on the history test even if he doesn't like the subject. You know him well".

Yeah, this was something Aiden was aware of. He doesn't like this world's history, but he had learned a lot to do badly on the test even if he doesn't study for it that much. But what he knows was, on that day, he'll definitely have to crack his brain a lot while doing the test.

If he doesn't revise at all, it would be worse, he'll have to crack his brain a lot more on that day. So he decided that even if he enjoys the ceremony, he'll still try his best to study a little once he gets home...he'll try to revise what they've been taught by reading.

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"Well, I just wanted to remind him". Ava uttered in reply to Oliver.

And after she made that utterance, they didn't talk about that subject anymore. They discussed other things until a teacher stepped foot into their classroom and Oliver and Ava had to go back to their seats.


The day had arrived for Hazel's graduation ceremony to take place. All the Dankworth family was gonna be going apart from the two servants, Alora and Lydia. They were to stay at home and watch over the house.

All of them had dressed up in nice-looking robes. And there was one surprising thing, Ethan was dressed in a robe as well. Remember, he does dress like a warrior most of the time.

He could choose to dress like a warrior to his daughter's graduation ceremony, but he chose to wear a robe instead. This was an occasion, an important day for his daughter, it was best he wears a robe.

Hazel was dressed in a purple-colored robe, this was the robe that was given to her by the school. These were the colors of robes all the graduating students would wear, they were given to them by the school. And each of them was gonna wear a certain cap on their head.

The four of them were strolling toward the horse that had a carriage attached to its back currently, that was the horse they were gonna use in journeying to Hazel's academy. It wasn't that far from where they were living, but they didn't want to trek to that place, so they chose to make use of the horse and the carriage.

..Remember, Ethan had been riding Hazel to her school for years though it wasn't that far from their home.

Ethan had mounted the horse by now, and Emma, Hazel, and Aiden had entered the carriage. Then Ethan rode the horse out of the compound. They had arrived in front of Hazel's academy by now, and Ethan didn't waste time riding the horse straight into the school compound.

He came down from the horse, and his family came out of the carriage. Aiden would have the chance to spend more time in Hazel's academy. He'll get to glance around the compound and the edifices well.

Ethan had been riding both him and Hazel to their different academies for months now. And Hazel's academy comes first before Aiden's own. So whenever they get to Hazel's academy, he'll get to glance at the compound and the edifices for a while before Ethan rides off again.

..But today, he wouldn't glance at those things for a short while, he'll glance at them for a long time. He'll spend some time here.

There were other horses packed at the side of the school compound, these were horses of some of the parents and the graduating students...not all the parents had horses to bring to the school.

And from the chairs and the tables on the school compound, one could easily tell that a ceremony was to take place here. And each of the chairs and tables was sheltered.

Apart from that, there were some drinks on some of the tables, alcoholic drinks, the ones that could get a person intoxicated if he drinks too much of it. These were drinks for the adults, mostly the men...fathers of the graduating students.

But if a woman wants to take some of them too, they are allowed to, but they shouldn't get intoxicated. And there were drinks for the graduating students and kids that would be attending the ceremony, those aren't alcoholic.

The bottles were just like modern-day bottles, glass bottles. And there'll also be food, but they weren't on the tables yet, the food would be served later after activities had taken place.

And the chairs weren't empty, some parents were already sitting on them, and more would still arrive with their children before the ceremony begins.

The graduating students would be sitting on separate chairs, the parents would be sitting on separate chairs along with any kids they brought along, and the teachers and the head teacher would be sitting on separate chairs.

..But all that mattered was for the event to take place and end successfully.

Ethan and his family were strolling toward the chairs, and Hazel had sighted her class teacher by now. The moment her class teacher sighted her, he stood up from where he was sitting and began strolling toward where Hazel and her family were.

Reaching them, he smiled at Hazel and said, "I'm glad that you're here, Hazel".

And all Hazel did was smile, then he glanced at her father and said while forwarding his hand for a handshake, "Ethan Dankworth, nice to see you".

"Nice to see you too". Ethan voiced out with a bit of smile on his face receiving the man's handshake.

Then he greeted Emma and Aiden as well, and his voice resounded again, "You all wouldn't be sitting in the same place".

He pointed to the place where some of the graduating students were sitting and uttered to Hazel,

"Hazel, that's where you'll be sitting, go join your classmates there".

Then he glanced at Ethan and voiced out, "That's where your daughter would be sitting", Then he pointed to where some of the parents were sitting and said, "And that's where the three of you would be sitting".

..He was referring to Ethan, Emma, and Aiden.

Knowing where they were supposed to sit, they began walking to different places. Hazel began walking toward where the other graduating students were, and Ethan, Emma, and Aiden began sauntering toward where the other parents and kids were.

When Hazel got to the place, some of the graduating students greeted her with smiles on their faces, the ones she was close to, they were happy to see her. And when she had sat down, she began conversing with some of them.

All of them there were dressed in the same color of robes, purple-colored robes. And they all had those caps on their heads. All the graduating students hadn't arrived, so all they had to do now was wait.

It hadn't even gotten to the time for the ceremony to begin, but it was gonna begin in the next few minutes. More parents kept arriving at the academy with their children. Some of them came with horses, and some didn't.

There was a particular time set for when the ceremony would begin. And when it had gotten to the time, all the parents and graduating students had arrived, they all kept to the time.

All the chairs had been filled up. Seeing that everyone had arrived, the place where the graduating students were to sit had been filled up, the place where parents were to sit had been filled up, all the teachers that were supposed to be present were present...the head teacher stood up from where he was sitting.

..It had gotten to time for the graduation ceremony to begin.

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