Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 104 Her Next Agenda.

And before Hazel would even say what was on her mind, Ethan had another question to ask her. This was something he had discussed with Emma already, and if she agrees to it, they would let her.

Though they'd miss her, they'll still let her 'cause it was to her benefit. But they weren't sure if she'll agree to it 'cause of the responses she's been giving them in the past anytime Ethan throws the question at her.

Ethan's voice resounded again, "Before you say anything, I have a suggestion to make, something I've been asking you for some time now. Wouldn't you go to any of the academies meant for training benders? It's to your benefit, you'll learn a lot there".

A single word didn't flow out of Hazel's mouth, she just sat there glancing at her father. Then Ethan's voice resounded again,

"There are female warriors too, though males take the higher count. Think of it, going to the academy meant for training benders, you'll learn how to wield mana and make use of your wind power well. You'll learn to protect yourself from danger. You'll be called a female warrior,

It's a nice thing 'cause you'll be respected, many females choose not to become a warrior. So, what do you say?".

..From the expression on Hazel's face, it doesn't seem like she was gonna agree to it.

She voiced out, "This is my decision, dad, sorry to disappoint you, but I wouldn't be going to any of the academies meant for training benders. I have something in mind, something I want to learn".

A disappointed expression appeared on Ethan's face at that moment. He wanted at least one of his family members to become a warrior like him.

His wife, Emma, didn't learn to wield mana, she didn't attend any of the academies meant for training benders. He doesn't even know if his son, Aiden, has the mana core in him, if he was gonna awaken any power element.

..And here his daughter was telling him she wouldn't be going to any of the academies meant for training benders? He was disappointed.

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Though he'd really miss her if she goes, he still wanted her to go to an academy meant for training benders, he wanted her to become a warrior.

Well, what was he expecting? For all this time he's been asking her if she was gonna go to any of the academies meant for training benders, she never gives him a satisfactory answer...always telling him she wasn't sure.

Emma inquired of Hazel at that moment, "Why don't you want to go to an academy meant for training benders?".

"That's 'cause I don't fancy it like that, I've never fancied it. I don't think that's what would be best for me. Yes, if I go there, I'll learn to make use of my power properly, I'll learn to wield mana, I'll be referred to as a female warrior. But I don't want to. As I said, I have something else in mind". Hazel responded.

Emma nodded her head a little, glanced at Ethan, and noticed the disappointment on his face.

"So, you really don't want to learn to wield mana? You don't want to learn to make use of your power element?". Ethan uttered.

Hazel shook her head, that was her decision, she doesn't plan on changing her mind.

"So, what is it that you have in mind? What do you want to learn?". Emma inquired of Hazel.

"I want to learn to tailor, I want to learn how to sew. Sewing fashionable robes and all that, and also amending them, that's what I want to learn. I and a certain friend were talking about it some time ago, and she told me I can make good money from being a seamstress,

And it's something I've had in mind for some time now. Please, mum, dad, let me learn the skill".

Ethan was a little disappointed that his daughter chose not to go to any of the academies meant for training benders. But what can he do? It's her life. He can't control what she wants to do and how she wants to live her life?

She said she wants to learn to tailor, he'll have to agree to it, what can he do? Emma glanced at Ethan and inquired of him,

"So, what do you say? Do you agree to what she wants?".

"Yes, she'll learn the tailoring or whatever, what can I do?". Ethan voiced out.

"Yay, thank you, dad". Hazel's voice resounded.

..At that moment, Ethan kept wishing Aiden would awaken a power element.

At least, if his daughter doesn't become a warrior, his son should. But he wouldn't be able to go to any of the academies meant for training benders if he doesn't awaken an affinity. So he kept on wishing he'll get to awaken one at least.

Aiden was still standing there as he had already listened to everything they talked about, and they didn't notice him.

'Hazel doesn't want to go to an academy meant for training benders? Well, everyone has their choices to make'. Aiden thought to himself.

Still sitting in the living room, they began talking about the tailoring Hazel wants to learn. Where she was gonna learn it, how fast it would take her to learn it, and so on.

And by now, Aiden had already strolled back into his room. He accomplished the reason why he came out of his room, he listened to their conversation.


It's been hours since Aiden went back into his room. And what was he doing now? He was going through things they'd been taught in history from one of the books. The things he's written down.

School was gonna resume tomorrow, the two days break was over. And that same tomorrow, they had tests to write, and history was one of them...the subject he hated.

While he was at Hazel's graduation ceremony eating and enjoying himself, he remembered the test. And he decided he was gonna study a little once he gets home. But when he got home, that's for the whole of yesterday, he didn't revise a single thing.

..By the time he got home that yesterday, it had skipped his mind.

He didn't need to study for the other subjects, but as for history, he needed to study. Not like he would even do badly on the history test if he doesn't study, but he'll have to crack his brain a lot that day.

He doesn't want that, he doesn't want his head to catch fire from overheating, so it was best he studied, even if it was a little. He just kept on going through all the things he's written concerning history. All the things their history teacher wrote on the board and told them to jot down.

..And he was gaining knowledge, the history test wouldn't be that hard for him tomorrow.

Done studying, he kept the book aside and began thinking of what Hazel said to their parents during their conversation.

'She doesn't want to go to an academy meant for training benders, she wants to learn to tailor. I would miss her when she goes, but I still want her to learn to make use of her power properly. So I wouldn't try to hold her back if she decides to go to any of the academies specialized in training benders,

But she isn't going anyway. But as for me, when I awaken my power which I'm sure I would, I'd most likely go to an academy specialized in training benders'.


The next day had reached, Aiden had arrived at school already, his dad just dropped him off. He was the only one Ethan rode to school this morning, Hazel had graduated.

By now, they had already decided on where Hazel was gonna begin learning the tailoring, but they needed to do some inquiries first before she begins.

Aiden walked on the compound until he got to the edifice where his class was situated, then he began ascending the staircase. By now, he had already arrived at his classroom as he walked straight to his seat and sat on it.

While strolling toward his seat, he greeted the people that cared for his greeting. And the moment he sat on his seat, he remembered the tests they were gonna be having today...and he wasn't afraid at all.

..He was supposed to be afraid a little due to the history test. But he was confident due to the little studying he did yesterday.

And something else, after like a month of doing some tests, they were gonna be doing their exams. After those exams, they'll get their results. Their results were different from how it looks in modern world.

..And the word 'exams' doesn't scare Aiden at all 'cause this wasn't the first time he was gonna be doing them since he began attending this academy.

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