Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 163 Searching.

Not like Aiden doubted what the system told him before, but the man's statement confirmed it all. He hadn't heard of the Wacan Community before, but when the system told him that's where his first target's house was situated, he believed her.

After the man made that utterance, he didn't say anything else as he kept riding the horse. And you know what? Aiden was doing something while the horse was in motion.

He was observing the roads so he'd be able to trek back home from the Wacan Community. But if he sees a means like this that would take him home faster, he'd gladly accept it.

But it was based on probability, so he should observe the roads they were passing so he'd be able to trek home from the Wacan Community if he doesn't see a fast means.

..And while observing the roads, he was contemplating if he should ask the man for a favor or not.

What was the favor? Since the man was already aware that the Wacan Community was filled with wealthy and average people, then should he just tell him a bit of the reason why he was going to the community?

He was going there to locate Lucia's home. He was heading to the community already, but once he reaches the community, how would he locate her home?

Now, asking people for directions on how to locate her home wouldn't be much of a good idea. People would be like, 'Why do you want to locate her home? Are you a relative or something?'.

..And that might lead to something else.

So should he just tell the man he was heading to the Wacan Community to locate Lucia's home? Her father was one of the high-ranked chiefs in this kingdom.

That's the only thing he'd tell him, that he was heading to the community to locate her father's home. He wouldn't tell him the reason why he wanted to locate it. And if the man knew Lucia, he should also know her father, so he'd help him locate his home.

..But would asking him for this favor be a good idea?

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Aiden doesn't think so, that's why he was still contemplating it up till now. Contemplating it for some seconds more, he pushed the thought aside, there was no need to ask him for the wasn't a good idea.

Why? 'Cause he was human, he'd most likely ask questions. 'Why do you want to locate their house? Do you have any business with them?'. Those questions Aiden wouldn't be able to answer.

And once Aiden can't give him a satisfying answer, he'll start suspecting him. We all know why Aiden wanted to locate her home, 'cause it was very important considering he needed to seduce and conquer her.

He needed to know where she was residing. He can't possibly tell this man all these when he questions him, so he should keep his favor to himself. When he arrives at the Wacan Community, he'll find a way to locate her home even if it would be hard.

..They finally arrived at the Wacan Community after the passing of some minutes, and truly, it wasn't that far.

But if Aiden had trekked it, it would have taken more time to arrive here. And at that moment, he began imagining how long it would take him to trek from this community to his house.

..Well, the fact remains, the Wacan Community wasn't that far from his.

Even if he treks it, it wouldn't take too much time before he arrives at his home, but it wouldn't be that quick either. He studied the roads properly, so he knew he'd be able to trek from here to his home without any help.

"And we have arrived at the Wacan Community". The man said the moment they arrived at the community.

They could see different people walking about and so on. Aiden came down from the horse, took out 3 copper coins from one of his robe pockets, and handed them over to the man.

The man collected them with a little smile on his face, then he said,

"Thanks for the money".

"Thanks for the ride". Aiden uttered as well.

The smile on the man's face broadened, then he rode off. And now, it was about time for Aiden to locate Lucia's wasn't gonna be an easy job. He couldn't even ask natives of the Tuvalon Kingdom.

Yes, people were walking past, but he wouldn't be able to ask any of them. Where would he start in searching for her house? Thinking about this discouraged him a little.

He just stood on one spot glancing around...where would he begin from? He might even pass their house without knowing.

Well, he doesn't want to get too discouraged when the main search hasn't even started, so he breathed in and out...and that felt nice. His body relaxed to an extent.

Then he began walking forward. As he strolled, he hoped for the same thing, he hoped no one would recognize him as Aiden Dankworth...he doesn't even want the slightest attention.

He had covered some meters by now, and the houses he was sighting were just awesome. You know, lots of beautiful houses and so on. What the man said was true, lots of wealthy people were residing in this community.

You can tell from the houses and the compounds. In a single compound, you can see up to seven horses in it, and the compounds were so large.

..Now, how would he tell which was Lucia's home?...Most of the houses were looking great.

Not all the houses were looking too awesome though, some were just looking average. As the man said, there were also average people residing in this community as well as poor people.

All Aiden wanted to do now was locate Lucia's home, his first target. But how was he gonna do that by just walking and glancing at different houses? This was gonna be hard...

..And he can't ask people for help...ugh.

If only the system can just help him out with this, then that load would be lifted off his head. He decided to call out on the system at that moment, he did it from his mind,


<Yes, host>

'I've made it to the Wacan Community myself, I even had to sneak out of the house to do this. Now, I am trying to locate Lucia's house...wouldn't you help me out with this?'. Aiden uttered to the system from the mind.

<Host would have to complete this himself, it is part of accomplishing your quest>

'So you wouldn't help me out with this? Even if this once?'.

<No, host, you'd have to complete this yourself>


Aiden almost cursed at the system from his mind, but he just held himself...this was just so frustrating. What can he do? He can't just keep walking and glancing at different houses? He has to do something different.

And at this moment, he was at the edge, he planned on doing what he had pushed aside before...he was gonna ask someone for help on how to locate her house. But he was gonna do it discreetly...with brain.

He wouldn't ask adults, he'd ask teenagers like him. And he'd try to talk to them in a way that they wouldn't ask him too many questions. Even if they want to ask, just a few.

He had seen some young ones walk past him, they seemed like teenagers. But you can't fully decide a person's age just by glancing at the person...but he was sure some of them were teenagers.

What was his plan now? Any teenager he see walking toward him, he was gonna ask the person for help on how to locate Lucia's house. What can he do? There was no time to waste.

Currently, he had reduced the pace of his walking. Yes, he was still moving, but very slowly. Few people were walking past him, and he was glancing forward to see if any teenager was walking toward him, but he saw none.

People were walking past him from the front and behind, it wasn't only on one side. And a house was beside him currently, another nice looking house...the person that owns it must be wealthy...

..In fact, the person was an official, one of the average-ranked nobles in this kingdom.

Aiden wasn't aware of this until two knights came out of the house and stood in front of the main building. This grabbed Aiden's attention immediately as he was glancing at the two knights currently.

And looking at the house, he could easily tell that the person that owns it was wealthy. According to what he was seeing, the person would most likely be an official...if not, why were there two knights in front of the house currently?

Aiden was able to see these things 'cause the fence of the house wasn't that high...but the house was high including its foundation.

And we all know Aiden was searching for the house of a high-ranked chief...

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