Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 167 Again.

Aiden was so happy when they left their classroom, you know, those whose teachings were boring. He'd be like...

'Finally, it's over'.

Activities kept on taking place until it got to break hour, and as usual, students started walking out of the classroom. And it was at this moment that Oliver and Ava finally noticed him.

Aiden glanced at Ava, and she was looking extra pretty today...her skin was glowing. She had a little smile on her face while walking toward Aiden...and damn! she was f**king pretty.

Both Oliver and Ava were strolling toward Aiden currently, and by now, he had already stood up from his seat. The both of them reached where he was standing, and Oliver uttered to him with a smile on his face,

"Hey, Aiden".

"Hey, Oliver, hey, Ava". Aiden stated glancing at the both of them.

..As said, he wouldn't act funny.

"How come I didn't notice you all this while?". Oliver voiced out once again.

"That's 'cause you didn't bother to glance back".

..Aiden gave him a straight answer.

"Oh! Yeah, that's true". Oliver stated laughing a little.

..And wouldn't lie, the situation was a little awkward.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"So, Aiden, when are we gonna go hunting together? No time". Oliver uttered once again glancing at Aiden.

Aiden glanced at him with a straight face, and his eyes widened a little, the thought that ran through his mind at that moment was,

'Are you serious? I have a main quest to accomplish, and you're talking about hunting?'.

Well, Aiden couldn't blame him, Oliver had no idea he had a main quest to accomplish, and Aiden didn't want him to know.

This is what Aiden said to him, "At the right time, we'll engage in it, as for now, it would have to wait. When I feel like it's about time for us to go hunting, I'll personally tell you myself. When there'd be a lot of time to engage in it".

Oliver did nothing more than nod his head...what else can he do? And Ava nodded her head as well, she agreed with Aiden. Now that this aspect has been settled, it was about time for them to head over to the cafeteria.

They walked out of their classroom, and by now, they had already arrived at the cafeteria.


They had finished eating by now, and the three of them had already strolled out of the cafeteria as they were walking on the compound. As they were strolling, the activities that would take place today kept crashing into Aiden's head.

..You know, going to the Wacan Community again and trying to see if he can get some more details about Lucia.

They were still walking on the compound when Aiden sighted Anne. And do you know what she was doing? She was signaling Aiden if he was ready to have sex with her for the third time.

And Aiden was glancing at her with that straight expression plastered to his face. Yes, he needed to bang someone, but not her at all, he had 13 days remaining to seduce and bang Lucia.

Now, he wasn't interested in f**king Anne at all due to the main quest on ground. She was sweet, definitely, her pussy was f**king sweet...but he wasn't in the mood to screw her at all.

Even without the main quest on ground, he wouldn't still accept to f**k her 'cause he said their screwing wouldn't be frequent. They just had sex for the second time some days ago, their third sex would have to wait for some time.

..And again, he had come to discern that she likes sex...especially when it comes to big dicks.

If possible, she would love to be having sex with him everyday. Aiden was definitely gonna turn her down, he wasn't in the mood to have sex with her at all.

With that straight face, Aiden signaled to her he wasn't ready to have sex with her again...Ava and Oliver didn't notice. She understood his signaling, and a kind of gloomy expression appeared on her face at that moment.

Aiden noticed the expression on her face, and this was the thought that ran through his mind,

'Damn! This girl is a sex freak'.

..As if he was any better.


It had gotten to closing hour, and students were already heading home. Aiden, Ava, and Oliver were walking on the compound heading home as well.

..Now, we all know Aiden was heading to the Wacan Community today, so why was he heading home with Oliver and Ava?

Wouldn't he leave them and hurry to the Wacan Community? Maybe tell them a lie as usual that he needed to head home on time due to an event that was to take place.

He doesn't plan on doing any of those, he was gonna head home with them as usual, he wouldn't rush things. But once the both of them had followed the intersections that would lead them to their houses...the main rushing would then begin.

Oliver and Ava would reach their homes before once they were out of his sight, he can rush all he wants. They walked out of the school compound as they were strolling in the village square currently.

As they walked, they conversed, and Aiden was just waiting for them to reach the different intersections that would lead to their homes so he can begin heading to the Wacan Community.

..As said, he knew what he was about to do was risky, he could arrive home really late.

Who knows? Ethan might even arrive before him. But he has to do it...nothing can stop him.

The three of them kept on journeying until Ava arrived at the intersection that would lead to her home, then she waved at them a little before cornering it. After that had already taken place, Aiden glanced at Oliver and thought to himself,

'It's remaining you'.

After some minutes of walking, Oliver got to the intersection that would lead him straight to his house as well, and he cornered it. Now, it was remaining Aiden, a smirk appeared on his face at that moment.

It was about time to begin journeying to the Wacan Community. Now, today would be different, he wouldn't be asking people for directions on how to locate the community 'cause he knew where it was situated now...that has been done yesterday.

All he needed to do now was journey to it. If he can find that man that rode him to the community yesterday, he'd be so happy. That would make his journey faster, and it would save time.

Paying the man wouldn't be a problem, he has some copper coins in his pocket. And if the man can ride him to the community, he wouldn't arrive home too late...but it would definitely be nighttime or very close to it.

He began journeying to the place where he met the man before the man took him to where his horse was...

Even if he doesn't meet the man there, he'd try asking the woman that directed him to the man where he was and so on. That's if he meets the woman there.

He was already heading to the place, and from the bag he was carrying, if he meets the man there, he'd most likely discern that he was a student...but that doesn't matter.

As he strolled, he passed different people, and by now, he had already arrived at the place where he met the man that rode him to the Wacan Community.

..But seems like the man wasn't there...he didn't see him there.

He had arrived at the spot where the man was standing yesterday, but he didn't see him there. He glanced around, but he was nowhere to be found. So he decided to head over to the place where the man's horse was situated yesterday...maybe he could meet him there.

He began walking toward the place, and on reaching it, the man was still nowhere to be found. He didn't see him nor did he see his horse. He glanced around, but the case was the same.

..And Aiden sighed at that moment, so he'd have to trek to the Wacan Community...that would take time.

Seeing the man would have made things easier, he'd arrive at the Wacan Community in minutes. But the man wasn't available, damn!

It was at this moment that Aiden remembered that woman...yes, the woman that directed him to the man yesterday. He had almost forgotten about her, he didn't even bother to check if she was around or not.

He aimed to get to the spot where he met the man and was hoping to see him there, so he forgot to check if the woman was around.

Now, the woman wasn't a passerby or something. If she was, then why would he be expecting to see her there? She was selling provisions at a certain spot, she was a merchant. So that's why Aiden could be hoping to see her there.

..Meeting a passerby at a certain spot doesn't mean you'll meet him or her at that same spot the next day.

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