Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 171 Getting Her To Notice Him.

He began walking into the academy as different students in different colors of robes were walking past him...both the ones that were younger than him and the same age as him.

He was standing on the compound of the academy currently, and he was just glancing around. The academy was just like his, you know, the compound, the structures, and so on.

His gaze was focused on the buildings currently, and he couldn't help but nod his head as he was glancing at them...they were looking nice.

Just as other students were wearing bags, so he was as well, they wouldn't even know that he wasn't from this academy. Except for the ones that knew him as Aiden Dankworth...the ones that knew he was the son of an average-ranked chief.

..They'll know they haven't been seeing him in this academy, he wasn't a student of this academy...then here he was suddenly?

They weren't stupid, they might be confused for some time, but they'd easily discern that he came here to meet someone, this wasn't his academy.

..And we all know the kind of person Aiden was, he doesn't want anyone to recognize him as the son of Ethan Dankworth, he doesn't want attention.

'The son of an official trying to seduce and conquer the daughter of an official. The son of an average-ranked chief trying to seduce and conquer the daughter of a high-ranked chief'. Aiden thought to himself.

..And the moment that thought ran through his mind, he scoffed.

He was still standing on the compound, and his eyes were scanning around searching for Lucia. Has she gone home? Hasn't she? This he doesn't know.

Scanning around for seconds and not sighting Lucia, he began searching for the knight that brought Lucia home yesterday, the knight he saw yesterday.

Yes, he remembers the Knight's face vividly. He wanted to see if the knight was around. And what if the knight was around? That only means one thing. Lucia hadn't gone home yet, she was still in this academy.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

If the knight was around, then he was waiting for Lucia. But if he wasn't, then everything was based on probability again.

Aiden's eyes scanned around, but the knight was nowhere to be found. He searched thoroughly but didn't still see the knight. This only made him confused, it added to his confusion...has Lucia gone home or not?

..Since he didn't sight Lucia neither did he sight the knight, he began scanning around once again in search of another person.

Who was he searching for this time? The boy Lucia seemed to be close to, the one she might be betrothed to. He glanced around to the best of his capability but didn't sight him as well.

He sighed, he's located the Trailes Academy, one mission accomplished. But would he be able to begin the second mission today?...that's starting the seducing to an extent.

Students were still walking past him, and horses were even riding past him, but he still stood on that spot. He was confused a little, should he depart from this academy since he didn't see Lucia? Or should he wait a little? Maybe things might change.

After contemplating for some seconds, he decided to wait for some minutes more. And did his waiting pay off? Yes, it did. He was still standing there when he sighted Lucia dressed in a red robe and carrying a school bag this time.

..And gosh! She was f**king pretty.

Her skin was glowing as usual, and the little smile she had on her face while walking made her look really beautiful.

'Thank goodness I decided to wait, I would have left when I shouldn't have. Now, here she is'. Aiden thought to himself with his gaze focused on her.

But the knight that rode her home yesterday wasn't around, so how does she plan on going home today? Or does she plan on waiting for the knight to arrive? Most likely.

The Wacan Community doesn't seem to be too close to the Bupia Community and her academy, so she has no plans of trekking. Aiden just stood there glancing at her, and while still glancing at her, a certain boy approached her and began conversing with her.

..It wasn't the same boy he saw in the carriage with her yesterday, this was a different one.

They were conversing and smiling at each other a little, and Aiden thought to himself,

'Seems like she has too many boys in her life, no wonder her sex energy is high. Well, I have to stand out among them so I'd be able to complete my quest'.

Aiden was a cute boy, that's for sure, and right now, he was looking really handsome. From his face to the way he styled his hair, the robe he was wearing, and so on.

Everything matched together giving him a dashing look...

Now, this caused some girls to be glancing at him as they were walking past. Aiden noticed their stares, and he easily discerned that they found him handsome.

But he wasn't really interested in that, what he wanted was for Lucia to find him handsome, and he'll be so glad. The boy finished conversing with Lucia and walked away, and right now, she was standing alone again.

It was evident that she was waiting for the knight to come pick her up. There was no time to waste, Aiden decided to begin doing his thing right now. He wanted to glance in between her legs again, he wanted to stimulate himself.

..Yeah, he had seen her pussy and ass yesterday while making use of the eagle eyes, he wanted to see them again.

He uttered in his mind, 'Activate eagle eyes'.

He got the system's notification immediately...

<Eagle eyes has been activated>

<5 Skill points have been deducted from your skill points>

Getting the notification, he focused his gaze on where Lucia's pussy was situated, and he was seeing all. Her pussy was looking good as usual, would be nice for penetration.

Apart from her pussy, he was seeing her thighs, and they were looking good as well. He licked his lip a little, he was already stimulating fact, his dick was already rising.

'Damn! my cock is already rising, shouldn't allow it to rise in public'. Aiden thought to himself.

He wanted his dick to lessen, but to do that, he'd have to stop glancing through Lucia's robe, he'd have to stop glancing at her pussy, and so on.

..And you know what? He didn't feel like stopping, he just wanted to keep glancing and glancing at it.

Once you've started, it would be very hard to stop. But he'd have to stop before someone notices his dick and voice it out...especially a girl. At least, he had stimulated himself to an extent.

He inactivated the skill, and now, it was about time to make his next move now that she was still alone.

He has a target to prey on, he has to do things cautiously just like how a lion would do things cautiously to hunt down their prey.

The first thing was to get her to notice him. How can he seduce and conquer her when she doesn't even know that he exists? He was the son of an official, she was the daughter of an official, but that doesn't mean that she knew him.

Lucia was the kind of girl that doesn't really care about knowing kids of officials. 'Your dad is a high-ranked noble, my dad is a high-ranked chief, our dads are both officials, let's be friends'.

..No, she doesn't care about that...but not like she doesn't have friends whose dads are officials, she does.

But it would have to happen naturally. Now, she and Aiden had sat in the special place meant for officials numerous times whenever they attended festivals. This had been happening since when they were little.

Aiden had been noticing her, but she hadn't been noticing Aiden though he was cute. And now that they were teenagers, she hadn't still known what Aiden's face looks like.

Yes, she knew Ethan Dankworth, she knew he was an average-ranked chief, but she didn't know what his children's faces looks like, she didn't care.

Even when Aiden went missing and the news spread around that he went missing, she heard of it as a small girl, she wasn't apathetic to the news...but up till now, she doesn't know what Aiden's face looks like...

..That's the kind of person Lucia was...but I tell you, she wasn't a saint.

Aiden knew she doesn't know him, but he wanted to get her to notice him. So he began walking toward her slowly like a lion that was walking toward his prey slowly.

She was glancing at the left-hand side as he was walking toward her, she hadn't noticed him. But by the time he had gotten close to her, she glanced front, and that's when she sighted him.

..Now, as said, Aiden was a cute boy, she noticed that the moment she glanced at him.

But he doesn't seem familiar, she hadn't seen him in this academy before, and they seemed like age mates. Wasn't he supposed to be in her class if he was in this academy?

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