Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 186 It Wouldn't Be Easy.

All he knows was that he was gonna try his very best to accomplish it, he'd try to get the information he was like a must.

..All he was hoping for now was that the boy doesn't recognize him as Aiden Dankworth, the son of Ethan Dankworth...the son of an average-ranked chief.

It would be really bad if that happens, it would easily become an awkward situation. The boy would be like...

'What is Aiden Dankworth doing in this academy? And why did he approach me?'.

And Aiden would be stuck, he wouldn't know what to say. And anything he asks the boy would turn into suspicion even if he does it with discernment. The boy would be like...

'Do you have any business with Lucia?'.

So what was Aiden's wish right now? For the boy not to recognize him as Aiden Dankworth when he approaches him. Aiden was still sitting on his bed when the door to his room suddenly opened, and Lydia popped her head into it and said to him,

"Aiden, come eat lunch, it's been prepared".

And after relaying the information, she took her head off the door. Yes, though it was mid-afternoon heading straight to complete evening, the Dankworth family hadn't eaten lunch yet.

They were gonna be eating it late due to certain reasons. Aiden stood up from his bed, walked toward the door, opened it, and stepped was about time to go eat lunch.


"Dad, maybe I should be the one to ride the horse". Aiden said to Ethan.

And Ethan glanced at him with a kind of expression on his face, a perplexed one. They were on the compound currently, it was morning, and Ethan wanted to ride Aiden to school.

They were standing close to one of the horses on the compound, and Ethan had untied it. According to Aiden, he wanted his dad to ride him to school today, he doesn't want to trek.

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So after they had eaten breakfast, both of them strolled out of the house together. As said, they were standing close to one of the horses on the compound, and after Ethan had untied it, that's when Aiden made that utterance...

"Dad, maybe I should be the one to ride the horse".

..As said, Ethan glanced at him with a perplexed expression on his face the moment he made that utterance.

Then his expression converted to, 'Are you serious?'.

Do you know what was running through Ethan's mind at that moment,

'Is it 'cause of the little teachings I gave to him that is making him feel like he can ride a horse now? That little training? I mean, he still has a long way to go when it comes to horse riding'.

"Are you serious?". Ethan inquired of Aiden.

"Yes". Aiden responded.

"What! Seriously? That's like saying you want both of us to get into an accident. You still have a lot to learn when it comes to horse riding, you know that, and you want to take the risk of riding a horse?". Ethan voiced out once again.

"I feel maybe practices like this would make me better at horse riding. You know, riding this horse from here to my academy".

"But you don't even know how to increase a horse's pace yet though you know how to put one in motion. You haven't learned to ride a horse at a fast pace, so how do you want to ride this one to your academy?

First of all, taking a big risk, secondly, it would take a long time before we'd arrive at your academy if we even make it there at all. I'm wondering why you suggested such a thing".

..Aiden wanted to ride the horse into his school compound so students would see him and be like,

'Oh! He knows how to ride a horse?'.

Oliver could even sight him, he wanted a bewildered expression to appear on people's faces. You know how he felt when he saw that 15-year-old boy ride a horse into the school compound?...Yes, that's how he wanted people to feel.

..But guess he couldn't think straight 'cause of that, he wasn't thinking of the consequences, all he was thinking of was that he wanted to gloat.

Though he had progressed a lot, he knows he still had a lot to learn when it comes to horse riding, and he wanted to take the risk of riding himself and his father to his academy?

..Imagine both of them falling off the horse when it's in motion due to Aiden's mistake.

It would be so disgraceful, people would most likely be watching. The ones that knew Ethan would be like, 'Isn't that Ethan and his son falling off the horse? Wow!'.please visit

Aiden came to his right senses at that moment, and he was like, 'How could I suggest such a thing?'.

And his father's voice resounded into his ears, "I am still wondering why you suggested such a thing".

"No reason, I just wanted to see if I'd be able to ride the horse to my academy, I wanted to see if I'll succeed, some little practicing".

..He wanted to gloat as well.

"You'd be the one to ride as usual, I've just realized that what I suggested was a bad idea". Aiden stated.

"A really bad one". Ethan added.

The both of them mounted the horse, Ethan was in front, while Aiden was behind him, and Ethan rode the horse out of the compound.


Aiden was in school currently, right in his classroom, and sitting on his seat. A certain female teacher dressed in purple robe was in front of the classroom teaching them.

..But everything she was saying wasn't entering Aiden's ears at all, his mind had drifted away.

What she was teaching was simple, something he was aware of. It was a new topic, but he was aware of it. So he decided to use that chance to think instead of listening to her teaching.

Students were paying rapt attention, while he was thinking. Today was the 5th day, yes, he had 5 days remaining to seduce and conquer Lucia. As known, he planned on going to her academy today...he was going there with full force.

He might not make any move on her today, he might not try seducing her at all...he needed to accomplish something important...

..He must find a way to approach that boy, he must converse with him, and he must try to get the necessary information he needed.

And as known, Lucia mustn't know about it. And again, the boy shouldn't recognize him as the son of Ethan Dankworth...if that happens, then everything has spoilt.

He doesn't care about knowing the boy's name or some details about his life or family, no, he doesn't care about those. What he wanted to know was the relationship between him and Lucia, only that.

'This wouldn't be easy'. Aiden thought to himself.

Yeah, as he was thinking about it, he was coming to realize that accomplishing it wouldn't be easy. He's realized it before, he was realizing it more.

What if he goes there and doesn't meet the boy, maybe he's gone home or something. Maybe he wouldn't go home with Lucia today, who knows? He might leave the academy before her.

..And again, he has to do this without Lucia knowing, and he knew she'd most likely be waiting for him today 'cause she'd fallen for him.

How would he dodge her? How would he approach the boy without her knowing? Ugh, this would be really hard. And worst of all, there was no time, once today passes, he'd have 4 days remaining to seduce and conquer Lucia.

It wouldn't be easy, but he has to do it, he doesn't want to panic too much...

Wasn't he the one that wasn't panicking when he had 7 days remaining to accomplish the quest? So why panic now?

He decided not to panic too much, he calmed down and even began listening to what the teacher was teaching.

'I have to make sure to get to the academy on time'. Aiden thought to himself.


Right now, Aiden was heading toward the Bupia Community where the Trailes Academy was situated, Lucia's academy. He didn't waste time with his friends at all, the moment it got to closing hour, he left.

He didn't say anything to them, he didn't explain anything to time for that. As he was journeying, he thought of his plan, and he strategized how he was gonna implement it.

And right now, he had arrived in front of the Trailes Academy, he was here again. Students were walking out of the academy, but they weren't that many. But he knew something, they had definitely gotten to closing hour.

Horses were riding out of the academy, but they weren't that many as well.

'It's time'. Aiden thought to himself.

And after that thought ran through his mind, he breathed in and out and began walking toward the academy to enter it...

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