Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 188 Locating Him.

Now, not like he could see directly into the classrooms, he could only see their doors, he wasn't even seeing all properly. But the students walking out of the classrooms weren't up to their teenage age, that's what he has confirmed.

This wasn't the only building in this academy, there were other buildings as well. And some of them have classrooms on them. But according to what Aiden was seeing now, the boy's classroom can't be situated in this corridor.

And this wasn't the corridor Aiden saw Lucia walking in, she was walking on the first floor when he saw her. So the boy's classroom would most likely be situated on the first floor as well.

He had known Lucia's age by checking her status, she was 16 years old. He knew a lot of things about her by checking her status. As for the boy he was searching for, he doesn't know his age nor does he know his name.

But he'd most likely be 16 or 17 years old, most likely 17 years old...

..As for discovering his name, Aiden might find that out later.

For now, all he needed was to discover where his classroom was situated. He began mounting the staircase that would lead him to the first floor. And while mounting it, he noticed something.

The students descending the staircase were all teenagers. That shows something, the first floor was most likely where the boy's classroom was situated. And another thing, they were at the same level of learning as him.

He reached the first floor, glanced at the compound once again, and Lucia was still standing there. But according to what he was seeing, seems like she had moved front a little, and her eyes were still scanning around.

..Aiden doesn't need to be told again, she was still searching for him. But too bad, she'd most likely not be able to see him today.

'All I know is I must try to seduce and bang you before the time limit passes'. Aiden thought to himself with his gaze still focused on Lucia.

He took his gaze off her and faced front. What was the plan now, to locate the boy's classroom since he's already arrived on the first floor.

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..Once again, he hoped no one would recognize him as the son of Ethan Dankworth.

'What if his classroom isn't really situated in this corridor?'. Aiden thought to himself once again.

Now, he was only confusing himself. All he needed to do now was search around to see if he'd sight the boy in one of the classrooms. It wasn't an easy job, but he has to do it.

He began strolling in the corridor glancing into different classrooms. For each class he'd glance into, he'd make sure to scan around with his eyes. Once he sets eyes on the boy, he'd recognize him immediately.

..Now, have you been in a situation where you don't seem to be finding the person you're searching for?

Yes, that's exactly the situation Aiden was in right now. With his school bag on and walking in the corridor glancing into the different classrooms, he doesn't seem to be sighting the boy.

This got him confused again, was the boy's classroom situated on this corridor? Or was it that he wasn't even around?...

He was still strolling when he sighted a certain male teacher dressed in black robe coming in front of him. He quickly acted like he wasn't searching for anyone, hope the man doesn't notice he wasn't a student of this academy.

..And he didn't, the man walked past him without even glancing back for a second.

And Aiden continued glancing into different classrooms. He had reached the last class in the corridor, but the boy was nowhere to be found. He was still in that situation...

'Has the boy gone home? Or is he around?'.

Some people had noticed he was searching for someone, he had discerned this from the way they were glancing at him. As known, there were still students in the corridor.

..If only he knew the boy's name, then locating him would have been easier.

And he needed to get the necessary information from him.

'Or maybe I didn't check well, seems like I'll have to check through the whole classroom once again'. Aiden thought to himself.

Another work...which he must have to do. He began walking in the corridor once again while glancing into the different classrooms. Now, he was doing it carefully and a little slowly.

He'd make sure to glance into a classroom for a while before taking his gaze off it. He'd scan around for more than a minute before taking his gaze off and moving to the next class.

..Once he sets eyes on the boy, he'd recognize him immediately, no doubt about it.please visit

All he needed was to just sight him, and case closed. All this was part of accomplishing his first main quest. He had arrived at a certain classroom currently, a classroom he had glanced into before.

He was standing in front of the door and scanning around the classroom, and there were students in it. For each class he glanced into, he saw students in them. Some were average in number, while some were super low.

But all of them seemed to be preparing to leave the classrooms, they hadn't left yet due to certain reasons. As said, Aiden was standing in front of the classroom and scanning around, he was searching for the boy.

..And the unexpected happened, he sighted him, he wasn't expecting to see him.

He's actually found the boy, so his classroom was truly situated on this corridor, thank goodness Aiden decided to check again. Aiden was just glancing at him currently with an elated heart.

He's found the boy, he was close to accomplishing his mission...

It wasn't easy, but he'd try to accomplish it. According to what he was seeing, the boy was preparing to leave the classroom, he was preparing his bag.

Yes, he seemed to be arranging the books and some other stuff in the bag. What Aiden doesn't know was if he planned on going home with Lucia today as usual. Would the knight ride both him and Lucia home today?

Well, he shouldn't care about that, all he needed to know was the kind of relationship that exist between him and Lucia, how strong was it?

The boy was cute, no doubt about it. Aiden knew if he checks his status, his charm point would be high. And you know something? Aiden was contemplating if he should check the boy's status.

'Should I check his status before approaching him? I can use that to know his name, age, and so on'.

..Well, Aiden decided not to, he'd approach him without checking out his status.

As said, he doesn't care about knowing those details about him. Now, he has to think of a proper way to approach the boy. He can't just approach the boy anyhow? That would ruin everything, all his thought-out plan.

As he stood there, a lot was running through his mind, what was the best way to approach the boy? And the fact that there were other students in the classroom, there should be no mistake in his manner of approach.

He would even like it if those students could leave the classroom, he doesn't want them to hear their conversation. They might leave, they might not...anyone that happens, he still has to approach the boy.

His mind had settled by now, he had decided on the best way to approach the boy. And as if things were still working out in Aiden's favor, the moment his mind settled, lots of students began walking out of the classroom.

It was just like they were creating space for him to approach the boy...

It was just like they were telling him, 'Approach him, we don't want to listen to your conversation'.

A lot of them had left the classroom, but there were still some students in it with the boy. But that doesn't matter, that wasn't a big deal...he was at least elated since a lot of them had left the classroom.

'It's time'. Aiden thought to himself.

And after that thought ran through his mind, he stepped foot into the classroom and began strolling toward the boy.

'Hope he doesn't recognize me as the son of Ethan Dankworth'. That was the next thought that ran through Aiden's mind while still strolling toward the boy.

..Yes, that was really important, the boy shouldn't recognize him as Aiden Dankworth.

As known, if that happens, plan spoiled. Aiden was getting closer to the boy, and his plan had been well thought out, how he planned on approaching him...hope nothing goes wrong.

The moment he reached where the boy was standing, he was like...

"Hey, Oliver".

And the boy glanced at him with a kind of expression that screams, 'Who is Oliver?'.

..Now, we all know who Oliver is, right? So why was he calling this boy Oliver?

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