Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 194 To An Extent.

Some of them had gotten little training from either their parents or someone. Those that had gotten those training had learned to make use of their affinities to an extent.

Though there were a lot of things they still needed to learn, they had learned to make use of their affinities to an extent. Now, whenever those people were making use of their powers, those that hadn't learned to make use of their powers at all would be amused.

And it barely happens for someone to be wielding mana right in school. This wasn't an academy for training benders, this was an academy for getting basic knowledge.

So 'cause it barely happens, when it does, and it happens to be someone that had learned to make use of his or her power to an extent, those that hadn't learned to make use of their powers at all would be amused.

They'd love to fix their gaze on the person that was making use of his or her power...

..That's exactly what was happening now.

The 15 years old boy seemed to have learned to wield mana to an extent. So as he was making use of his power while wielding mana, those that hadn't learned to make use of their powers at all were amused.

Those that were walking past were the ones that had learned to make use of their powers to an extent as well or those that weren't interested. They all consisted of students.

As said, out of the three of them, that's Aiden, Oliver, and Ava...Oliver was the only one that had noticed what the boy was doing. He was the only one glancing at him currently.

Had Oliver learned to make use of his power at all? Yes, he had received some little training, but he was still amused. He loved the way at which the flame on the boy's palm was increasing.

'This is such a cool power, the same one Aiden possesses'. Oliver thought to himself.

He glanced at Aiden and Ava, and he noticed their gazes weren't on what the boy was doing, they hadn't noticed him. But he was gonna direct their attention there, that's for sure.

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The boy possesses Aiden's power, Aiden must see this. He was able to get Ava and Aiden's attention as they were still strolling, then he pointed to the boy and said,

"Look at that, look at what the boy is doing".

Aiden and Ava focused their gazes on the boy, and they were a little amused by how he was wielding mana. You know what amused Aiden more? The boy possesses his affinity, the fire affinity.

A person that possesses the same affinity as his had learned to make use of it to this extent? And according to what he was seeing, he was older than the boy. He was proud the boy possesses the same affinity as him.

Has Aiden learned to make use of his fire affinity to this extent? Yes. With the little teachings he's received from Ethan, he had learned to make use of his power to an extent as well.

But can he say he was better than the boy at making use of the fire affinity? No, the boy was really good though he was older than him. He still had a lot to learn when it comes to making use of his fire affinity, but that doesn't stop the fact that he was good to an extent.

The flame on the boy's palm was increasing, and the people around were getting more amused. Aiden was like, 'Wow'. According to what he was seeing, seems like the boy was better at making use of the fire affinity.

Aiden wasn't sure he could get a flame on his palm to become as large as this...seems like the boy was better. He began walking toward the boy slowly, and Ava was like,

"Where are you heading to?".

"I'm going closer to the boy". Aiden responded, like, it was so easy to notice.

"That's 'cause he possesses the same affinity as you, right? You're amused, right?". Oliver inquired of Aiden.

Aiden didn't even respond as he kept on walking forward. He got closer to the boy and began glancing at the large flame on his palm...he was definitely amused.

Ava and Oliver glanced at each other then began strolling forward as well. Since Aiden had strolled forward, then they should stroll forward as well.

..The boy had turned the academy into an academy meant for training benders...he was grabbing attention.

The people interested in what he was doing couldn't take their gazes off the flame on his palm. Especially the ones with the fire affinities that hadn't learned to make use of them at all...they were so amused.

..If a teacher sees the current situation, little problems would arise.

The teacher would be like, 'Why this scene? This isn't an academy meant for training benders?'.

But there weren't any teachers around now, all of them had departed from the cafeteria, and none of them were walking on the compound currently.

What the boy was doing was boosting people's morale. Those that hadn't even learned to make use of their powers at all wanted to try out what he was doing...those that possessed the fire affinities as well.

They began transferring mana to their right palms to the best of their capabilities. Then some of them were able to generate mini-sized flames on their palms, that was accomplishment to an extent.

..But not even up to 10 seconds of generating the flames, they disappeared from their palms, they went off.

They were really disappointed, but nothing can be done about it. Some people's own didn't even last up to 10 seconds, the moment the flames appeared on their palms, they lasted for like 3 seconds, then they went off.

This was making people want to begin learning how to make use of their affinities though they hadn't gone to an academy specialized in training benders.

This applies to both people that don't possess the fire affinity, but the ones with the fire affinities were the ones with more zeal.

Aiden had seen enough, it was about time to show people how far he's gone with his training. Many of the people here were the ones that hadn't learned to make use of their powers at all, even those with the fire affinity. But Aiden had learned to make use of his power to an extent.

..He wasn't as good as the boy, this he was sure of, but he had learned to make use of his affinity to an extent.

He began transferring mana toward his right palm, then he raised it a little. Before he knew it, flame began igniting on the palm. A small flame first appeared on it, then it started increasing slowly.

..Now, it wasn't only about igniting flame on his palm, would it be able to last?

Yes, other people here with the fire affinity were able to ignite mini-sized flames on their palms, but it didn't take time before they went off. Now, would the one on Aiden's palm last? Let's see.

The flame on his palm wasn't mini-sized anymore, as said, it was now increasing. And it doesn't seem like it was gonna go off anytime soon.

It kept increasing, and now, people seemed to be noticing it. Some people were taking their gazes off the boy's flame and focusing them on Aiden's own...Aiden seemed to know what he was doing.

Even the boy seemed to be noticing Aiden's flame as well. And do you know what was running through people's minds? Those that possess the fire affinity and haven't learned to make use of them at all?

'Wow! Another person that has learned to make use of his fire affinity to an extent, another person that has learned to wield mana to an extent'.

The flame on Aiden's palm kept increasing, but it got to a point where it had to stop, it didn't reach the size of the boy's own. And now, Aiden had gathered people's attention as well.

..People were glancing at the boy's own and glancing at Aiden's own as well.

But they definitely noticed that the boy's own was larger than Aiden's. Ava and Oliver liked what they were seeing, they were still standing there, and they had been watching Aiden since he started igniting the flame on his palm.

They'd been watching him from the very beginning when the flame on his palm hadn't increased at all...

And they were just nodding their heads, their friend was good at making use of his fire affinity to an extent as well.

"You're good to an extent as well". The 15-year-old boy said to Aiden with the flame still on his palm.

"Yeah, you've noticed". Aiden voiced out as well.

The ones that knew Aiden was the son of an average-ranked chief couldn't help but mutter to themselves...

"The son of an average-ranked chief had already learned to make use of his power to an extent?".

..Like it was that surprising...what's so surprising about it?

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