Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 233 Decision.

Aiden had reached his room by now, and he was like...

"I love you shit, so irritating, had to bear that for too long".

After muttering that to himself, he walked toward his bed and sat on it. Now, he was waiting to see if anything would happen for disobeying his mum's instruction.

Well, nighttime reached, Ethan arrived home and met with Hazel's fiancee. They greeted with smiles on their faces, Ethan was so happy to see the young man, and the young man was so happy to see Ethan as well.

..You know, he respected Ethan, a warrior that was helping out this kingdom in many ways and also an average-ranked chief...he really does respect him.

They discussed for some time before the young man decided it was about time for him to was getting late. Throughout all these things that happened, Aiden didn't get scolded for disobeying Emma's instructions.

..Yes, throughout the time he was in his room, nothing happened, Emma didn't pop her head into it or anything like that.

Well, Hazel's fiancee left, but before he did, he and Hazel talked for some minutes, they even kissed. He didn't leave on foot, he didn't trek.

He brought a horse that he parked in their compound, so he just walked toward it, mounted it, and rode it out of their compound.


After that day that Aiden and Lucia had sex, the both of them hadn't set eyes on each other again. Aiden hadn't visited her academy since then.

And the truth was, Lucia, had been waiting for him. She wanted to relay some information to him...and apart from that, have sex with him again.

..Yes, it hadn't been too long since they last had sex, but Aiden was too charming to be counting the days she last had sex with him.

She can have sex with him today and might be in the mood to have sex with him again next week...yes, that's how charming he was, that's how much she was craving him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She doesn't even care if she was cheating on the boy she was close to, all she knew was Aiden's dick was something she'd like to be having frequently...maybe not too frequently.

What was the information she wanted to relay to him? What she discussed with the people close to her. And who are the people we are referring to here? The knight that does pick her up from school and the boy she was close to.

Remember, the next day after she and Aiden had sex, the knight and the boy questioned her, they asked where she went, and she lied to them.

..She told them she hung out with friends whereas she and Aiden visited an inn to have sex.

She couldn't tell them the truth 'cause that would only lead to something else. And what was the agreement she made with them? When next she wanted to hang out with friends, she should do well to inform them ahead of time.

Now, she needed to tell Aiden that even when she was in the mood to have sex with him on a particular day, due to her wanting to inform the knight and the boy about it, they'd have to push it to the next day.

Yes, she needed to tell Aiden this, it was really important, but she can't relay the information to him if she doesn't see him...

And she'd have to make sure their having sex wouldn't be too frequent. Why? 'Cause the boy and the knight would suspect...was it all the time she was hanging out with friends? It was too frequent.

And this could cause the boy she was close to to begin investigating...and he could find out something.

..She needed to inform Aiden about this as well, but as said, she wouldn't be able to do so if she doesn't see him.

So the thing was, she'd love to be having sex with Aiden frequently, but it wouldn't be possible due to the people in her life...she was the daughter of a high-ranked chief.

That was already a limitation on its own...

She had been waiting for Aiden, but she hadn't been seeing him. Today was another day of school, and the bell had just ranged to signify closing hour.

Students were arriving on the compound and walking out of it completely, and parents were arriving with horses to pick up their kids. So it wasn't all students that were walking out of the academy on foot.

..Some were being ridden out of the academy with horses.

Lucia had already arrived at the school compound by now, and she was glancing around to see if she'd sight Aiden...but she didn't. And she was like, 'Again?'.

She had been waiting for him to come, but he's been nowhere to be found for days. She muttered to herself,

"Maybe he's got something going on in his life, or he isn't ready to visit again".

..All she knew was that she'd keep waiting for him, she knew he'd definitely come.

She needed to relay those information to him, they were important. And if eventually Aiden comes and she begins discussing with him...she must make sure the boy she was close to doesn't see them.

Once he sees them together, that was another problem on its own...


Lucia had been waiting for Aiden, and Aiden had actually been thinking of her. Yes, he wanted to visit her academy again, but he needed to handle some things first which he was already handling.

As known, due to trying to seduce and bang her, he pushed many things aside that he could have engaged in within that time.

But now that he's accomplished the quest by conquering her, he was already engaging in those things little by little. He's gone hunting with his friends again, and it was a fun experience.

He's f**ked Anne for the third time, and there were still some other things needed to be done. Maybe after he was done handling them, he'd then visit her academy again.

..He was in his room currently contemplating it.

He was thinking if he should wait until he's handled those other things before he'd visit her academy again.

'Wouldn't that take time?'. He thought to himself.

And the next thought that ran through his mind was, 'She'd most likely be expecting me, she might have been waiting for me for days now'.

..Yes, that was completely true, she's been waiting for him.

He needed to conclude on something, handling those other things before visiting her academy again, or visiting her academy first to see her before handling those other things.

One of those other things includes visiting his dad's animal field again and practicing horse riding in it...

"I think I'd have to visit her academy first, I need to see her. Who knows, she might be craving my dick again though it hasn't been long since we last had sex". Aiden muttered to himself.

..And he's concluded, he was gonna visit her academy first before he'd engage in those other activities.

And when was he gonna do that? Tomorrow after school. Yes, once the school bell rings to signify closing hour, he'd depart from the classroom again without informing Ava and Oliver.

It was nighttime currently, and the moment he was done deciding, he heard his mum's voice,

"Aiden, come eat dinner".

Yes, dinner had been prepared and served, and all the Dankworth family had arrived home...even Ethan had arrived home, they were gonna eat as a family.

Without wasting time, Aiden stood up from his bed and walked out of his room.


The bell had just ranged to signify closing hour in Aiden's academy, and as we all know, he decided he was gonna visit Lucia's academy today, and so he was gonna do.

He glanced at Oliver and Ava, and they hadn't glanced at him at all. But they'd soon do so in the next few minutes. He carried his bag and began walking out of the classroom until he walked out of it completely.

These things were easy for him to accomplish without Oliver and Ava noticing 'cause there were two doors, each classroom in this academy had two doors.

And he was sitting behind them, so he could easily make use of the other door closer to him to walk out of the classroom without them noticing...

..And you know what? He's been able to achieve it again.

He walked out of the classroom again without them noticing. Right now, he's already arrived at the compound as he was walking on it heading out of the academy.

There weren't many students on the compound yet 'cause the bell just ranged to signify closing hour.

He kept on walking until he had strolled out of the compound completely. And right now, he was heading toward the Bupia Community where the Trailes Academy was situated again.

And there's something you all need to know, Aiden was looking so handsome at this moment...

..Glancing at him from up to down, a girl can easily fall for him.

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