Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 99 Completing Quests.

Aiden was already jogging back home, and he had covered meters by now. Balls of sweat were still on his forehead, and he was still panting while jogging. It just seemed like he was exercising his body.

'Even if it isn't punishment, the system could have just informed me she wanted me to exercise. She didn't want to say it directly, so she decided to give it to me in form of a quest'. Aiden thought to himself once again while still jogging.

..But that wasn't the case, his thinking was still wrong.

It wasn't easy carrying his school bag and wasn't easy at all. Sweats were just drizzling out of his body, he felt exhausted, he needed to freshen up. And he was gonna do that once he arrives home.

After he was done freshening up, he'll lay on his bed for a long time. The same thing was still repeating itself, he'll jog for some time, stop to get his breath a little, then continue jogging.

..And by now, he had covered kilometers, he had gotten so close to his house.

He glanced at the sky, it had darkened a little, it wasn't as bright as it was when he first arrived home and got the quest from his system. He arrived in front of his home and stepped foot into the compound, and his breathing was so heavy.

Apart from his breathing being heavy, he was sweating. Now, he was aware of something, he knew when he steps foot into the house and meets all of them there like his mum, Alora, Lydia, and so on, they would definitely question him.

And the question would be like, 'Aiden, why are you sweating like this? What happened?'.

But what can he do? He has to step foot into the house. He can't stay here forever? When they ask him such a question, he knew what he was gonna tell them, and it was gonna be a lie.

He began sauntering toward the house with his breathing still heavy, he was f**king tired. He had arrived in the living room by now, and the only person he saw there was, Hazel. Where were the rest? Weren't they at home?

..But then, he began hearing voices and perceiving a nice aroma, they were in the kitchen.

This was nice, he just has to make his way to his room before any of them comes out, he doesn't want to answer questions. But he was gonna receive one right now, and it was gonna be from, Hazel.

He was strolling toward his room when the question resounded in his ears,

"Aiden, you're coming home a little late today, and why are you sweating like this? You look exhausted".

"It's a long story, can't explain that right now". Aiden retorted.

And a kind of confused expression appeared on Hazel's face the moment Aiden made that utterance. Then Aiden's voice resounded again,

"Please, don't tell mum and the rest about this, alright?".

"Why shouldn't I?". Hazel questioned.

"For many reasons. The number one reason is that I don't want to start answering questions, I don't have the power for it. You said it yourself, I look exhausted, and truly, I'm so exhausted. What I need now is rest, don't have the power to start answering questions". Aiden explained.

Hazel nodded her head a little before voicing out, "Okay".


And after uttering that, Aiden continued strolling toward his room. He reached the door of his room, opened it, and stepped foot into it. Then he took off his bag and flung it away...he was so tired and clammy.

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And reaching his bed, he landed on it, it felt like he should just close his eyes and doze off. But he has to shower first, he can't sleep off with this sweaty body? He was feeling uncomfortable.

His clothes were soaked in sweat, he needed to take them off. He was wearing a green robe, and he didn't waste time taking it off and flinging it away. He was even too tired to keep things properly, he doesn't have the time for it.

..Taking off his school bag, he flung it away...taking off his clothes, he flung it away as well.

He was lying on the bed currently, and the system's interface appeared in front of him at that moment,


<Ding! Ding!>

<Daily quest completed>

<You jogged back to your academy, and jogged back home>


<+10 Exp>

<+10 Skill points>

<Current Exp: 2,405/3,300>

<Current Skill points: 11,605>


Glancing at the interface, Aiden muttered to himself at that moment,

"Getting just 10 Skill points and 10 Exp for completing such a hard quest is a bit unfair. The rewards never increase no matter how hard the quest is".

..Well, there was nothing he could do about it, that's the number of rewards he'll keep getting for completing each daily quest whether it was hard or easy.

After he got up from the bed, he showered, and it felt so refreshing. While he was strolling back to his room, he sighted his mum and the servants. And his mum threw a question at him that he was somehow expecting,

"Aiden, you came back a little late today, why?".

And he gave her a quick lie as an answer, he had no time for long talk. She was satisfied with the answer, and he didn't waste time strolling into his room.

..What he wanted to do at that moment was doze off before it gets to time for everyone to eat dinner.



<Ding! Ding!>

<Daily quest>

<Complete twenty push-ups without stopping>


<+10 Exp>

<+10 Skill points>


This was what Aiden saw on the system's interface after it appeared in front of him. Ten days passed after Aiden completed the quest to jog back to his academy and jog back home.

And after completing that quest, as usual, he had been completing other daily quests and earning rewards, and they weren't that hard. It hadn't been long since he just arrived home from his academy that he got the system's notification.

He was sitting on his bed, and this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment,

'Complete twenty push-ups without stopping? Now, this is a little hard'.

He had gotten a quest like this in the past, but it was to complete ten push-ups, and he completed it without much wasn't that hard.

But as for this quest, 'complete twenty push-ups without stopping', it was somehow hard. But even though it was hard, he still has to try to accomplish it. At least, it was better than the one when he got a quest to jog back to his academy and jog back home.

He stood up from his bed and began strolling out of his room. Right now, he had arrived at the compound. His mum wasn't at home, but while he was strolling out of the living room, he met Alora and Lydia there, and they didn't question him as to where he was heading to.

Standing on the compound, he sighed, then thought to himself,

'It's time'.

Then he lay on the ground, but not like he lay down flat on the ground, he didn't let his clothes touch the ground. Both of his palms were on the ground, it was both of them that were supporting his whole body currently.

..Then the push-ups started, he began going up and down.

He had gotten to ten currently, he had done a total of ten push-ups. And now, he could feel his hands shaking. But he didn't stop, he didn't give up, he kept on going.

..11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

Getting to fifteen, his hands shook badly that he almost lay flat on the ground, but he didn't let it, he controlled himself. Balls of sweat were already forming on his forehead, it wasn't easy.

..16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

And it's done, he completed twenty push-ups without stopping. He lay flat on the ground at that moment, he didn't care if his clothes would stain or not. All he knew was that he needed to lie flat on the ground due to how weak his hands had become.

Lying there for about a minute, he stood up from the ground, he was glad that he was able to complete the quest. And the system's interface appeared in front of him at that moment,


<Ding! Ding!>

<Daily quest completed>

<You completed twenty push-ups without stopping>


<+10 Exp>

<+10 Skill points>

<Current Exp: 2,505/3,300>

<Current Skill points: 11,705>


Glancing at the interface, Aiden uttered to himself,

"Yeah, the same amount of rewards for completing such a hard quest".

And right after that, his status interface appeared in front of him,



<Name: Aiden Dankworth>

<Age: 7 years>

<Level: 13>

<HP: 10/10>

<Rank: Unranked>

<Strength: 6>

<Agility: 5>

<Physical DMG: 4>

<Endurance: 5>

<Speed: 4>

<Charm: 9>

<Skill points: 11,705>

<Exp: 2,505/3,300>

<Mana: 0.8>



And with that, Aiden began strolling back into the house.

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