Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 113 For The Sake Of My Family (Part 1)

Daimon's resemblance of the past was interrupted by Evangeline's playful voice.

"Does this get up remind you of the special "reward", Erin gave you thanks to that tree you got in that prison?".

Daimon shook his head, back then when he gave Erin the corpse sandalwood as a gift, she was so happy she prepared a reward for him, that was the time she used dark curtain and took him to spy on Arthur Jolbaris daughters.

"That wasn't my intention you know?".

"And, of course you didn't enjoy the view back then hehehe", said Evangeline with a smirk.

Daimon cleared his throat and then took out the contents of the black case, a set of black clothes, boots, gloves and a mask which was only big enough to cover the upper part of his face.

[Hollow Suit]

[Eliminates, traces, presence, and prevents others from tracking the one who wears it (the concealment is limited to a maximum of two greater realms above the user)]

,m Daimon took off his clothes and changed into the suit, then looked at himself on the mirror, with a wave of his hand, the bracelet of the god of mischief glowed and his hair returned to his original silver color.

"Black is not my favorite color, but I guess my usual white and purple clothes are too flashy for this kind of activities", he thought looking at his reflect on the mirror.

Aisha looked at her son and she nodded.

"As I expected, my darling looks awesome no matter what he wears ♥".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Daimon put the mask and his look was completed, Aisha, Liz and even Aura wore similar clothes, the only difference was that they weren't using masks, because the only one who will be "publicly" acting will be Daimon.

This item was something Daimon bought from the shop of the system to counter any kind of tracking spell, because there will be places to visit and things which Daimon would have to do without others knowing.

One thing is being outstanding in the academy where the only fights are between young kids without battlefield experience, and another complete subject is to fight on equal standing with professionals, which he will be doing for sure.

So, he decided to separate his abilities in two, in public as a mage he will focus in lightning because that's what his mother inherited to him and darkness because he wanted to humiliate the Naktis in their own specialty.

Then for "private" matters he will be a knight, demon light was based in the light element, and as far as everyone in the Wonder Myriad stellar chart knows, no one can have both darkness and light elements because they repel each other.

So, there won't be anything which could relate his two identities giving him freedom to do whatever he wanted, without any consequence because the culprit they will be looking for doesn't exist.

Daimon told the current approximate location of their target and using space shift they disappeared from the room.

For security, besides the academic city of Latiz no other settlements were allowed in a radio of two thousand kilometers, Lykos is a planet which is predominated by forests which are used for field tests and other outdoor classes by the many teachers of the academy.

There is no rule which prevents towns to be stablished near the area of the academy, because after some classes, the students often need a place to rest, replenish their provisions… or find some fun.

The existence of these towns is acknowledged by the academy, in fact some of the outstanding third year students are chosen to manage some of them, as a test for their land administrating capacities.

If anyone looked at the sky above one of the many towns that existed, they would only see a clouded sky and nothing else, but in truth, Daimon, Aisha, Liz and Aura were there silently floating.

Aura frowned her brows, "Are you sure this is the place Daimon? Judging by the distance from the academy to this place and the amount of time which has passed since you arrived at the mansion, the opponent should be an Archmage… unless there is a transportation formation involved".

Daimon understood her worries, although Aura couldn't use her mana sense to scan the academy all the day, there were devices for that which were active 24/7 and she would immediately get a notification if any of the searching parameters were met, among them of course Archmages or any spatial formations which haven't been registered are included.

But she didn't get anything, so there was something fishy going on, but now it wasn't time to worry about that.

"He isn't an archmage, or I would have noticed it back when I felt its presence at the alley, at the worst-case scenario is a mage lord which is harder for my eyes to see through, since it doesn't have a domain".

Aura nodded, "So spatial formation it is… I bet one hundred mana stones that the culprits are the demons, since they like to gather information".

Liz shook her head, "Demons don't tend to do anything themselves, they prefer manipulating others, so my money is in either an undead or maybe a human".

Aisha doubted for a moment, before she looked at her son, "Darling how about I can take care of the upcoming events…".

Daimon interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.

"I'm not as innocent as to believe that guy will speak just because we caught him, still I will personally make him tell us everything, I only noticed it because he focused his attention on you and me, which means someone wants to harm my family… and I'm not going to let that happen".

Daimon pointed at one specific house in the outskirt area of the town, and Aura took them there, only peak Archmages and half emperors could notice how the space waved when space shift was used, and since they were wearing the hollow suits, no one noticed them appearing inside of the house.

The first thing Daimon noticed was that there weren't any magic formations here, in fact the house was completely normal, the lights were out with the only exception of one, so the path to follow was clear.

They walked towards the only room which was illuminated, the boots which were included in the hollow suit cancelled sound, to their steps were completely silent, once they reached their destination.

They saw it, a middle-aged man without any cultivation wearing clothes similar to those of a merchant just sitting in front of a desk writing in an accounting book, everything was perfectly normal with the exception that… he was eating raw meat, and judging by the smell, Daimon easily noticed it didn't come from a magic beast.

Daimon nodded at Aura and she covered the house with a barrier made out of her mana, being careful enough so others couldn't notice, unless there was a half emperor nearby or a peak Archmage which focuses in sensorial spells maybe.

*Bang*, a suffocated explosion echoed through the room, followed by a hoarse scream in a tone which wasn't possible for a "normal" human like the one that was in front of them.

"Aghh!!!", the "merchant" tried to turn around but his body didn't answer him, then he felt steel like grip on his neck before a cold voice made its way into his ears.

"Acuyo herb, also known as sacred leaf, with correct dosage directly entering the body, even a mage lord can be contained, let alone a magicless type of undead like you… a disgusting skin tailor".

A skin tailor is a special type of undead that would never be able to become a mage nor a knight, but in exchange they have a really unique ability, they can fuse their bodies with the corpse of other races and assimilate their memories by eating the brain, so that they practically become a member of the race with which they fuse.

They can trick magic formations and even an Archmage can't detect them unless they are really close to them, it's a race perfect for spying, the only problem is that their lifespan after fusing with another race is really short, about five years at most, so they are hard to come by since they normally die before getting caught.

The man's eyes widened, he tried with all his might to destroy the fake finger which contained poison to kill himself, but not only he couldn't, the hand on which the poison was, suddenly exploded in white flames and disappeared.

The undead wanted to scream to lessen the pain he was feeling, but the effect of the herb didn't allow him to have that relief, that being said he kept repeating one word in his mind after seeing the thing that destroyed his hand, "inquisitor".

Daimon dragged the man through the floor all the way to the dining room, because he didn't want him to be near any of the books in case, the skin tailor had a way to destroy them.

He made the skin tailor sit on a chair and then took seat in front of him, he shoved a little needle right above his lips and then pointed at him with a white gun.

"Good evening Mr. undead, we are going to have a little conversation, if your answers are to my liking then this would end soon, if not… well, I have time".

After a moment the lips of the man slowly moved, apparently the needle on his lip partially neutralized the paralyzing effect of the sacred leaf, still he only said three words.

"Go to hell".

After saying that the man had a bad premonition seeing the smile on the face of the man that was sitting in front of him.

Daimon snapped his fingers and one of the toes of the man was engulfed by white flames, but this time he was able to speak… or in this case scream.


Daimon perfectly controlled his battle aura so that it only consumed one toe and then waited a couple of seconds until the skin tailor stopped screaming, to speak.

"How about we start with something easy, who sent you to Lykos… if you don't answer me in five seconds well, you will be losing another toe".

The man looked at the relaxed expression in Daimon's face and he felt a shiver running through his spine.

"He is a demon", he thought.

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