Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 117 Survival Class: Cold Weather Version (Part 1)

The night seemed to pass rather quickly, like most of the days in Lykos when morning came, the sky was clouded, but not everything was the same because unlike yesterday today wasn't raining but snowing.

While others had to use more than one blanket to prevent being frozen, Daimon had three beauties to keep him warm and cozy.

"Kuhh", Daimon slowly opened his eyes, feeling fresh as a lettuce, at his right, he saw the cute sleeping face of Aura, her tail was firmly wrapped around his arm, giving him a comfortable fluffy sensation.

At his left Liz was clinging to him like with a somewhat smiling expression as she rubbed her thighs together and last but not least, on top of him, Aisha had her face hidden on his chest as she mumbled.

"Mm darling touch it moree ♥".

Daimon laughed, "These three seem to be having quite a nice dream", he thought.

"Yawnnn ♥", a cute yawning sound made Daimon turn to his right just to see Aura cutely rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning", she said in a sleepy voice.

Daimon gently moved her body upwards and kissed her pretty lips.

"Good morning, you are really weak at mornings aren't you my cute master?".

Aura stuck her tongue at him, "I only sleep at places where I feel safe anyway".

Daimon smiled, he noticed that both Aisha and Liz woke up thanks to him flirting with Aura, but they feigned to be sleeping, which of course meant they were waiting for something.

"In the tale there is only one sleeping beauty, how come I get two of them", he thought.

Aura let go of Daimon, she stood up and went ahead to the bathroom, because she knew that staying in the bed would only make her want to sleep more, of course she didn't forget to sway her ass as she was leaving the room just to sweeten Daimon's sight.

Daimon felt amused by her tries to tempt him, unfortunately they woke up a bit late, so the fun would have to wait for later, he dragged both Aisha and Liz into his arms and then kissed one after the other.

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"Good morning you two".

Aisha was the first one to "wake up", she happily accepted her son's kiss and then opened her eyes.

"Good morning darling ♥".

Daimon caressed her face and then continued with Liz, but his method was slightly different.

"Hyaa ♥", Daimon spanked her and then pressed his lips against hers.

"Come on you two, Aura is waiting for us in the bath", he said and then followed Aura.

Liz rubbed her butt, "You better take responsibility if I start liking this kind of play".

Leaving that little morning episode aside, they took a quick shower ate their breakfast and took their ways, Aura went to her office while Damon, Aisha and Liz walked to the 1S classroom.

Since it was snowing the weather was colder than usually, a perfect excuse for Liz stick as close as possible to Daimon, not like she didn't do the same on normal days though.

It didn't take them long to reach the classroom, surprisingly they were welcomed by not only their classmates and Aliya, even Richard and Boris were already waiting for them.

"Thanks to the heavens you arrived class rep, these two old geezers are trying to make us freeze to death", said Calvin which was sitting at Loren's desk, when he saw them entering the room.

Richard nodded, "Little Aliya told you before, didn't she, we don't know what lies inside of that magic ruin, because none of the scouts were able to even cross the passage near the entrance".

He then put on a sinister smile, "Lykos has gifted us a perfect chance to take a special outdoor class, so today there won't be any theorical class, instead we will go a tundra so you can get some experience in that scenario".

Seeing that the students weren't exactly convinced about it, Boris also shared his opinion.

"Brats, the success of instructor Richard is that he thinks outside the box, while others will prefer to just relax and waste the whole day, you will get a valuable experience, besides it's not like you can refuse anyway".

From all the students the one which looked more comfortable with the idea was Liliana.

"Sounds good, let's do it".

Listening to her friend, Leslie snorted, "You aren't complaining because your affinity is ice".

Yvonne sighed, "Forget it Leslie, look at the smiling expression on the face of our class rep, we are doomed".

All the attention was suddenly focused in Daimon which was indeed smiling from ear to ear, but the reason wasn't the current conversation but a familiar feeling inside of his body, he came out of his daze when he felt Aisha tugging on the sleeve of his jacket.

Noticing that everyone was looking at him, he cleared his throat and answered without knowing thinking about it twice.

"Yeah sounds like a good idea, there are two fire users among us so we shouldn't have problems to prepare a campfire".

Richard laughed out loud.

"Well said kid, just one las thing your storage rings will be confiscated, you will only be able to bring a weapon with you, the place where I will be taking you all has all the resources you might need, so there is no need to worry about it".

Calvin nearly fell from Loren's desk, out of all he was the most screwed since he lived all his life in a extremely hot place, the planet which is the main base of the desert coyote clan is basically a huge desert with several oases spread through everywhere.

But since Daimon didn't complain he had no choice but to accept, on the other hand he noticed how Aisha and Liz were hugging Daimon and a bright smile suddenly made its way to his face as he stole a couple of glances at Loren.

"Ahem, as the young master of the Ghrish family I must serve as an example for others, let's go".

Loren chuckled at Calvin's obvious intentions, but she didn't say anything.

Since Daimon agreed that meant Aisha would do the same, the same happened to Leslie and Yvonne since Liliana already spoke on behalf of them, the last one which had a say on the subject was Liz.

Which just shrugged, "I will go too, of course I won't use any magic; my only reason to go is to be Daimon's hugging pillow ♥", she said in a playful voice.

Now that everything was settled, they left the classroom guided by Boris, which took them to a place of academy where none of them have come before, because the area is designated only for tutors.

In front of the member of the elite class there was a big storage with a letter "S" engraved on the door.

Boris took out his token of identity and the magic formation scanned it before the door opened for them.


That was the collective reaction, of all the students of the elite class, the only exception was Liz which was smiling, inside the storage there was just one thing… a boat, but that wasn't the reason of the surprise, but the fact that it not only had sails but some kind of structure attached to the sides.

Daimon was more than surprised, the structure consisted in sails position in horizontal direction, to resemble wings was and there were also four cylinder like things, two at the end and two at the back.

He turned to see Liz which had a proud smile on her face, just to hear her saying.

"That is the first fully operative version of the "antigravity turbine", I mentioned before, surprise!!!".

Leslie's eyes sparkled.

"Is that some kind of flying carriage?".

"Yes and no, since we have the one that designed it with us right now, then I think the honor of explaining that doesn't belong to me".

Boris didn't answer, he instead took a step back and gave the stage light to Liz.

"This little toy, is a "flying ship", the idea itself isn't mine though, the humans managed to create one exactly one year ago, but I improved their design… let's just say that in a race I'm pretty sure we will go and return before they finish their first turn".

"It's a project which was assigned to me by the principal, for the time being only the elite class has this at their disposition, because it is not exactly cheap to make", she said while looking at Daimon.

Daimon felt the gazes of all his classmates on his back and he sighed.

In one of the many sessions of magic forging he took with Liz, he saw her getting a headache on how to complete a project, but as far as he knew it was just a way to create a bigger flying carriage.

What has been limiting aerial transport is that there is a really low limit on how much weight a flying carriage can carry, also the stability of the fly and things like that, so he just gave Liz a hint.

Humans don't sell their blueprints to other races until they have designed a better version for themselves, so this kind of ships aren't available in the market right now.

But apparently, Liz got inspired by Daimon's words and managed to create her own design… so things will be changing in many ways.

Besides Liz, Aura and a couple of vice principal which were part of either the Revy or Argent family, no one else knew about this, so you can imagine how surprised were Richard, Boris and Aliya when they were notified about the existence of the flying ship.

Boris shook his head, "The era is changing so fast… I can just hope we old men can adapt before it's too late", he thought.

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