Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 122 Unknown Undercurrents (Part 1)

After presenting himself Dimas remained silent, until the others including Liz arrived at the same place where Daimon was, this time they were the real deal.

Everyone looked at their surroundings, of course what attracted the most attention was the giant ice door, with the exception of Liz and Aisha whose vision was filled with just one thing… Daimon.

They immediately sat next to him, besides the truth seeker eyes, Daimon previously made sure, that the other "Aisha" was just an illusion because he talked with her through the connection of core synchrony.

"Whatever there is on the other side of the door, it doesn't know we can communicate with each other, so let's keep it that way".

Aisha and Liz which he took as a yes, Daimon turned to see the others just to be sure they were alright.

"Are you guys, okay?".

Calvin nodded.

"Yes, it's actually less cold here than outside… so class rep, into what weird situation we got ourselves involved?".

Daimon pointed at the door behind him.

"Apparently, we were brought here by the guy which is on the other side of that door, because we tried to make a hole on its domain… speaking of that does any of you recognize those words?".

Only now Aisha focused her attention in the inscription above the ice door, her eyes seemed to glow as she made memory trying to remember if she has seen something like that before, but after a couple of seconds she shook her head.

"Not a language I have seen nor heard of before".

The others also had no idea, but to be honest Daimon expected as much, something that even his truth seeker eyes couldn't decipher at his current level, could be everything but normal.

It doesn't necessarily mean it's a high-level thing, truth seeker eyes are a skill which derives from the appraisal knowledge, while they vision property is only limited by my realm… the appraising property needs Daimon to have knowledge which is at least related in something, to what he is trying to analyze.

In other words, he can't decipher something he doesn't have any clue about, that being said, in eight years Daimon has scrolled through so many books about materials, magic beasts, history and the like, that on the surface he should have knowledge about practically almost everything, not like he reminds it but if he looked at anything related to what his eyes had seen before he should be able retrieve the information from it.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As if something made click on Daimon's mind, he spoke in a low voice.

"Dimas, you aren't a native of the Wonder Myriad stellar chart, right?".

The other students were confused about what Daimon said, but their doubts were solved a moment later when a hoarse yet calm voice echoed through the cave.

"Well, I for sure don't belong to any of the races that live in this galaxy, but I guess it would be easier to explain if you see me… I just want to talk with someone, after you hear to my story, I will open a path for you to leave".

Right after Dimas finished speaking, the floor trembled as the giant ice doors slowly opened just enough so three people could walk next to each other through a long passage.

Michael shook his head.

"Why should we trust you, you brought us here without our consent, how do we know you are going to let us leave?".

Dimas remained silent for a moment, then he answered in a somewhat relaxed voice.

"Damn you are right… I have no way to prove it, however that miss's flames are strong enough to fry my ass if try something anyway, besides you should be more worried about the guys who are wandering outside, if they scape from my ice prison then your planet will burn".

Daimon stood from the rock, he dusted off his jacket and then looked at Aisha and Liz, which nodded at him.

"We will go, if you trust me then come, if not then you can stay here and wait until we retu he said.

Surprisingly the others didn't hesitate, they took a step ahead and walked towards Daimon, Calvin and Michael stood in front of the girls.

Calvin smiled.

"We aren't cowards, if you go, we will follow you".

His moment didn't last long, because Michael revealed his true intentions.

"Trying to show off in front of Loren won't take you anywhere".

Daimon couldn't help but see them in another light, only in moments like these, one can really know whether those who call themselves your friends are real or not.

Leaving that emotional episode aside, they walked through the passage until they reached the other side, unlike the previous caves this one had a different form, it was designed to look like the inside of a castle, but it was all made out of ice giving it a fantasy touch.

But what truly caught their attention was the creature in the middle of the room, it had a long body of about twenty meters, its skin consisted in a mix of scales with different shades of blue and there were bone formations on its back, it was surrounded by a magic formation.

"A serpent?", said Calvin in a confused voice.

"What serpent, you are a serpent, your whole family are serpents!!!", the "serpent's" mouth didn't move but it's voice could be heard by everyone.

"Dimas?", Daimon had a weird expression on his face, previously he thought it was going to be some kind of old monster due to the hoarse voice, but now that they were inside of this room, it sounded quite different, it was a juvenile voice just like the one of a high school student.

Dimas pointed his head towards his shoulders, but instead of answering Daimon, he replied to Calvin's previous declaration.

"Don't you see these beautiful arms of mine, I'm not a serpent but a proud member of the ice mirage basilisk race".

Although he couldn't leave the designated space inside the magic formation, Dimas flexed his body to show off his arms which differentiated him from a serpent.

The ice of the floor suddenly changed forming a bench, which everyone took as an invitation to sit down.

"I'm sorry for my lack of manners, if we were back at my family, I would have offered a great banquet after meeting such interesting guys, but I don't have anything to offer unless you want food made out of ice hahaha".

Michael sighed, "Dear heavens, why must you punish me like this… it's like a second Calvin".

Daimon was also confused but by a different thing.

"Judging by your voice and the size of your body, you aren't even an adult, so why did you call me "kid" earlier?".

"Mm?", Dimas shrugged.

"I wanted to sound cool, besides even if I'm actually considered young in my family, in human terms I'm about sixty thousand years old, on the other hand I was in a latent state most of that time, until I found something interesting hidden in the ice".

This time everyone was in awe, fifty thousand years and still not being considered an adult, that kind of lifespan surpassed the one of an Archmage, which meant they were in front of either a half emperor… or an emperor level magic beast.

On the other hand, that wasn't what was making Daimon frown his brows, but the fact that such a thing was sealed below the surface of Lykos and on one has found after so many years.

As long as fifty thousand years sounded, there were clear records of that time, and there was no one strong enough to seal something like Dimas, not without others realizing it, unless a magus emperor was involved which should have been impossible.

"So how did you end up trapped here?".

Dimas nodded, "Straight to the point huh".

"I was partying with some friends and then I fell asleep, the next thing I knew was that I was in this place sealed by this formation, at first I thought it was my old man trying to teach me a lesson, but after one thousand years I realized that wasn't the case".

"I was bored, so I put myself to sleep until I was strong enough to break this stupid seal, but then someday I noticed someone hid some interesting things on the ice of this place, so I woke up and brought those things here, you are my guests so you can see them if you want".

Daimon looked in the direction which Dimas pointed with his tail, one of the corners of the room separated showing its contents, a bunch of different things everything labeled with the initials "A. G.".

Most of it were books, there was also some formulas for potions and a coin with the word "Andras" written on it.

Daimon took the coin and inspected it, surprisingly it was made of orichalcum, no one on his right mind would throw away such a valuable material, but Andras Griffin was known for being eccentric, so it perfectly fitted his personality.

"So, the Greenwich Sage was the one responsible for this guy's awakening", he thought.

The roof of the cave shook, making everyone focus on it.

Dimas sighed.

"Those guys are losing their patience, of you want to leave this is the moment, I suggest you to call the ancestor of that fire crane descendant, or another expert with fire affinity".

Daimon shook his head.

"What are those guys, according to Liz their mana radiations are completely different to anything we know".

"They used to be from a race native of this planet, but now they are possessed by fire spirits… they probably came here for me, although I didn't see them before, my father once told me a story, they destroy anything that isn't related to fire and apparently, they serve a higher being but no one knows who".

"The inscription on the doors is a way to prevent them from noticing this place, but I didn't make it and I don't know in which language is written, also this formation around me is a prison but it's also a protection… that's why I used my domain to trap those guys, because whoever placed me here, didn't do it to mess with me".

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