Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 128 The End Of The First Survival Class

Since Aura left then the next thing will be reaching the top of the mountain mentioned by Richard so that they can put an end to this class, but first they had to agree on a story to explain| how they found the things left behind by the Greenwich Sage.

After discussing about it for nearly twenty minutes they reached an agreement.

"So basically, Daimon's monstrous luck helped us find the things, starting with the ladder of the mountain in which we made our shelter, where we found a set of formulas", said Calvin as he took a few scrolls from the bunch of things Dimas handed them, not without giving one of them to Loren and Michael respectively.

Next, Leslie, Yvonne and Liliana took a blueprint each and then Yvonne continued with the story.

"The next thing we did was look for something to eat, which led us to the den of a snow snake at the peak of the two-star realm, after killing it we found these blueprints in a hole a few meters way, we also ate the snake in a soup… in bowls made with the claws of a werewolf", she said as she chuckled.

Daimon sighed, "That last thing isn't part of the accorded story Yvi, stick to the plan".

Yvonne stuck her tongue at Daimon, but she still nodded, they will be half lying half telling the truth which would prevent Richard, Boris and Alita to notice they invented a story.

Lastly Aisha took the remaining thing, a book while Daimon patted his pocket where he put the coin with the word "Andras" on it.

"The book and a coin ere an unexpected gain, the snow storm knocked down some trees which we used as wood for the campfire and inside one of the trunks we found them", said Aisha as she leaned her boy against Daimon feigning to be suffering due to the cold weather.

Of course, Liz didn't miss the chance to do the same, Daimon knew these two were just having their "revenge" since he flirted with Aura a moment ago.

"Well, after being in this cold place I guess cuddling with my cute girls is a must", he thought.

While the others didn't notice anything, Liz and Aisha felt Daimon's intentions but that only made them expect their return to the mansion even more.

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Everyone's attention was drawn by Dimas speaking to them through the mana.

"Cool story, I'm going to maintain my domain and make those people outside see that, you can just start walking towards that mention… but to make the illusion realistic you will need to spend a couple of hours in this place".

Dimas wasn't an ice mirage basilisk just in name, his domain had illusion properties so for those outside, the scene of the tundra never changed and Dimas created illusion versions of each of them which started doing exactly what they told him so that Richard would see exactly what they wanted him to see.

"Hey basilisk bro, can't you make the snowing stop, I have been freezing since we arrived at this place", said Calvin as he rubbed his hands to warm them.

Dimas shook his head, "I remember you calling me "serpent", so no favors for you, if you bring me something to entertain myself next time, I will make it less cold for you".

Calvin didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, he was being blackmailed by a magic beast.

"Next time I will utterly refuse to come to this kind of place", he thought.

Although Dimas refused to stop the snowing, he did lower the intensity, so that they could easily reach the mountain where Richard would pick them up.

Everyone stopped to rest at the base of the mountain, since they had to wait anyway, it was a good moment for them to inspect the things left behind by the Greenwich Sage.

Starting with the three formulas for potions, Calvin, Loren and Michael read their finds.

"Binding potion: Upon contact the liquid changes it's form to a sticky foam which can immobilize someone below the middle lord realms (try it on a knight and enjoy the show)".

"Parasite fire potion: It generates a flame that grows by devouring battle aura, and other organic materials around (it can be dispelled by a mage lord as long as it doesn't use a water spell, otherwise… you'll see)".

"Weakness smoke potion: Upon breaking the potion will spread on both the ground and the air as gas, those affected by it will have their mana flow interrupted causing loss of balance and pain, the higher the vitality of the objective the stronger the effect will be".

Leslie took the formula from Loren's hands and she giggled.

"Uwahh, this sage guy seems to have a grudge against knights".

Apparently, all the potions were designed to deal with knights, but still the effects were limited to the lord realms and below, which was understandable considering the restriction over anything related to Arch ranks.

The next thing on the list were the blueprints, the Risha girls were going to publicly own them, but they willingly handed them to Liz, since she was considered the best magic blacksmith of the beast faction and they could trust her due to her "connection" with Daimon.

Liz inspected the blueprints, Andras Griffin was known for leaving some aspects of his designs hidden, just to mess with others, decipher the complete potential of the design required a lot of the old "try and error".

So, for now the uses for the things described on the blueprints, will only be limited to what's written, only after creating them, they could now if there were more uses for them.

The first design was something that looked like a belt, but it was made of metal according to the definitions mentioned by the blueprint, besides the list of materials it also had a little description of the resulting device.

"Sword breaking whip: Click on the first activating button to change it to sword form, then use it as a cold weapon, for last resort mode turn the hilt sidewards and click on the second button for it to explode (Use parasite fire potion as the fuel for the explosion)".

"It's a hidden weapon designed to easily take down someone who relies too much on his weapon, not bad", thought Daimon.

The next item was a bit weird, on the surface it was just a necklace, with a pendant containing a small yellow gem as the embellishment, which drew the attention due to the small details engraved on it.

"Beacon necklace: Upon contact with anyone that isn't the owner, the magic formation will activate creating an intense blinding light and loud shockwave (recommended for tracking people with sticky hands)".

The last blueprint was the one that drew the attention the most, not because of the device itself, but because of what implied, the design was for a pair of gloves with a magic formation engraved on them.

"Prototype Device Withering gloves: Creates a special radiance which dispels battle aura at the cost of using mana as fuel (Defective, it needs double the amount of mana compared to battle aura, abandoned project)".

Liz couldn't help but smile, the gloves weren't what interested her, but the magic formation which was engraved on it was a completely different thing.

"Girls, I want to keep this one for me… in exchange I will make a few toys for you, what do you say?", he asked to the Risha sisters.

Leslie shook her head.

"Don't worry Liz, you are also a part of our class now, so just take it… on the other hand if you could help me train my fire that would awesome!".

As for the coin which Daimon already inspected, he found it didn't have any property besides the metals which were used for its creation, so the last thing was the book in Aisha's hands.

Unlike what they expected, the book didn't have any magic theory or an original spell created by the sage, instead it was a work diary which detailed the process of how all the other things were created.

Liz's eyes glowed, the diary of a theorist like Andras Griffin although obsolete, it was something priceless, apparently the things left behind were old projects which probably didn't meet the requirements of the sage, so instead it decided to gift them.

"Well, looks like she found something new to play with", thought Daimon seeing the expression in Liz's face.

Without them noticing time passed and soon the voice of Dimas drew their attention.

"Now you can start climbing the mountain, for those outside of my domain your illusion selves are positioned in the exact same way you are right now, I will dispel my domain now… come visit me soon".

Daimon stood up from the rock he was sitting on and waved his hand at the others.

"Time to leave", Dimas had the courtesy of creating little support points for them to step, which made it easier to climb the mountain.

Once they reached the peak, Liz used her mana to create a flare and not too long after the flying ship appeared near them.

Richard evaluated the students, their clothes were a bit messy, with the exception of Liz of course, and that wasn't all, he saw they were all holding something in their hands besides the bags he gave them.

Since the test was over Liz helped them board the flying ship.

"Brats it hasn't been even a day, did you really complete the task I gave you?".

As they previously discussed, the first one to brag had to be of course Calvin.

"We aren't the elite class only in name you know, with Daimon's monstrous luck and the guiding of the young master form the Ghrish family nothing is impossible", he said as he showed the formula for the parasite fire potion.

After Calvin everyone showed their own things, Richard, Boris and Aliya nearly forgot how to breath, although Richard expected them to find something, at most he thought they will just retrieve one.


Richard thunderous laugh echoed through the tundra before he smiled at his students.

"You little monsters".

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