Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 218 The Risha Girls Fighting Styles (Part 4)

Liliana stole one last cold gaze at Jason, before she jumped out of the platform, that last spells she used basically depleted her reserves of mana but that wasn't the only "side effect", as soon as she was out of the platform, her normally fresh and cool personality was nowhere to be seen.

She looked at the bench where Daimon was sitting before running away like a scared rabbit, to the resting area.

"What… just happened", asked Daimon to Yvonne, he didn't understand why the sudden change in personality.

Yvonne facepalmed, truth to be told the three of them had agreed to not to use their legacy spells which were linked to their lineages, but since Leslie gave her all to the point of using those flames she hated, how could they not get an overwhelm victory for their sister's sake.

"You should have noticed by now, but we don't have any characteristics of our races, well, besides the type of body constitutions we have, but that changes when we use the legacy spells of our respective family branches".

"You didn't get to see Leslie's change because she fainted, "Feather Massacre", "Ice Blade Rain" and "Nightmare Demon Arrow", although those are the names of our legacy spells, in truth we are only stimulating our lineages and using that impulse in our original spells".

"The problem is that, the result also affects our mentality for a short period of time, Leslie can become rather violent, which is why she hates to use it, Liliana loses her usual cool and gets concerned over everything, as for me… well, I become "playful" I guess, we don't realize the changes, unless others tell us, luckily it doesn't last long".

"In other words, you become the contrary of your usual selves?", asked Daimon, feeling rather interested in Yvonne's explanation, some people tend to have personalities akin to the characteristics of their respective races, but the Risha sisters weren't like that.

"Basically yes, normally we wouldn't use our legacy spells unless it is needed, because we can't control the side effect unlike our mothers, I guess it isn't a bad thing to tell you beforehand, since we'll be risking our lives together at the magic ruin".

Daimon nodded, he as the captain had to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of his teammates, to know who will play which role.

"We'll talk about this later, maybe at Friday when we celebrate out victory", said Daimon as they both changed their attention to the referees which were selecting the next participants.

The members of the elite class were now slightly interested in the result, because besides Alexander, the only others who they somewhat knew were Daniel and Jason, and they were out of the way, from now and onwards their opponents would be a surprise.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Rank number 6, Yvonne Risha".

"Rank number 12, Misha Ferial".

"I guess it's my turn now… in case I say or do something weird after using my legacy spell, do not take it in mind", mumbled Yvonne as she jumped towards the platform

The screens then focused on the two girls that were going up the platform, Yvonne was wearing a white blouse along with a black skirt, light leather armor with metal protections on the chest, a pair of white gloves used for archery and a bow without a string, her long black hair cascaded down to her lower back, her eyes seemed to have a certain yellow glow at them which disappeared once you looked at them a second time.

Misha on the other hand had brown-red hair and tanned skin, her slightly muscular constitution gave her away as a knight, as for her equipment of choice, she was wearing heavy metal armor, gauntlets and a tower shield which was attached to her back, she looked like a moving fortress.

"Your two friends handled my classmates pretty roughly, so I hope you understand that crushing you is not personal", said Misha as she stomped.

Yvonne inwardly chuckled, thinking she was fighting the "Calvin" of Alexander's class.

The referees then gave the greenlight and the match started.

As Yvonne expected, Misha's affinity was earth, not even a second after the match started, she felt the ground below her feet trembling and immediately jumped backwards, avoiding earth pillars that raised not too long after.

'That bitch isn't trying to finish this fast, she wants a battle of attrition, or maybe hit me black and blue', thought Yvonne as she condensed a string made out of darkness on her bow.

While still being midair she slightly pulled the string with her right hand and a black flash was shot from it, destroying a boulder which Misha throwed at her.

Misha smirked, the large pieces of rock which resulted from the explosion of the boulder, suddenly seemed to develop a mind of their own as they continued flying towards Yvonne, just to be obliterated by a large number of black arrows that followed the first one.

A large cloud of dust covered the platform, but was immediately dispelled by a wave of battle aura created by Misha, the result of the previous confrontation, was a wall of earth in front of Misha which had countless black arrows stuck on it, releasing black smoke probably due to the innate corrosive effect of the darkness element.

Yvonne graciously landed on the platform again, surprisingly even if none of her arrows managed to bypass Misha's defenses, she didn't seem worried by it.


Misha grabbed her tower shield, her legs exploded with battle aura as she charged towards Yvonne, if her opponent specialized in long range attacks, then making it a close combat fight was the best choice.

Yvonne frowned, despite being her tanker appearance, Misha turned out to be quite fast, which indeed took her by surprise.

With a snap of her fingers a wall of darkness rose between them, forcing Misha to change directions, although she believed that her defense was high enough to not be too affected by the corrosive effect of darkness, her vision would be blocked which would put her in a dangerous situation.

Still nothing prevented her from punching the ground making it rumble in a try to make Yvonne lose her balance, as she kicked a piece of earth towards her.

"Nightmare Canopy", with two single words a black veil covered an area of around twenty meters of Yvonne, the rock entered the veil, bot nothing came out of it, with the exception of an arrow which aimed at Misha's arm.

"Come here and fight, coward!", Misha redirected the arrow with her shield making it fall on the ground some meters away from her, before she stomped making pillars of earth to raise inside the black veil, but contrary to what she expected, the second the pillars raised she wasn't able to feel their existence, nor the veil showed any signs of being affected.

The only thing that assured her that she really used a martial art, was the fact that her reserves of battle aura decreased.

"Fucking annoying darkness user", shouted Misha as she grabbed her shield and placed it in front of her, then her battle aura leaked out of her whole body, covering her along with the shield with a thick layer of earth.

Arrows kept being shot from the Nightmare Canopy, shooting down pieces of the earth armor but they weren't enough to completely destroy it, still Misha poured more of her battle aura to accelerate her only fourth star level martial art.

"Panzer Rhinoceros!", she shouted, then the ground trembled as the construction which was shaped in the form of a rhinoceros with the tower shield as the forehead, charged forward.

"Booom!", Misha pierced the Nightmare Canopy from one side to side, breaking a hole on it, the canopy dispersed after that revealing Misha's rhinoceros construction which had some crumbling parts due to the exposition to darkness.

A small opening appeared on the head of the earth rhinoceros from which Misha, looked at her surroundings, her pupils contracted as she immediately closed the opening, barely doing it on time to block an arrow which was aimed at her right eye.

The rest of the canopy dispersed and the people of the stands started discussing with each other, while Misha was taking the fight quite seriously, Yvonne on the other hand… created a throne with darkness and was leisurely sitting on it as she played with her bow.

Even Daimon and the others felt a bit weird looking at Yvonne's current slightly haughty expression.

'I guess that's what she meant with "playful', thought Daimon as he injected mana into his eyes, previously he wasn't ready for the sudden burst that Leslie and Liliana showed, but now he wanted to see if there was some phenomenon, he could see with his infinity eyes.

And effectively, there was a strong source of darkness coming out of that throne, in fact he discovered it wasn't a throne.

Back at the platform, Yvonne yawned as she looked at her nails before she got up, the throne changed its shape into a large pair of black wings which enveloped her upper body with a dark mist.

The earth rhinoceros immediately charged towards Yvonne, but she simply jumped backwards, the wings didn't allow her to fly but they did slow down her fall, helping her elegantly land on the ground about thirty meters away from her original position.

The wings then flapped frontwards dissolving an earth pillar which was aimed at Yvonne's face.

"Humph, are you that jealous of me, aiming at my face is quite low of you, you gorilla woman", said Yvonne as she softly snorted.

Battle aura exploded around the earth rhinoceros, of course Misha was furious after being called gorilla.

Then the whole area around twenty meters of Yvonne trembled, walls of earth raised enclosing her as the rhinoceros charged too, even if Yvonne somehow destroyed the walls, she would not be able to dodge her in time.

"I will tear you to pieces, you presumptuous bitch", mumbled Misha while she gritted her teeth, she joined Alexander's class in a try to get close to him, and now according to some rumors, it turned he liked men and not only that, she was being insulted by a some miss of a noble family.

"Boom!", when the rhinoceros was a couple of meters away from where Yvonne was contained, the front wall exploded as it was pierced by a large black arrow, Misha noticed it was different than the previous ones which probably meant her opponent poured all the mana she had left into it.

So, she did the same focusing on the tower shield at which the arrow aimed, she accelerated the rhinoceros and then prepared for the impact, but when the arrow made contact with her, it vanished.

"What the hell...aghhhhh!", as Misha was wondering what happened, her eyes blurred and while still inside the rhinoceros she started hitting her head against the walls as she screamed.

The screams continued for about thirty seconds, until they stopped, the rhinoceros crumbled apart and blood came out of the remaining rocks, the spectators stopped making any sound.

Yvonne slowly walked out of what was left of the earth cage which contained her a moment ago, and after disdainfully looking at the heap of ruble that used to be the earth rhinoceros, she waved her hand at the referees.

The referees raised an eyebrow, but they still approached Misha and after removing the rocks, they revealed her current appearance, her legs and arms were twisted in a horrible way, and she had blood on her forehead along with a large wound due to a blunt impact.

Noticing that Yvonne seemed to be urging them to declare the winner, the referees inwardly shook their heads at her attitude before saying

"The winner… Yvonne Risha".

Yvonne jumped out of the stage and walked towards the resting area, but she stopped for a moment, she slightly raised the sides of her skirt at Daimon, greeting him like a noble lady as she winked.

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