Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 367 Premonition

After giving Pablo orders on what do on the next days, he asked Thea to bring them back to the mansion of the Trident Marshal, the guys that were having fun in the rooms Blaktr were all knocked out before they could react and thrown on some alleys away from Blaktr by Horals.

Of course, Daimon ordered Pablo's subordinates to supervise and return them to Blaktr once everything was over, it wasn't worth spoil this huge source of information over the small fishes that were in Blaktr tonight.

Most belonged to middle level noble families, which were subordinated to larger families, so if they disappeared their owners would notice something was off and wouldn't come to Blaktr, so Daimon left them of the hook to use them as bait, from their point of view they just passed due to all the fun they were having.

Of course, the poor girls that were suffering due to them were rescued and send to a safe place, it wasn't exactly out of good will though, Daimon needed to take everyone but his group for the confrontation with the creature, which they supposed was the subordinate of the Blackfin Duke anyway, so it aligned with his pans.

Once they returned to the mansion, they all appeared inside Daimon's room, in which there was now a third bed set on, that wasn't all there was a girl laying down on the bed, eating as if there was no tomorrow.

"Cough!", the poor girl was surprised to see all the group appearing out of nowhere and she nearly choked with her food, when she reached out for a cup of water, she accidentally spiled it, Daimon heard a notification ringing and chuckled.


[A continuous curse has been casted upon all the males on the vicinity]

[An Apex Predator cannot be preyed upon by anything, the luck of the host can't be stolen, the curse "Royalty Charm" has failed to affect the host, do you wish to retaliate Y/N]

Unfortunately for the girl there was no luck she could absorb and so, all she could do was pitifully gaze at the Black Empress who grabbed a bottle from her ring and forced her to drink down.

"Phew… Thea your space travelling ability is as sneaky as always, I always died out of surprise", mumbled the girl.

The Black Empress softly laughed, listening to the voice of her friend which was different to when she had taken that half mixed form.

"A Stellar ranked dying like that, your name would definitely be engraved in the history of Neptune, Marlene~".

The girl then looked at Daimon and slightly bowed her head towards him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"We didn't have a chance to talk back then, I'm the captain of the Silver Dawn pirates, you can call me Marlene, how can I call my benefactor?", she politely asked.

Daimon evaluated the girl in front of him, she was as tall as Aisha and long brown copperish hair and blue eyes, as well as a pretty skin tone, despite she being so casual, the truth is that she is a being on par with Thea, a middle stage Stellar rank, though she was temporarily stuck as a peak Lord ranked due to the circumstances.

Daimon saw Thea nodding at him from the sides.

"You can trust her, she chose to lose her powers and memory instead of betraying me, I can add her to our contract as well".

Daimon nodded, another Stellar ranked on his side for free, was too much of a good offer to refuse, also while it was the result of his actions, it's true that Marlene's ability negatively affected his enemies, which led him to get a lot of valuable information and other rewards, so she could be a worthy ally.

"You can call me Daimon", he said as he took off the mask to reveal his real face, which everyone but Marlene already knows.

Marlene nodded and then she gazed at Thea.

"So you got yourself a new general, not that I don't understand why though, it's the first time my ability was unable to affect someone, even when the effect is reduced depending on the gap in my and the target's powers, it has never been zero before", she said as she evaluated Daimon from head to toe.

"Speaking of that, change the group target of your ability, there is a whole farm of luck for you in the castle of the Blackfin and White family", said Daimon, for now he was the only guy here but Calvin and Michael would reunite with them at some point, and though it would for sure be funny to see Calvin trip down or something, he doesn't know hoe much time does a person need to recover the luck stolen.

It's not something that can be just assigned a number, or maybe not for his current self, but maybe later on when the systems goes through some updates.

Marlene nodded.

"Sorry, I fainted before I could finish setting the targets after I was ambushed by that Sting bastard, it should have been men with ill intentions towards me, give me a second".

Marlene closed her eyes, and then her body started glowing with green and red mana, Daimon frowned, her attributes were pretty interesting.

"Wood and fire… that's a strange combination for a single person, especially considering she is a member of the mermen race", said Daimon with a curious voice.

Maybe Marlene's attributes don't repel each other as much as his would do, if it wasn't for his magic core, he can wield both light and darkness, and as far as he knows he is the first and only one in the history of the Wonder Myriad Stellar chart.

Sure there is people like Tessa, who have a "negative" and a "positive" affinity at the same time, in her case nature due to her royal alfear lineage and darkness for some unknown reason, but no one has awakened the absolute expression of both sides, in other words light and darkness affinities, on the other hand there were countless of expressions of those sides and so even a bigger amount of combinations possible.

It's the first time Daimon specifically sees the wood element for example, anyway once Marlene finished changing her target group, she nodded at Daimon.

"I don't have enough power to change what I set up when I was at my prime, but I could modify it to target the male members of the Blackfin family, the White seem to have some kind of treasure that could expose me if I tried to affect them, there is a story of an ancestor from my kin being with one of the kings of this kingdom after all, so it could be something left behind by that lucky guy".

Daimon shrugged, as long as it didn't affect his group, the Blackfin Duke could trip on the stairs and break his neck for all he cared, though that wasn't going to happen, since Marlene is in a weakened state, still his son and the other guys were good luck farms for her,

Being tired after dealing with so much stuff in the previous hours, Daimon and the girls went to sleep again, the third bed apparently wasn't only for Marlene, the Black Empress decided to stay with them too, just in case something happened.

The sisters and the princesses were kind o against it, but remembering that the target of the maid was Daimon and not them, they happily accepted the protection of Thea.

Daimon took off his shoes and jacket and just threw himself at the bed, Aisha and the sisters joined him, though only Aisha directly hugged her son to sleep, while the sisters just laid down next to him, Daimon turned off the lights and then everyone entered the land of dreams.

The hours passed and the rest of the night was going uneventful, until Daimon suddenly frowned in his sleep, he was just resting without dreaming of anything until a second ago.


[Lesser #$%# core "Baltros" has been refined, the memory fragment will be shown now]

The next thing Daimon knew is that he was in that endless sea which he has seen a couple of times, it was the dream in which he heard what now he knew was the black Sea Emblem asking for more crystals, or that's what he thought until he noticed there was something different this time… the sky which always had a pretty blue tone as well as the sea, were now died in red and black respectively.

Daimon's pupils narrowed like needles, that red sky is something anyone with knowledge about the Arch rank or above, knows and fears, the result of powerhouse going wild and surpassing the limits of the magic atmosphere of a planet.

"A collapse phenomenon, where the hell am I, the last one registered in the history happened about five hundred thousand years at a planet under the rule of the humans, not to mention this black colored liquid isn't water but blood…", mumbled Daimon.

"Mm?", Daimon felt something moving in his pocket and then the black Sea Emblem came out of it and floated in front of him.

"So, it was you who brought me here, you are going to need to be more specific since you ate my source of information you little thing", demanded Daimon.

The black emblem stood there for a couple of seconds, before it started advancing towards north, Daimon sighed and then used blink to follow the thing, surprisingly even if this was a dream he could use his skills, well he wasn't that surprised since Evangeline has told him, they exist for his sake and will never leave him.

"Speaking of that, Evangeline are you there, what's going on?", Daimon asked out loud, after a couple of seconds, Evangeline's sleepy voice could be heard on Daimon's mind.

"Even workers back at earth could sleep you know, I should fill a complain since my boss is such a tyrant", she jokingly said.

Daimon shook his head.

"Since you were sleeping then I can confirm I'm in no danger right now, but just to be clear, this is all happening in my mind right?".

"Yep, it's not something the system did though, it just "played it" to make it simple, this is like a 3D movie in which you can interact to a certain extent with this illusion".

Daimon nodded, just like how some things that happen in his daily life are covered by the system and turned into events, missions and notifications, if the system can classify it, then it would adapted to it, so what normally should have been a dream is now a more complex thing.

Daimon who was flying by using blink suddenly caught a glimpse of a mountain that raised from below the ocean, it was a big chance since Daimon ahs already wandered around in this dream and he never found anything else besides this endless sea before.

The black badge which didn't show signs of stopping before, finally stopped advancing and floated right on top of that black mountain, Daimon had to raise into the air more, since the mountain had a few kilometers of height, after using blink around forty times, meaning he ascended four kilometers, he reached the top of the mountain.

Luckily this place wasn't real and so his mana didn't diminish even if he used his skills or spells, the black emblem then returned to Daimon's pocket as if it said "I did my job", which made Daimon sigh.

"Oi, I followed you all the way here at least give me some answers…".

Daimon's words died in his throat when he looked at what laid in front of him, well to be more accurate it laid down below his feet too, this wasn't a mountain but a skull, a black giant skull whose shape was strangely familiar.

"It's just like the skull of that thing, there are holes for all its eyes and the teeth look similar", the biggest difference Daimon could find is that it had no flesh or skin unlike the creature he captured before.

Daimon increased the mana in his eyes to get a larger field of vision, and the first thing he noticed was that this was just the skull, the rest of the skeleton wasn't here, also the black liquid which had dyed the water black, was coming from the skull, it was probably part of the bones which had separated from it due to the waves.

Daimon then looked at the horizon and he had the urge to curse.

"Damn, I liked it more when it was empty, what the hell happened here", he mumbled.

What appeared in his field of vision were… corpses, a countless number of rotting corpses of different magic beasts, people and other things which he couldn't even recognize, essentially he was seeing the results of a slaughter.

Just then, Daimon felt a slight bolt of electricity in his head and his eyes opened in the real world, he saw all the girls still sleeping and the clock on the wall, it was quite early in the morning.

'What the hell was that, some sort of premonition?', he asked to Evangeline, but she just said.

'I don't think so, the system classified as a memory, so it's something that already happened, it probably was hidden in the thing that your emblem swallowed, as to why it showed it to you, I have no idea'.

Daimon ultimately shook his head, he hugged Aisha tight and then returned to sleep, he can't change the past anyway, what he can do is assure that the corpses that end up rotting on the future abandoned battlefields, like the one he saw a moment ago, are the ones of his enemies instead of the ones he cherishes.

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