Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 418 The Minister’s Unwilling Generosity (Part 2)

Back at the treasure room, Daimon injected more mana into his infinity eyes and then extended the range of his search, he then started walking through the treasury trying to find anything which's mana flow was strong enough to be considered a good treasure.

But after around ten minutes, his eyes had already gone through all the shelves, coffers, racks and the things mounted on the walls and the best things he found weren't even as good as the clothes he was wearing right now, which are actually soft armor created for him by Liz.

"That only leaves… the spatial rings left to inspect", mumbled Daimon, he walked towards a separated section where shelves with countless rows of spatial rings were exhibited.

The Minister was quite tricky, since he couldn't take any of the high ranked treasures out, to prevent Daimon from choosing it, he re-accommodated all of them into the spatial rings, the problem is that there are countless of them, and they also contain mountains of sea crystals. 

To inspect a spatial ring mana sense isn't a necessity but it does help to go through the contents in an easier way.

Even then, given the amounts of crystals inside the rings, he would normally need to take a long time to finish inspecting the contents, which was a problem since he only had thirty minutes.

Unlike the inventory where he had a literal panel showing what was inside each slot, a description and the number in possession, you had to go through every last item in order when trying to find something in a spatial ring.

That's why, people often have a separate ring dedicated for currency like mana crystals and another one for items, which are obviously more varied but way less in number.

Daimon smirked, the Minister made a good decision, even with his high processing capacity thanks to his lightning affinity, he will take too much time to go through all the sea crystals the Minister was using as cover to his valuables.

Even in Core Synchrony, there were simply to many rings, but there is always a right person for a specific job, in this case a right undead maid which is always waiting in the shadows for an opportunity to help her young master.

'Rita, I want to find the best ice, fire and, wind and lightning affinity materials, equipment, spells, potions and martial arts, in that order of priority, can you do it?', he asked.

Rita's eyes glowed from within Daimon's shadow, since there were surveillance arrays, she didn't come out, but her determined voice could be heard in Daimon's mind immediately.

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'Consider it done young master!', she said with an enthusiastic voice, quite unusual for her normally serious and composed attitude.

Others, couldn't see it, the surveillance formations included, but Rita's mana sense divided in countless black threads that covered the whole area, each thread went into one ring and Daimon could see Rita's mana entering them.

Daimon was a bit surprised; he has never seen someone use mana sense this way, but it made sense Rita has affirmed herself, that her talents lie in her sense capacities, while she is in Daimon's shadow, she can't be detected even by Vincent and the Aurora so she must be quite skilled in the usage of mana sense.

Not even five minutes later Rita's voice made its way into Daimon's mind once again.

'Young master, I found a few things that fit your requirements, in the 345th ring on the 8th shelf, there is the highest ranked ice affinity item in the whole room, unfortunately it isn't a treasure but a material, it's the silk made by some kind of ice affinity magic beast, if compared to the people young master has entered in contact with, the beast from which originates would be slightly weaker than that old man called Vincent'.

Daimon's eyes glowed, there aren't maximum ranked magic beasts in Neptune, the strongest ones are in the high stage, that doesn't mean they are weak, magic beasts are on average stronger than mages and knights of the same realm.

Naturally there are always exceptions, those who are talented can cross realms, but the same applies to magic beasts, that's why Thea is strong enough to be considered an "Empress", who rules an area of the Maelstrom Sea, in her middle stage she is as strong as a high stage Stellar ranked, in a 1v1 situation she isn't afraid of even Tideus one of the few high stage Stellar ranked existences.

And now Rita found a material which comes from a high Stellar ranked magic beast, it's a jackpot, which made him wonder why the Arcarius hadn't used it yet, but then a realization hit him like a truck.

Unlike other members of the young generation, Daimon not only is physically strong enough to wear high ranked equipment, like peak Ach ranked armor, he can power the arrays engraved on them, when he is using Core Synchrony.

So, Liz made him soft armor in the form of the clothes he uses daily, his white and purple attire was made with metal as threads, thanks to orichalcum which is the best mana conductor as well as the most malleable metal that exists, which earned it the name of purple magic gold.

The inner face of his coat is purple because is made with orichalcum thread, and the outer face is white-silver because is made with mithril thread, the same applies for Aisha, since both of them are immune to the effect that mithril has on night races.

The difference between his and Aisha's, is not only the weight, technically in price his equipment is more expensive compared to hers, because Liz had to make it adequate for both mages and knights, meaning she used twice as much materials.

Not all the materials of a magic beast are apt to be used to create equipment for both paths, some are usable exclusively for mages since they gather too much mana which might end up in conflict with the battle aura of a knight, in exchange those materials tend to be light and flexible, perfect for mages.

On the other hand, take there are materials who instead of mana carry on with the vitality of the magic beast, and that enters in conflict with mages, but is perfect for knights, since those materials are sturdy and can conduct battle aura which's base is vitality, like a charm.

The material mentioned by Rita must be something that is only usable for a mage, and the Arcarius family has only had knights from the its foundation to the recent generation where a mage finally appeared in their files.

So, it should be something that the ancestors of the Minister got and has been accumulating dust since that moment.

Daimon took the ring mentioned by Rita with a smirk on his face, as he asked.

'Anything else?'.

Without wasting any second, Rita answered.

'Mm, there is a fang from a wind affinity magic beast and a set of claws from a fire affinity one, their quality is the same as the previous, besides that there isn't anything worth mentioning of the other elements young master mentioned, but there is a second ice affinity item that young master must ger, it's a large ice mana crystal of the best quality I have ever seen'.

Daimon nodded, the results were better than what he expected, the fang will partially cover the gift for Aura, the claws were for Liz while the silk and the ice mana crystal were for Elaine.

Unfortunately, he didn't find ready to use equipment, but on a second thought, nothing was better than custom made equipment, and those materials were good enough to be the center of magic treasures worthy of being wielded by his soulmates.

'I guess, Liz is going to have a lot of fun once I return', he thought.

Daimon took the three rings in which the other things he chose were hidden, and then walked towards the exit, he finished just in time, having one minute left before he was going to be expulsed from the treasury.

Once outside he was met with the fake smiling expression of the Minister, who expected to see him frustrated or maybe even better, tricked by the flashy crap quality treasures he purposedly put in exhibition for him to choose.

But that smile slowly faded away when he saw that Daimon wasn't carrying any large item, instead of that he had four small things in his right hand, which he showed to everyone before saying.

"I choose the four treasures that aren't sea crystals inside these rings".

The Minister frowned as he realized Daimon managed to see through his tricks, but he still wasn't ready to give up on whatever treasures that might be inside of those rings, which to be honest even him didn't recognize.

Not all the rings had other things besides sea crystals, most of them were there as decoys so that even if Daimon started inspecting them and by some miracle managed to check a few, he will ultimately only find crystals in them and then end up choosing those trash treasures.

"I can only give them to you if you know what those treasures are, after all how can I be sure you didn't just choose some random rings hoping for something incredible to be inside", said the Minister.

  Vincent snorted, but as he was about to tell Raymond to stop trying to be a smartass, Daimon gazed at him and then nodded, making the old man smile and cross his arms.

"Very well, I will tell the Minister what are the treasures I want from those rings so that there won't be any more buts, from right to left, there is silk, a fang and a set of claws, all materials from high ranked magic beasts, lastly there is an ice mana crystal of the Stellar rank too".

Raymond paled the moment he heard Daimon's words, he tried to take the rings from Daimon's hands, but Vincent who was ready for the action appeared behind him and placed his arm over the Minister's shoulder.

"Now, now, now, why don't you show everyone if what Gabriel said is right, if he is wrong then I'm willing to compensate you for the troubles".

The Minister trembled out of anger, if what the silver haired youth said was right, then his family just lost the four most valuable treasures in their inventory, besides the three-colored water which can potentially create a genius.

Unfortunately, with Vincent and the queen glaring at him, he couldn't play anymore tricks and had to pray to all his ancestors, that the silver haired youth was just bluffing and by some magical coincidence managed to get some information regarding his Arcarius's family treasury.

'T-That woman is his backer, so I wouldn't be surprised that she somehow managed to find what was inside our treasury, she is that much of a creep after all', thought Raymond referring to Annete and her excellent information network, anyone who tried to evade taxes or commit fraud was immediately found out and judged by her after all.

Waking up from his daze the Minister took the rings from Daimon under the sharp gaze of Vincent and then injected his mana sense, his heart nearly stopped on the spot, all the four things mentioned were there in other words, Daimon was right and he had to hand them over.

Those were treasures that were inherited from many generations ago, since he who is the sole high Stellar ranked of the Arcarius family focuses on defense and lacks the offense to kill a high Stellar ranked magic beast, hell even Vincent can't go and kill one on a whim, since there is a hance of suffering lethal wounds.

Daimon saw the four items he chose fall to the ground, they were all kept inside crystal cases to preserve their properties, the first one was a watermelon sized ball of white silk which actually had ice laws coming out of it, it was perfect for Elaine, the second was a five-meter sized fang which had wind laws leaking from time to time.

Next there was a set of ten hand sized red claws, curiously the laws coming from it weren't purely of fire, but mixed with something else which Daimon couldn't discern without using more mana, but that could be left for later, lastly the stellar grade ice mana crystal was an octagonal huma head sized blue-transparent gem which contained ice laws mixed with mana inside, nothing was leaking as it was of the best quality and had zero cracks.

Daimon waves his hand and the treasures were absorbed into his ring, he then walked towards the exit followed by the girls, but now without saying.

"I thank the Minister for his generosity, these treasures can't be bought with money, since they are priced in "lives" considering someone must have died to obtain them, to think I managed to get them with just a tub of three-colored water, it was an excellent reward".

Raymond's body trembled, his vision obscured as he fainted on the spot due to the agitation, Vincent laughed his ass off at it, and then group then returned to Warhammer city.

Aurora had brought the legacy treasure of the Light Palace, the huge Flying Citadel and the people that came from the Elemental Sea with her were getting on it, since they will be leaving an a few moments.

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