Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 431 Rewards & Unconventional Meeting (Part 2)

Daimon looked through the treasury for another half an hour but there was nothing else he really needed, there were countless amounts of mana crystals of light, water, earth and wood element, but he already has many of them in his inventor due to all the rings he has stolen from his enemies.

The pirates specially were quite loaded despite their not so high realms, because as it is widely known by everyone, the Maelstrom Sea is both a land of wonders and nightmares.

On the other hand, he did get something that would be incredibly expensive if available back at the four galaxies, Stellar ranked spells and martial arts.

On a short inspection though they were or a realm that doesn't exist back at the galaxies, the vast majority aren't much, in fact even before Erin or Aura got grimoires due to being his soulmates, he calculated that the spells they used are better than all these ones he got.

The only ones that would be on par with theirs, will be the ones reserved exclusive for the royal family of the Light Palace, and though Aurora didn't mind showing him the precious books in which they were recorded, no one besides she and Jasmine could use them, because they are all legacy spells, which solved the mystery of why they are probably the best buff type light element spells Daimon has seen, each one could be the core of an average ruler family, now imagine when all of them belonged to the same family, that's how the Light Palace became such a strong force.

"Now that you mention it, that guy also asked me to buy light spells, I gave him a couple as part of the reward he asked after "saving" little Jas, he probably also wanted the legacy spells of my Light Palace, but even back then I refused by saying that no one else could use them".

"To be honest, though no one else can use them, reading and learning from them is possible, Sylvie has created a couple of light spells based on the legacy spells of the Light Palace for example, if you need it just ask little Jas, she has all the spells that she can use in her level in her mind", said Aurora, which made Jasmine's eyes sparkle.

Daimon nodded with an interested expression on his face, not only because this knowledge will help the Revy and Argent families improve, but because he got to know that even if these two were under whatever bullshit brainwash Adam could do, it's not like he could just order them to do something, if Aurora refused his request.

'It should be a passive that makes others see him in a "good light", instead of mind control as I believed it to be, I guess that girl from the Penddra family was in an advanced state for her to be that crazy about that guy', thought Daimon.

One they return to the galaxies, he needs to ask Erin to gather information regarding Adam and Marcus, they have been out of his scope for a long time so who knows what they have been up to so far, in other words even after his return things will be far from over.

Anyway, for now it was too soon to worry about this, after taking a couple more of things for a rainy day, they left the treasury, Aurora happily cooperated through all the experience, she offered the best items according to the requests of each of them, without caring of price or rarity, the destiny of her Light Palace was now tied to the silver haired youth which was calm despite seeing treasures that would make even a Maximum Stellar ranked drool, or burn in greed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After finishing their visit to the treasury of the Light Palace, most of the girls returned to Jasmine's room, leaving only Yvonne, Leslie and Aurora behind.

"Next we'll go to the Black Fortress and the Sky Flare treasuries, as for the Purple Haze, we'll save it for later at night, it will be our excuse for the late visit we have to pay to their territory for the surprise meeting with the leader of this branch of Black Wave", said Aurora.

Daimon nodded, the two sisters were clearly happy right now, Aisha purposedly stayed behind to give them a chance to spend some time alone with Daimon, Liliana felt tricked but after Aisha whispered some things Daimon couldn't hear, a blush appeared on her pretty face and she happily accompanied them to Jasmine's room.

Aurora waved her hand and the teleportation formation of the castle created a portal, as the Matriarch of the Light Palace, she has access to all the main territories of the sects, Abaris will probably ban Daimon from going to the part that his Black Fortress manages, but it will only happen after he has gotten all his rewards.

That's why they are leaving the visit to the Purple Haze sect for later, since Daimon will be going to the reunion too, he could use the Hollow Suit to ignore any surveillance formations, but the teleportation array won't work for him later.

Daimon and the others entered the portal and a couple of seconds later they arrived at the black hill on which the castle of the Black Fortress sect was built.

Daimon observed the new scenery, similar to the white hill of the Light Palace, this black hill was on top of a huge mine of mana crystals, and it hasn't been exploited as well, making it a paradise for darkness mana users.

Luckily Daimon could hide the nature of his powers with the bracelet of the god of mischief, or the fact that he has darkness affinity would have been exposed the moment he set a foot in this place, since he has drawn a clear line between his two paths.

Darkness being the main focus for his mage powers and light for his knight powers.

The moment they appeared Daimon felt a couple of gazes falling on them, there were a pair of people guarding the gates of the black castle, similar to Sylvie and Sid, Abaris also had a pair of direct disciples, but he his less balanced in that aspect.

One of the two people, a tall man with a scar that blinded one of his eyes glared at them, Daimon judged him to be a rare high stage Stellar ranked, on the other hand the other person guarding the gate was a woman, a darkness affinity knight on the early-stage Stellar rank.

Aurora saw the unsightly expression on the faces of Abaris's disciples and she snorted.

"Open the gate", she calmly ordered.

The two Hall Masters frowned, but they realized Aurora was serious if they dared to block their way, she will probably suppress them, the Shaman told them to deal with the whole situation, since he didn't want to see Daimon's face after what happened earlier, well his masked face to be more accurate.

"Follow me", said the man, he didn't dare to block Aurora from entering the castle, but he clearly didn't show respect to Aurora like he would have before, nor like she cared about such things right now.

The design of the black castle was completely the contrary of the white one, this place exuded a warlike aura from its walls and decorations, which were mostly trophies exhibited, among which there were broken weapons, bones or other similar things, they all shared one thing in common, and that is that they were useless due to the damages.

It was as if the one who placed them there was saying "This is what happens when you fight against the Black Fortress".

The vault of the treasury of the black castle wasn't on the surface but on a lower level, what could be considered the basement, Aurora knew the way so the man didn't try to play any tricks and guided them there.

"Give me the token, take the two things you want and then get lost", said the man.

Daimon threw the token at him, but before he could enter the treasury, Aurora moved her hand and white line of light was shot from it.

"Ughh!", the man was hit by the line of light and his body bent due to pain, he saw a black mineral coin on the ground while he tried to recover from the attack of a Maximum Stellar ranked.

"Your Patriarch owed me two more picks, that is the proof of the debt, also don't forget you are in presence of the Matriarch and the young master of the Light Palace, I don't care if you are a Hall Master, know your place", Aurora's voice was accompanied by her mana pressure whish flooded the whole corridor, making the already bent man, lower himself even more until he was practically kneeling down, both due to the pressure and the pain he felt on the area of impact.

Without saying anything else, Aurora guided Daimon and the sisters into the treasury, just in case Abaris tried to play some tricks, she will immediately notice it.

Ignoring the still kneeled down high stage Stellar ranked, they entered and started observing the things displayed in the treasury, Yvonne was especially enthusiastic as she looked for something that will be helpful for her mother.

Daimon on the other hand didn't move, in this place Rita was like a fish in the sea, he could feel the surge in her strength from within his shadow, he asked her to use her mana sense to inspect the whole place, the criteria was something that adapted to the two aspects of darkness in which Erin excels.

Which are corrosion and stealth, the passive "Mother of Darkness" which Erin gained after obtaining her grimoire increased the already strong corroding effect of her darkness element, she also was an expert in camouflage, she created dark curtain, a spell that worked against even other Half Emperors with Aura's exception since she created an eye spell to counter it.

Besides that, she had the charming ability and the Heart Mirror abilities that her lineage granted her, which are aligned with the mind, but her fighting style doesn't really go along with that, not to mention she was already "alluring" enough as she is, even without using that, Daimon wasn't going to shot his own foot.

Instead of that, if there was an illusion-oriented darkness affinity material, it should go to Irina, the darkness element of the mother and daughter royal members of the Night Sparrow clan, excelled in mind and illusions after all.

The only other thing in which Daimon was interested were emblems, as for the treasure he promised to Leslie, the Sky Flare's sect treasury will take care of it, since Rita already confirmed there weren't any decent fire element resources in this place, probably all the good things were given to Skyflame by Abaris as a reward for his advance.

'Young master I found what something that fits your criteria but… it's not apt to make a weapon, that being said I think it will definitely be of the liking of lady Erin, the third and eleventh shelves on the right upper corner, what I'm mentioning is inside some special cases'.

Daimon nodded he jumped and took the cases Rita mentioned, he then opened them and his eyes glowed.

"Indeed, she is going to love this, I guess even in what luck regards, like mother like daughter", he mumbled as he sent the materials to his inventory.

Before Rita could inform Daimon of her finding regarding the other criteria, Yvonne's voice woke Daimon from his daze.

"Daimon, look at this!", she said with a rare enthusiasm filled voice.

Daimon walked towards Yvonne to see what she found, she has the capacity to see mana flow, so her choice shouldn't be bad, even if Rita's probably was going to be the winner.

Surprisingly the thing Yvonne chose was a small gem, which wasn't a mana crystal, nor the magic core of a magic beast, the laws that were gathered around it were weird, they resembled darkness but they warped and twisted, truly a strange sight.

"That is the eye of a Phantom Horror magic beast, if I remember correctly, this was obtained when we cooperated to try and explore a deep area into the Maelstrom Sea, the records say that a strange magic beast which vanished and appeared out of nowhere eliminated half of the expedition force, the Matriarch of that time managed to kill the beast which turned out to be a weird magic beast, it was basically a giant eye, that is its pupil".

"The members of the Black Fortress kept it but they don't use illusions so they didn't use it, also as far as I know no one else has ever found another magic beast like that one, so the name I mentioned was given to it by us, as always the Maelstrom Sea is pretty creepy", said Aurora.

'Young master, that's what I was going to suggest, that gem doesn't lose with any of the materials the other mistresses or you have chosen, it should be perfect for an illusion user', added Rita.

"We'll take it", the verdict was easy to make, Yvonne was able to find the best material to complement her mother's fighting style.

As for the last pick, there was actually an incomplete emblem stowed away in one of the many chests that contained random objects, it was a dark purple Elemental Emblem and with it their time in the treasury of the Black Fortress was over.

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