Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 128 - Monke And The Missing Residents

After a few back-and-forth conversations with the catwoman, we decided to also pursue a trade with each other every other week. Namely, the trade of some artificial food from my homeworld, for some other supplies for building the monster and human town.

Ending the transmission with Catalina, I sighed and promptly lay inside my comfy sleeping bag on my hammock.

'What should I do now…?' I may be a sucker for rest, but even I understand that work is important if you want to prosper. 'Oh, I still haven't checked up on the other new residents… Actually, there hasn't been a report about it for the last few hours… Why though…?'

Poking Domino's sleeping face caused her to wake up, her pouty face glaring at me. I chuckled and rustled the top of her hair, her body leaning into my touch.

"Sorry about that, but I need to do something important." I pinched her cheek, her groans echoing around trees as she tried to pry herself off of me. I released her cheeks, tiny droplets of tears pouring down her face as her indifferent expression looked back at me with a pout.

"Meanie…" Domino harrumphed and took her leave towards the house, presumably to go and play some video games since she couldn't spend time with her surrogate father.. I chuckled good-heartedly at the retreating figure of Domino, my chuckle dying in the wind as I focused back on the current problem at hand.

'I wonder how they're doing…?' And with that, I quickly got myself out of my sleeping bag and tucked it nicely and neatly inside my inventory. Getting off of my hammock, I walked through the path leading towards another generated passageway that led to the first floor, specifically, near the monster town.



This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


It took me a few minutes to reach the town, the whole area bustling with activity here and there. The moment the monsters in the town noticed my presence, they all greeted me with a bunch of bowing and thanks.

I'm pretty sure I didn't deserve that, since I technically coerced them to live here or face destruction, but hey, they did reason that they wouldn't have gotten these luxuries if they stayed back where they were before, and would most probably die if they messed with another group of monsters stronger than them.

That's just how nature is, survival of the fittest, and right here, I'm top dog, with them being a part of my pack. Also, they lead better lives under me than the whole fight, kill, survive mindset they had. Now, their mindset is pretty much the same, but more on the civilized style than the barbaric style they had back in the day.

That didn't mean that they were weaker than before, in fact, most, if not all of them are stronger than they did earlier in their lives. The reason for that is because rather than those low on the totem pole eating less than the ones who excel (trust me, I asked them this question before), all of them are equal here and are given food, enough to satiate themselves and then some.

They were also given some substantial amount of clothing and armor, thanks to the help of the primates and other monsters who are in charge of tailoring and blacksmithing (the blacksmithing skillbook works wonders for the lead primate, who is not teaching the others how to do so. Tailoring, I had some other goblins, kobolds, orcs, etc, teach the others how to do it).

Too bad there wasn't an education system here yet. Once I get enough DP (which I'm sure won't take too long given that the number of monsters inside my Dungeon is getting larger and larger.

That said though, it seems that I won't get Dungeon Income if the Dungeon Master, or in this case, me, isn't present inside the Dungeon.

A limitation I could've lived without, but as they say, you can't beat rules enforced on you by the Gods.

Anyways, I've gone off on a rather large tangent, so I refocused my mind back on the topic at hand.

'Now, where are they?' I looked around and saw that there were no new faces because if there were, I would've been notified by the primates who had strict watch over the town. I tilted my head in confusion, my ass plopping down on a bench inside a rather large plaza the monsters made inside the town with the materials they had.

It was rather nice… Giving a somewhat homey feeling.

I opened the Dungeon Menu and contacted the leader of the watch in this town. I waited for a few seconds, and the person on the other picked up, showing a chimpanzee with a distinct red pupil in his right eye.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Chip, the leader of the Town Watch, who has also gone under a transformation, namely, chuunibyou and edgelordiness in one…

Like, holy shit, he was wearing a goddamn cape, had a cowl, an eyepatch on his left, and he had a signature grin he was showing me without any hesitation.

"Ah! Greetings, boss. Did you perhaps have something or someone for me to shoot?" Chip grinned darkly, saying fully structured sentences that I'm sure that other primates couldn't do yet.

"Nor right now, no." Chip's grin vanished and, in its stead, was replaced with a dramatic frown.

"Oh, how disappointing." Chip twirled and grabbed his trusty bow (a new one I gave him, which was a fully functioning compound bow bought from the Dungeon Store) and run his hand over it like a mother would a child. "My partner Primal Shot hasn't found good prey in weeks. She's been getting a little antsy, and I wouldn't want to disappoint my partner that bad."

Holy lord… The edginess is too much…!

"That said, she can wait, if it's for you." Chip laughed then hung the bow on his back. "Don't tell her I told you this, but she's been harboring a giant crush on you ever since you gave her to me. Hehe, such a bad girl."

And now he's imagining that an inanimate object without sentience is in love with me…

"Er… Alright, I won't tell." I promised to the primate, who laughed good-naturedly, his body bouncing up and down due to his laughter. "Anyway, have you seen any new faces around? Even not in my town?"

"New faces? Sorry, but no boss. No new monsters have arrived since your Dungeon has been teleported inside this dimension disconnected from our reality." Chip shook his head as he sighed. I sighed back and nodded thankfully to the loyal but edgy chimpanzee.

"I see, thanks for your hard work, Chip." Chip then gave me a salute, not the normal salute mind you, the one where you bump your fist on your chest kind of salute.

"Ahhh… Your thanks are enough to power me through a desert savanna! I humbly accept your thanks and praise, boss!" After his tirade, I cut off the connection with the primate, who was getting too edgy I was having a minor aneurysm due to the cringe I was accumulating.

'Well… At least he's deadly with a bow… Still, who the hell taught him how to use that thing?'

As I contemplated another mystery of the universe, such as a chimpanzee learning how to use a bow in just a day without any guide or previous practice whatsoever, I decided to visit the other communities prospering in my Dungeon.

Namely, the arachnes and the alraunes.

'Shit… This is going to be a horny festival… I just know it…'

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