Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 134 - Monke And The New Residents

'Remember when I said I wanted to rest and take a fucking nap? Yeah, I lied…' I groaned as I took a quick glance at the numerous new faces right in front of me. All of them were looking at me with apprehension, fear, and hate.

Props to the Gods who dropped this shit ton of bricks right on my head the moment I was done with two stressful situations with the alraunes and arachnes.

TL:DR, I want to fucking bang my head on a wall until I pass out so I can take a rest from all of this bullshit.

"So… Who is the representative among you?" I asked while I held out a sigh, numerous heads looking left and right as they tried to discern who among them was the monster/person to stand up against the frightening monster right in front of them, flanked with a bunch of similar looking monsters armed to the teeth with iron.

Yeah, in case you're wondering, the moment these new monsters showed up in my Dungeon, every single primate was quickly alerted by Domino in the Dungeon Core Room about a sudden invasion of more than a dozen monsters/humans.

Of course, this didn't come with a bit of head-scratching, since we were currently separated from the Mortal Realm where most, if not all mortals currently lived, and mortals technically comprised of monsters, humans, demi-humans, and some other shit.

You get the idea.


Anyway, after a few seconds of silence where the majority of sentient monsters in the crowed searched for their representative, the less-sentient, aka boars, rabbits, and some other normal animals dispersed from the crowd, trying their best to run away from the huge group of dangerous threats to their lives.

Once the group of less-sentient animals dispersed, the rest of the sentient monsters, as well as a couple of humans and demi-humans remained. After asking Domino their total numbers via Dungeon Communications, I found out that there were exactly 150 in their group.

It took a few more moments of silence before a hulking, red ogre stepped in front of the whole crowd, the rest of the monsters holding their breath at the intimidating sight of the grizzly ogre.

The ogre wore a leather jacket that was open in the front and only reached up to the end of the ribs, exposing his well-toned body and six-pack abs. A leather tasset protected his upper thighs, a long piece of cloth dangling in front and back to cover his groin and ass.

His body was marked with various tattoos; his head was bald with two horns jutting out from his skull, while tusks protruded from his huge mouth.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He stood in front of me, his eyes looking at me as if he was sizing me up. Recognizing this as a challenge, I didn't back down. Instead, I walked up to the ogre. His body was built the same as mine, but he was a foot taller.

He glared down at my face, a snarl taking up the majority of his mouth. He then roared, the roar deafening to any normal person or monster, as seen by some of my primates covering their ears, as well as the majority of the group right behind him.

There were also some ogres in the mix, about four of them, five if you include the ogre right in front of me.

Not one to back down from a challenge, I stayed rooted to my spot, my face a mask of indifference as I gazed upon his towering exterior.

I was not impressed.

The ogre, as if taunting me to beat his roar, urged me on with a mocking smile. I grinned back devilishly, causing the ogre to flinch a bit, but still hold his ground.

Gathering some of my mana, I let it coalesce with the air in my lungs, letting it take an element of lightning. Around me, the grass rustled harshly without the presence of wind. This confused the ogre in front of me, making him look at the surroundings with a perplexed gaze.

He then looked at me, the cause for the brief, magical phenomenon. His eyes widened as a stormy aura gathered around me, his leg stepping back due to the force I was unleashing.

Then with a shout, I let the air in my lungs out of my body. A loud, deafening shout, not unlike thunder striking close to you, echoed across the entire first floor of my Dungeon. The forest rattled. Most of the monsters, including my primates, fell to the ground due to the force of my voice.

The ogre who challenged me, however, took the brunt of my shout and was sent flying back into the crowd of new monsters, only to be caught by his fellow ogres, who then crashed to the ground together as they failed to stop the flying body hitting them.

Once the shaking died down, I looked upon the monsters, who were now looking at me with incredible fear in their eyes. The ogres, however, looked at me with respect, like one would a chief.

The ogre who challenged me stepped up from his downed position and shakily made his way back to me. Once he was close enough, he kneeled, and made his hands balled into fists, both of his arms bent 90 degrees, with his left pointing at me, and his other arm on top of his knee.

"I follow the strongest. Long live the chief." The ogre's deep and raspy voice sounded out across the silent clearing, the rest of the ogres following the red ogre and also taking a knee before me.

"We follow the strongest. Long live the chief." They repeated the words the red ogre said, their heads still bowed as they gave me the respect one would give to a superior.

Behind them, the rest of the monsters looked confused, terrified, and anxious, but nonetheless, all of them proceeded to bow before me, expressing their submission to my own.

A cacophony of voices reached my ears, their words long since garbled under the numerous voices echoing across the field, but the meaning still reached me.

'We submit to you.'

I grinned, and looked back at my now standing primates, who also looked at me with more respect than ever.

"Gong." I called out my right-hand man who was present for this situation. "You know the drill, introduce the monsters to the Monster Town and get them some jobs, while the humans and demi-humans, escort them to the Human Area and let Nicholas explain to them how living in my Dungeon works."

"Right away, boss." Gong nodded and commanded the rest of the primates to round up the monsters, demi-humans, and humans to separate them into groups, one where the monsters would be headed to the Monster Town, while the humans and demi-humans would be led to the Human Area.

Like a well-oiled machine, the primates wasted no time to separate them and went on their merry way towards the Monster Town, which was visible from here, while the humans and demi-humans were also escorted to the Monster Town, but in a different group since they would also be moving in deeper.

Letting out a satisfied smile, as well as venting some of the stress I had acquired from those two meet-ups with the alraunes and arachnes, I opened the Dungeon Menu to contact one of the people I know that would give me an answer as to why the residents took their sweet time to arrive.

Outgoing transmission...

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the receiver picked up from the other side.

"Jionni? What a pleasant surprise." Oshurkova smiled from her seat. A bunch of papers could be seen at the edge of the screen. I sent her a sympathizing gaze as she realized why I was giving her the look. "I know, paperwork is a bitch. Anyway, why did you call?"

"Nothing really important, except why did it take too long for the monsters I acquired from killing a Dungeon Master to arrive?" I asked with a shrug.

"Ah, that one." Oshurkova sighed and gave me a sympathizing look. "Well, the reason for that is because before they are sent to the Dungeons of the Dungeon Masters who killed their first masters, they are first briefed by God Chythos about their incoming transfer."

'Ah, now those gazes they sent me make sense.' I closed my eyes then nodded. Opening my eyes once again, I was greeted by the smile of the vampire lady on the screen. "Thanks for explaining. Though, I had to wonder, why did an ogre challenge me to a battle of wills?"

"I don't know." Oshurkova shrugged, then signed another paper. "Best to ask the ogre who challenged you rather than me."

'Hmm… Fair point.'

"Anyway, I still have some work to do, and by some, I mean a lot." Oshurkova sagged on her couch, her face looking many years older. "See ya, and greet Catalina for me if she ever calls you!"

And with that, the transmission ended and the area was once again bathed in silence.

"… Welp, with all that done, my hammock has a sleeping bag with my name written all over it." I yawned and stretched, the events of today catching up to my present form. I may be strong, but I still need rest, and the events today took all of my energy.

'I need some rest, and that's fucking final…'

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