Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 146 - Monke MOBA (First Match - Respawn)

My eyes fluttered open, my feet touching the familiar platform that was situated right at the back of our base.

HP: 7,330 / 7,330

'Huh… My HP is full again…'

"Jionni, you're back! What happened?" Immediately right after I was… respawned… Oshurkova decided to bombard my transceiver with loud screams, a few explosions happening in the background.

"… Ugh, just got wrecked. Hard." I responded with a grimace. Truly, that was one of the most pathetic experiences I had the fortune of happening to me. "Never mind that, did you get flanked by another Dungeon Master?"

"Yes, fortunately, we were able to retreat back to the Bartizan, so he left. I don't know where he is now, though." Oshurkova replied, a primal roar of a beast was heard through the transceiver, followed by Oshurkova's pained yelling, and Typhial's scream of rage.


"YOU SHALL NOT HURT LADY OSHURKOVA!" That was the last thing I heard before they went radio silent. Truth be told, I was worried about them, but it can be ignored for the moment. I have faith that they can come out on top of that engagement.

"And here I thought it was the Support's role to protect the Carry, not the other way around…" Grinning wryly, I checked our current Resource points and saw that they were sitting pretty at a high number.

Resource Points: 2,655

Okay, not bad so far.

"Hey, anyone having trouble with their Mons?" I asked through the transceiver, and received a reply from Catalina, who was breathing raggedly.

"Yep. Damn scarecrow's Mons are getting harder to kill." Catalina replied. A huff of effort came out of her lips as I heard the sound of a crow getting louder until it fell silent. "Shit, I'll need some help here. I can't get a good read on this creepy motherfucker."

Cupping my chin, I grabbed the book and decided to increase the damage of our Mons by 3, and their magical defense by 2.

Damage Enhancement [3] 500

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Physical Defense Enhancement [] 500

Magical Defense Enhancement [2] 500

Movement Speed Enhancement [ ] 500

'Okay, so they don't increase the cost with every purchase. Good to know.' I thought in my mind before using the transceiver once again to contact the struggling catwoman, as well as the rest, where I noticed that Oshurkova and Typhial were fine, to say the least. "I've upgraded our Mons. They'll deal more damage, and tank more magic damage. You're welcome."

"Got it." Catalina said. I visualized a smirk on her face, and I couldn't refute that image right out of my mind right after. It was just so right for her.

"Eh, the brat's a snarky one, ain't ya." Not expecting Shrum to join the conversation, I pursed my lips and decided to ask his status.

"Shrum, anything to report?"

"Bah, as if this youngster would best me." As a testament to his claim, I heard a scream of pain, followed by another shriek of curses. Moments later, a loud announcement rang across the arena.

*Dungeon Master Fiero and Dungeon Master Jizk have been knocked out*

*Respawn in 23 seconds*

'… So that's what happens when a Dungeon Master's been knocked out. Good to know.' I shrugged and regarded the old mushroom person with more respect than before. "Well, it looks like you won't be needing my help after all."

"As if I need it. You're centuries too young to handle ol' Shrum here." The mushroom person snarked back, a hint of a chuckle coming out from his mouth.

"Alright then. I'll hold it to you." I cut off the communications and quickly rushed into the Jungle. Right now, the two are still respawning, and it'll take time for them to return back to their posts. With that in mind, I ignored my already respawned camps. The T-rex looked at me like it wanted to maul me to death, but wasn't able to leave the specified area it was confined to, and rushed towards the enemy Jungle.

This is a good time to steal his camps, deny them Resource points, and get some of my own.

'I won't make the same mistake like last time.' I vowed in my mind. Earlier, I was thinking that I was some kind of untouchable douchebag. With my experiences, other than the time where I was forced to retreat due to that fucking demon, the rest of my experiences were either curbstomps, or straight out outplaying the enemy (Chess against Lupu).

But I should also limit my strength, while at the same time, making sure that I won't accidentally kill the Dungeon Master I'm currently facing.

'This is going to be hard…'




I was now inside the enemy Jungle. The moment I stepped foot into it, the timer for their Respawns had already ticked down to 0. How could I tell? There was a giant scoreboard up in the sky showing our… K/D/A ratio… Seriously, why is that a thing?

Anyway, right beside my name, and surprisingly, a picture of me looking fierce, I saw a 0/1/0 as my score. Looking for Shrum's, I saw he had a 2/0/0 standing.

'Just like a MOBA game…' I shook my head and focused on the task at hand. Stealing the enemy Neutral monster camps, and maybe knocking out their Jungler as an extra objective.

Looking around, I saw another giant T-rex, and grinned savagely.

'Time to contribute to mass extinction.' Taking my Monke Staff, I enlarged it and coated it in electricity. The next moment, I leaped at the T-rex, while simultaneously activating [Gorilla Go Smash!].

Needless to say, the T-rex was sent flying and became red paste when it crashed into a wall of stone.

Resources + 100

Nodding my head at a job well done, I looked for a hiding spot, which was a familiar looking brush that was situated between two walls.

'… Now they're ripping off one of the famous MOBAs back on Earth… Like I'm one to complain, more advantages for me then.' Jumping into the brush, I noticed that it covered my body in some kind of substance. Examining the strange substance, I realized it was something like an invisible potion to those outside of the brush.

However, only those inside the brush will be coated in this substance. This can be attributed to the fact that the moment I left the brush, the substance dissipated in just a split-second.

At this fact, I grinned even more maliciously.

'Time to play assassin instead of tank.' I cleared the camp of monsters just nearby, before jumping into the brush again and waiting for the enemy Jungler to appear.

Resources + 100

I waited for a few seconds, before I saw the incoming figure of the Dragonewt that knocked me out earlier. 'Time to repay the favor.'

Since the Dungeon Master was a Dragonewt, I'll assume that he was resistant to flames, so I decided to go with the Lightning Element. Coating my Monke Staff in electricity with at least 100,000 volts, I waited until the Dungeon Master was close to my attack range. The moment he entered it, I swung, using [Gorilla Go Smash!] as a bonus, and aimed at his legs.

A piercing scream of pain entered my ears as his legs were torn off from the knees below, his dismembered legs flying into the wall and splattering into a mess of red. The Dragonewt in front of me continued to cry, his arms cradling his dismembered legs as he held onto the stumps like a father would his dying child, blood pooling beneath his prone body.

Feeling pity for the Dragonewt, I decided to end his suffering by bonking him on the head hard enough to knock him and not kill him, hopefully…

*Dungeon Master Jizk has been knocked out*

*Respawn in 33 seconds*

'… Why do I feel so bad… Last time, he skewered me with his lance…' I contemplated my values in life, before shrugging and putting it in the back of my head. 'Meh, I'll question my morals later, which I'm sure is as chaotic as a child in a sugar rush. For now, it's time to take more of his camps.'

Doing just what I had planned, I went to the last camp in this area and went back to the river. I thought about whether to take my Jungle camps or help Catalina in the mid lane.

"Hey, Lina, need some help?" Using the transceiver, I sent her a message while I was hiding in a brush by the river.

"Yep." Catalina's curt response told me everything, as well as the fact that her breathing was even more ragged than earlier.

"Alright, on my way." I cut the signal and made a beeline to the mid lane, where there was a brush right at the side of the lane, making my arrival a secret to the enemy Dungeon Master.

Looking at the Dungeon Master who was facing Catalina, he resembled something like a scarecrow from a horror film. He had this branch of magic which conjured some crows and were sent flying to Catalina, who dodged them, before it burst into an explosion of green and purple smog.

The Mons that were fighting in the middle were rent to shreds as Catalina and the scarecrow went ham on them, while trading some attacks here and there.

I waited for an opportunity to strike, and when I saw him come closer to my side since Catalina was on the opposite side, I struck.

Since he was a scarecrow, I enchanted my Monke Staff with flame, and lunged at the scarecrow, who noticed me just a tad bit too late.

Ramming my Monke Staff into its midsection, I felt my staff penetrate its wooden and straw body, before they caught fire. Not wasting this opportunity, I saw Catalina dashing in, twin kukris in hand as she sliced into the screaming scarecrow.

Not wanting this fight to be prolonged any longer, I grabbed the scarecrow by the head and smashed its face on the ground, a tiny crater forming where its head impacted the ground.

*Dungeon Master Scatro knocked out*

*Respawn in 34 seconds*

"Thanks for the assist." Catalina huffed from her position.

"Anytime. Go back to base first and recuperate. If my memory serves me right, you can heal quick when standing on the platform." I said, which got me a deadpan from the catwoman.

"… That could've been some useful information before we went out, you know…"

"… Oops, sorry…?" The catwoman just sighed as she facepalmed.

"Well, anyway. Go on, take the Mons. I'll run back to base and return as soon as I can."

"Alright." Our exchange done, I saw Catalina running to base with her cat tail swishing in the air. Finding it cute, I stared at it, before focusing on pushing the Bartizan with the Mons at my side.

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