Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 148 - Monke MOBA (Halftime)

After being transported out of the match with the rest of my team, we arrived inside the familiar black void where we were stationed during our waiting time.

We were about to voice our confusion, when blinking numbers appeared in the air, showing us some kind of timer, presumably towards the time when the next match would start.




"So… We have 20 minutes before the next match…" I said with a blink of my eyes. Catalina, who was beside me the entire time, grabbed my arm and pulled me in close.

"How about a quickie? You know, to satisfy some cravings." She said it sultrily, her tongue licking her lips, causing them to moisten. "It might even give you a boost."

"Ugh, Cat-in-Heat, would you mind not tainting the ears of Lady Oshurkova with your despicable seduction?" Typhial piped up from her spot. Beside her, Oshurkova was facepalming at the antics of the two somewhat-rivals.

"Oh? For Lady Oshurkova's sake, or your sake?" Catalina released my arm from her hold, causing my arm to be dislodged from between the pillowy mounds she possessed on her chest. "Last time I knew, Lady Oshurkova wasn't that bothered when me and Jion had some fun."

"Shut up, you horny cat!" Typhial yelled, her face red from either shame or embarrassment. "Why would I be bothered when either of you two have some kind of rendezvous in the night?"

"… Nah, you're just jealous you can't score a mate." Catalina said with a grin, causing Typhial to snarl at the catwoman.

"That's it!" Typhial lunged at the grinning catwoman, her wings flapping erratically due to the embarrassment. "Come here so I can end your pathetic life!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She wasn't able to reach the grinning catwoman, however, because of Oshurkova stepping in and grabbing the collar of her clothes. Typhial gagged for a moment due to the sudden constriction of her neck, before breathing in air. Looking at the cause of her sudden pain, she saw Oshurkova looking at her with disappointment in her eyes.

And since this was Typhial we're talking about, the one who has a very yandere type of affection towards the vampire, where I'm also sure she won't be able to act out her violent impulses due to the power gap, she paled and trembled before those judging eyes.

"M-my Queen…! I mean… L-Lady Oshurkova!" Typhial voiced out strong at first, but grew weaker and weaker as the glare on Oshurkova's face became even harsher. Truth be told, it was a comedic scene, one the catwoman who retreated back to my side savored to her heart's content, if the grin on her face was to be believed.

"First of all, do not address me as Queen." Typhial froze for a moment, before nodding furiously as Oshurkova subjected the poor harpy to an even more harsh glare than before. If the term 'looks could kill' had a spot on the dictionary, then Oshurkova's face would most definitely be posted as an image right next to it. "Second of all, what did I tell you about me not being a pure maiden years ago?"

'… Excuse me? This kind of situation happened years ago?' I blinked, and thought about a very similar situation happening where Catalina and Typhial were arguing like this, before Oshurkova had to step in. 'Huh, looks like Typhial is a repeat offender, and the less said about Catalina, the better.'

I reasoned this way because all women have a destructive weapon over men. The power of boobies.

"So? What about it?" Catalina asked, my arms still smushed between her two mounds.

"What about what?" I asked back, my head tilting to the side.

"A quickie. Right here, right now. Let's give them a show. How about it?" Catalina said excitedly, a gleam appearing in her eyes as she stuck most of her body against mine, causing the tip of my fingers to brush against her sacred garden.

'So, not only is she perpetually horny, she's even an exhibitionist… What a lovely catwoman my first partner decided to be…' I sighed, and scratched her chin, a spot I found out during our time together that night to be one of her weak points. 'Well, cat tendencies and whatnot.'

"You know, as much as I would like to assert dominance over you right now," I glanced at the sight of Oshurkova giving me the glare she gave to Typhial, who was still cowering, and Shrum who was looking very, VERY, disappointed with me, "I'd rather not right now. We need all of the energy we need for the next match, which would be harder than our previous match."

"Aw boo…" Catalina pouted and released me from her hold. Her cat tail, which I missed during my rant, slowly let go of my leg where it was coiled around. "And here I thought we could show these three some fun moments."

"As much as I like the concept of banging," Shrum started out, bringing me Vietnam flashbacks to the time where he told me about his sexlife, "Right now is not a good time. You youngsters are too brash nowadays. It's giving me fungitis."

'… I'm pretty sure fungitis isn't a word, but if he helps de-escalate this situation, then I'm all go.'

"Indeed." This time, it was Oshurkova who spoke, her hand releasing the whimpering harpy onto the ground, where she shakily stood up, but still positioned herself close to her revered mistress. "I may not be as averse to the deed, but even I know when is a good time to do so, and right now isn't."

"…" At the rebuke of two Dungeon Masters her senior, Catalina had no witty comeback and just stayed silent. I looked at her and I could tell she was feeling awkward as all hell right now.

"Kuhum… Anyway, shall we discuss some more pressing matters before the timer runs out?" I faked a cough to gather their attention, which worked, and pointed at the floating set of numbers. "Like discussing our plans for the next match?"




"That's the problem. I don't have an issue with how our strategy ended up last game, other than the fact that Typhial wasn't that much of a Carry, but more of a support." Oshurkova said with a shrug, causing Typhial to burst down into tears as she mumbled some words like, 'I let her down…' or something along the lines of that sentence.

"Aha, but that's the problem." I said, and gave her my realizations as the match continued on. "You see, that kind of strategy works when the Resources used are stored individually instead of collectively. A comparison would be individual banks." I gave out my findings with a hand on my chin. "Instead of Resources entering our collective bank, where we share all of the Resource Points we get, it instead goes to the individual bank of the user. Let's say for example, I killed a Dungeon Master. Instead of the 500 Resource points going to our collective bank, I get the entire 500 Resource points for ourselves, and that's not the half of it."

"In that type of situation, the reason for that is because instead of upgrading our Mons, we instead buy some items to increase OUR strength instead, and that is the reason for the Carry and Support roles." The rest of the team looked confused, but Oshurkova seemed to perk up in realization.

"That means that instead of the Support helping take Resource points by killing Mons, he instead funnels it so everything goes to the Carry."

"Exactly." I replied with a smile, before it turned into a grin. "Which is why our current strategy will not hold out in the long run."

I looked at Typhial, who returned my gaze with a confused one, her body still trembling slightly due to what happened earlier.

"What we're going to do is this. Since Typhial is fast due to her wings, Oshurkova will stay in lane and focus on taking Resource points from the Mons, and maybe the Dungeon Masters, while me and Typhial will dive into the Jungle and take the points from the Neutral Mons instead. We can also team up and invade the enemy Jungler and take his camps, denying them of Resource points while gaining more ourselves."

"… Not a bad plan. Better than earlier, at least." This time, it was Catalina who said it. "Not gonna lie, I wondered what the deal was with two Dungeon Masters in the bottom lane."

"Yeah, I did too, but since you were more knowledgeable than us in this area, I decided to follow your words." Oshurkova supplied, a grin forming on her face. "But now, ohoho… Can't wait to trash all of them to the ground, blyat."

It took me a second to register what she said, and all of us too, before Oshurkova noticed her little mis-slip and covered her mouth with a bright red face.

"You never heard that…"

"… Blyat…" I said with a shit-eating grin, before I opened my mouth once more. "CYKA BLYAT!!!"

Oshurkova lunged at me with a very red face.. It was still very worth it, though.

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