Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 157 - Monke And Some Loot

Heading back to the Dungeon Core Room via Master's Path, I pondered on the fact that my old friend, who I mostly gave a cold-shoulder back on Earth, was now here after being reincarnated, or rather, transmigrated, by a truck, no less, that was also under the orders of the Gods in this dimension…

Holy shit, Isekai Truck-kun is real…

Disregarding the meme, even though it was mind-boggling that it was indeed true, I focused on the reason Drake was here in my Dungeon. There were reasons for me to turn him down, sure, but somehow, I felt that I would be making a grave mistake if I did that. Plus, he was someone from the same planet as me, so plus points, I guess?

Anyway, the real problem is that I don't know his motives. What were the reasons he decided to come here? Is he running from something? Is plotting something? I couldn't really know, and I didn't want to ask him directly… Actually, why not ask him directly?

I'll do that later after he has his rest. Judging by how tired he looked, and just how shit his posture was, I can say that he was probably exhausted.

'Right, enough of that. Time to open those loot bags.' I sauntered through the Master's Path with haste, my excitement rising at the possibility I may have gotten something incredibly rare. One of those was the [Mask of Drakhan] I received earlier.

A few minutes of walking and gliding down the stairs, I reached the Dungeon Core Room, where I could see Domino once again lying down on her hammock, her face an ever-serene mask of stillness as she let out soft breaths.

Smiling at the sleeping figure, I strolled slowly towards my little Dungeon Helper. Combing her hair with my giant hands, backward, I gave a light peck on her forehead, which caused her giggle at the sudden contact in her sleep without changing her facial structure.

'She has one helluva poker face.' I noted dow, which brought another smile to my face. Leaving the girl to her rest, I quickly made my way to the backyard of the Gaming House. If I was asked to give an opinion on what it looked like, I would say it was just a normal-looking backyard from any kind of house that was moderately wealthy.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It was huge, expansive even, with the grass here evenly trimmed and some items of entertainment here and there, such as a swing, one of which was big enough to hold my big ass, and a seesaw.

Hey, don't judge. I still want to feel the swing every once in a while.

Making my way to a giant patch of soil that housed nothing, I sat down on the ground and rummaged through my inventory.

After the events, I was given four more rewards. Two from the wins me and my team had in the MOBA event, one for my participation, and another for my survival.

That's a morbid thought, but then again, I was the cause of two Dungeon Master deaths, maybe three, if you count that back-stabbing lamia, back in the Games, so who am I to judge?

Taking each of them out, I chuckled at the sight of four chests, two of them looking like normal, wooden chests, and the other two looking more ornamental than the two ordinary ones.

I'll save the two ornamental chests for later. Right now, I'll open these two normal looking chests.

Reaching for the first chest, I grabbed the locks that held it in place and flipped them open. Opening the lid, light not enough to blind poured out of its contents as the item hidden within floated into the air.

After grabbing the item, the light went out, and I scanned it for anything that could tell me what it was used for.

[Book of Marital Arts – Beginner] skillbook received

'… Whoever suggested giving me this, I am eternally thankful.' I grinned in glee at the skillbook that would give me an edge in fighting… Hold on a second…

Looking at the title once more, I nearly cried out in pure disbelief and anger at the slight difference of spelling.

'… Is this some kind of joke? A goddamn skillbook on making you better in bed?' I deadpanned at the book in my hand. I was about to toss it away, but quickly changed my mind and placed it indie the depths of my inventory. 'Nothing will harm you, my precious…'

I swore in my mind that I would not give any information about its existence. I won't learn them right now, since I don't want to wake Domino up, and if she ever saw that, I don't know how I'm going to face her.

'Alright then, next chest.' I "forgot" the book that would be sitting in my inventory for quite some time until I found some privacy and reached out for the next chest. Opening like the last chest, the same effects happened and I grabbed the item that was floating above it.

It was long… Really long… And it was heavy…

[Bloodweep War Hammer] received

… It seems that I have another weapon to add to my arsenal. Maybe I should use this instead of the Monke Staff if I didn't want to go all out, because I'm pretty sure my Monke Staff is stronger than this war hammer.

That being said, this hammer appeared to be sick as fuck!Its pol was made of black-looking metal and was harder than steel, so probably adamantite. The pole was also long, about my height in length. Its head, though, was what took the cake.

Its front end was flat, and had a wider surface area than the body. At the back end, a single, large spike curved downwards, a hint of a blade on both top and bottom sides.

Basically, this hammer looked like some mix of a scythe and a hammer, and it was fucking glorious!

'Time to be a hammer main.' I grinned maliciously, fully prepared to smash heads to pulp if ever some bastards tried to raid my Dungeon.

Once again, putting it back in my inventory, my gaze then locked on the two ornamental chests that were left for last.

'You better not disappoint.'

Reaching for the first chest, I looked for anything that could resemble a lock or opening apparatus, but it looked like there was none. However, the moment I touched the chest, it began to shake and the lid began opening on its own.

'Dramatic much?' I mused as the lid slowly opened, bright light seeping out as if trying to escape the confines of the moderately sized chest. Once it was fully opened, the contents hidden within the chest slowly hovered above, my hand quickly grabbing the item without any hesitation.

[Infamous Rock Warrior Hammer Arts] skillbook received

'Yep, it really is time to be a hammer main.' Grabbing the book, I dropped it in my inventory for future use. I'll use it once Domino is awake, just to show her something new her Papa can do.

Looking at the last chest, I licked my lips at the anticipation of the contents hidden within. Slowly reaching out for the chest, my hands touched its body, and its lid flew open quickly, unlike the last three chests. This time, instead of bright, shining light. A miasma of death and decay hit my body as I trembled from the sheer coldness.

Quickly retreating back, I glared at the chest oozing miasma, ready to fight in case things got hairy. Fortunately, I didn't have to.

From the chest, out floated a piece of cloth that was enough to cover my body and then some. It was fashioned as a cloak, and if this piece of cloth wasn't from this ornamental chest, I would say it was some kind of garbage item.

It was extremely tattered, extremely rugged, and overall just too damaged to look like it wouldn't look out of place sitting inside a dumpster.

But the magic… The mana that oozed out was so goddamn pressurizing that I couldn't help but fall to one knee. I could tell this piece of cloth wasn't a garbage item. This was either a blessing, or a curse, and I'm leaning on the latter.

But then again, it's a reward, something that is for all rights and purposes, mine, and fuck me if I ain't using it. Curse or no curse, anything that will help me survive in this lethal world, I will use.

Grabbing the cloak, I held it in my hands as the miasma and pressure became increasingly stronger. I powered through the haze and brought it close to me, my arms now refusing to move due to the strain.

I didn't care though. This cloak is mine, and I will use it to survive.

[Cloak of Sharok] received.

=Bonding… Cloak of Sharok synchronization rate with user: 69%... Performing required processes to increase synchronization rate… [Mask of Drakhan] discovered within user's hammerspace... Synchronization rate boosted to 169%... Synchronizing… Cloak of Sharok merging with [Mask of Drakhan]… Cloak of Sharok upgrading to [Drakhan's Shadow]… Bonding with user, Jionni… Bonding complete…=

=Hello, Jionni…=

"… Hi…?"

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