Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 160 - Monke With Overpowered Protag

"Woah, don't scare me like that." Drake flinched slightly at him being pulled along by me, before he calmed down and regarded me with a calm eye. "Anyway, what did you want to talk about?"

I led him to a vacant house which was a few blocks away from any activity. It was a shack, so to speak, as well as a place I made sure no one, except my primates, approached.

"How strong are you?" I asked him, and he raised his eyebrow at the question.

"How strong am I?" Drake cupped his chin as he thought hard about his power level, before shrugging. "Didn't really think about it. The only being I know that could beat me is the Demon King, and we're chill with each other. Otherwise, maybe the Gods?"

I stared at him blankly, before I cursed out his name.

"You know Drake, your life is like something out of an anime. A power-fantasy one." He chuckled at the joke, and I couldn't help but sigh. Well, at least I have an overpowered protagonist by my side.

"Well, what can I say? I'm already at my endgame, but you're still starting. The only thing that's left for me in this world is to rise to Godhood, but frankly, if I ever do become one, I ain't ever being an accomplice to those stuck-up Gods partying all day long in the Divine Realm." Drake flinched at the thought of being called a God and being compared to one of them. "Yeah, no way in hell am I being compared with those assholes."

"… Can you tell me why?" I asked him, and he nodded, a tired smile gracing his lips.

"Well, it was a year-sumthin ago… Both me and Nick, along with our party and some greenhorns, went spelunking into a Dungeon to teach the greenhorns. Nothing too risky, just an ordinary Dungeon without a Dungeon Master." I listened attentively to his words, my body slowly taking a seat on one of the chairs that were haphazardly placed around the area. "Well, guess what. Next moment, one of ours, a greenhorn, decided to be a showoff and impress the girl he was attracted to. It did not work out well, with the girl dying in an acid trap. Shit… I can still hear her cries in my dreams as she dissolved into a puddle of gore every now and then…"

His eyes gained a somewhat glassy look as he focused on nothing in particular. Grabbing his arm, I shook him off from his melancholy and he gave me an appreciative smile.

"Yeah, anyways. After that, you could tell the greenhorn got scared shitless and ran away. He was the next casualty of a pitfall trap." His eyes once again took on a glassy figure, and I snapped him out of it before he continued. "We decided it wasn't worth continuing, seeing that there were already two casualties, and the rest were already scared shitless. All of them weren't even at their legal ages. Just to remind you, the legal age in this world is fifteen."

I cringed at the thought. Children, who had just entered the first half of their teens, dying of unforeseen circumstances was a very disturbing thought. Alas, in this unforgiving world, some casualties are bound to happen.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Now you may ask, where the hell is the thing about Gods and Goddesses and whatnot? Well, a few weeks later, turns out one of the Gods decided it would be 'fun' to possess the greenhorn and let him showoff, because he was bored, which resulted in that fiasco." His voice took a dark edge as he scowled threateningly. His gauntlets manifested themselves, but I remained stoic at his apparent anger with the Divine Beings. "… Fuck… Jihn wasn't a showoff… He never was… And Liln should've known better when her crush suddenly had the urge to showoff…"

Drake tucked his hands into his pockets, grabbing two seemingly ordinary pins and holding them like they were a family heirloom.

"These two items are the only things that are left of them. They were nice kids, you know… Liln, the permanently cheerful child who would always bring a smile on everybody's face, and Jihn, who was always a nervous wreck around people." Drake placed the two pins back in his pocket as he let out a melancholic smile. He then regarded me with the most serious face he had ever given me. "Trust me when I say this. Do not trust a God. Even your God of Monsters Chytho-sumthin or whatever. Nothing good comes out of it."

I nodded in agreement at his statement. I may be thankful that they brought me here on a whim, but even then, I have limits to who I can trust, and random omnipotent beings are not one of them.

"Well, enough of this depressing talk. Tell me some stories about your stay here?" Drake then turned a 180 in his attitude, his previously somber manner now replaced with an upbeat one.

Stunned at his sudden change, he gave me a nudge on my shoulder as he grinned, which was infectious since it caused me to grin as well, before it turned into a gut-wrenching laugh.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. Enough depressing talk. As for my experiences in this world… Did I tell you I ain't a virgin no more?" I said with a grin, only to receive a punch to my shoulder, which admittedly hurts, from a snarling Drake.

"How… How the fuck did you get laid when you're not even a month old in this world, while I'm still holding my V-card after two years!?" Drake grabbed me by the shoulders, then proceeded to shake me back and forth as I laughed out at his misery. "I'm strong! I'm good looking! I have a good personality! And I'm nearing my 30's, for fuck's sake! Any more years and I might as well be a fucking wizard!"

I broke at that point, my laughter growing louder and louder as the stressed-out Drake continued to rock me back and forth with his arms.

"Have you ever heard of friends-with-benefits?" I asked, and he gave me the bird in response.

"Fuck you! Every time I go to the red-light district, something always happens to make sure I don't get laid! Hell, even with a girl I previously dated, something happened which made her break up with me, meaning no sex!" Drake yelled out as I continued to laugh out loud in pity for the poor bastard.

'Who knew being a protagonist would be so impactful to your sex-life…' I thought as Drake continued to cry bloody tears at his jealousy of me losing my V-card before him.

A few minutes later, and the both of us calmed down. Drake is now looking at me with respect, and I am looking at him with pity.

"Please teach me the art of picking up chicks! Please!" Drake pleaded, and I decided to tease him one more time.

"You know, I received a reward after the Dungeon Games, and I was still holding out on it, but maybe I should show you." I grabbed the [Book of Marital Arts - Beginner] skillbook from my inventory and showed him the cover.

"No way. Would you really teach me?" Drake looked hopeful, before I decided to be a dick and quickly use the skillbook right in his face. The knowledge of various sex positions and other types of information related to the actions made in bed flooded my brain, and holy shit, did it make me fucking horny…

'I need to call Catalina…'

Drake, however, looked at me with cold, dead eyes, before lunging at me, a snarl placed on his lips as he tried to beat me to death with his gauntlets in full view.

"YOU FUCKER!!! YOU BLOODY BASTARD BITCH!" I snickered, before paling.

'Maybe provoking him wasn't a good idea…




After getting beaten to an inch of my life, I was now back inside the Dungeon Core Room, and Drake was back to sleeping. I also made a visit to the primates and the gathered goblins, alraunes, and arachnes. I gave them the specifics of their jobs, and up until now, they were still doing their jobs, setting up various traps both inside and outside my Dungeon.

And right now, since I'm still paranoid, I decided to call on a favor to my two Dungeon Master friends.

"Jionni? Cat? Well, isn't this a surprise? " Oshurkova said as she leaned on the back of her couch, a visible stack of papers sitting prim and proper on her desk.

"Lady Oshurkova? Jion?" Catalina looked a bit surprised at seeing the vampire.

"Sorry for calling you on such short notice, but I need a favor."

"Sure, ask away." Catalina was the first to respond, seeing that she was vying for my feelings, while Oshurkova was pondering the favor I was about to ask of her.

"Jionni, what do you need?" I sighed and looked at the two of them.

"I need some extra defenders. A raid is coming, and it's not a regular one either." This got the both of them alarmed. Oshurkova gazed at me, looking for any hint I was lying, but spotted none.

She leaned back into her couch, her eyes closed as she reached a decision.

"Alright, I'll send some help." The same response could be heard from Catalina.. I gave them both a smile and thanked them for their help.

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