Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 100 - Artem - Taking Care Of Things First




"Artem?" Star's voice had just broken the heated silence that had settled around us. My heart was racing and my breath was sawing in and out of my lungs.

"Star?" I felt the need, the desire that had built up in my body. I wanted her, but I wasn't going to make that mistake again.

"Artem, I-?" I don't know what Star was going to say, because before she could finish the question her stomach growled loudly. That was when it dawned on me that Star hadn't eaten before she left the house yesterday morning. And there was no way that stupid coward fed her while she was with him. She must have been starving.

What the hell had I been thinking? I should have let her kiss me innocently and then taken my leave. I shouldn't have gotten this worked up. I needed to keep it in my pants for right now. I needed to wait until she was ready. If I didn't, Chay and Doc might kill me.

"You're hungry. I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner. Why don't you do what you need to do, take a shower, get dressed, that kind of thing. I am going to go get changed and then I will make you some breakfast."

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"Are you sure?" She looked a little upset at those words, like she didn't want me to leave her.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I will make us both some food and we can eat together in your room." I smiled at her, letting her know that I was calming myself down and that I would be coming back with the much needed rations that I had promised her.

"Alright. Thank you Artem." She smiled at me sweetly and looked up at me through her long, thick lashes. Goddess, but that almost made me lose the control I had regained. Dammit, I was definitely going to be in trouble here.

I did my best to leave without looking at more of her naked body than I absolutely had to. Though that was impossible. I saw her. I saw it all. The perfectly rounded breasts. The flare of her hips. The valley that dipped between her thighs. The flat plains of her belly. Every sweet, supple inch of her body.

When I left her in the bathroom I saw that Doc had left the bedroom. That was good, I didn't want to have to kick him out of the room while my dick was currently trying to break through my clothes. That would have been very awkward.

I walked swiftly, while still doing my best to hide the massive bulge in my pants. This was another reason I was glad that my room was right across the hall from Star's. I didn't need to go far to be hidden away from everyone.

I practically ran into my room, nearly slamming the door behind me. I knew no one would come in without my permission but I still locked the door behind me. I hurried to the bathroom, opting to take a quick cold shower. The raging boner I had showed no evidence of going anywhere just yet.

I stripped off my clothes and threw them into the hamper before stepping into the water. I had turned the cold on full blast and had barely touched the knob for the hot water completely. The water was brutal, but it still didn't seem to be doing it's job.

The erection that my time with Star had caused still wasn't receding, my body wasn't cooling at all. I would not be able to leave this room until my excitement was abated.

Why was I like this right now? Was it just because she had initiated the kiss? Or was it because I knew she could now feel the mate bond completely? Was I raging through this aroused state because I knew that she might actually accept me the next time?

Whatever was causing it, I needed to make it go away right now. But how? Every time I closed my eyes all I could see was Star's face, her body, as she stood naked in front of me.

I reached my hand lower as I thought of the way that body felt. The memory of the first time when I felt her pressed beneath me, and just now when I held her ass in my hand, kneading the tender flesh.

I stroked myself even more as I thought about her breasts. Their perfect perky shape and the way they felt against my chest when she kissed me.

The speed and intensity of my strokes increased as I remembered the way it felt when her body was wrapped around me and my hard shaft. The feeling of exquisite body was nothing compared to what I was doing to myself right now. My hand would never satisfy me like she could. But the thoughts of her did help slightly. I was able to finish at least.

My body still felt like it was still on fire, but I was finally able to leave the shower and eventually my room without having to worry about hiding anything. That's why I finally turned the water off and went to get dressed. 

After I was dressed I left my room and started toward the dining room. When I was halfway down the hallway I saw that Bailey was coming out of Chay's room, a look of relief on his face.

"Hey, is she awake yet?" I called out to him, causing him to stop and turn around quickly.

"Yes, she woke up a little while ago. She is hungry though, so I was going to get her some breakfast."

"You can help me then, I was going to make Star something as well. Just let me go see Chay first."

"Alright, I will head down and get everything prepped. I'll be waiting in the kitchen."

"Sounds good."

Bailey left then and I turned to head into Chay's room. The moment she saw me she started talking really loud and really fast.

"Artem. Oh my Goddess, I am so sorry. I'm sorry I let Star get taken right in front of me. I'm sorry I couldn't save her. Is she here? Bailey told me he was going to let you tell me everything, like something bad had happened. Please let her be OK."

"Calm down Chay." I mimed a stopping motion to urge her to settle down. "She's here and she is alright."

"Really? She had been hurt too, I know she had. I remember when that asshole pulled her out of her seat she screamed in pain." I didn't like hearing about this and what that meant for Star. I know she is healed now, but that doesn't mean that she hadn't been hurt.

"She's fine now, Chay. You don't need to worry anymore. And I don't blame you at all."

"I blame myself. And I just know that Star will blame me." She was so worried, this wasn't like my sister at all.

"Chay!" I said her name firmly, I needed to snap her out of this attitude she had gotten herself into. "Does that seem like the Star you know at all? Think about it."

"No." She hung her head in shame. "She went with that creep because she wanted to keep me safe. I know she won't blame me. But I was so worried about her."

"We were all worried about her, and you. I was worried about you Chay. I had never seen you like that before. I was scared that you were never going to wake up. You were bleeding a lot and you were in so much pain. What you need to do now is rest. I know you're better and that you will be fine soon, but you're not done healing yet. Please do me a favor and stay in bed today."

"No, I want to see Star. I need to see her with my own eyes." She looked so determined and stubborn at that moment, that was the sister I knew.

"Then I will bring her to see you." That got a shocked look from her, but that look was quickly followed by a nod and a smile.

"Alright. As long as I can see her and know that she is fine."

"OK." I nodded at her now. "I am going to go make breakfast with Bailey. He will be back with your food soon and I will be taking Star's to her room."

"Thank you, Artem." She looked like she was thanking me for more than one thing. 

I was already close to the bed so I just finished closing the gap between us. I leaned down and hugged her where she was sitting propped up on the bed.

"I love you Chay, and I am glad you're safe." She was surprised but she still hugged me back.

"I love you too, you big dummy." Yup, my sister was definitely back to her old self again.

I went down to the kitchen where I found Bailey prepping for the meal that was to come. I knew that everyone else probably had to eat still so I wanted to make food for everyone. I was seriously going to need a staff for the house soon, we couldn't keep up with it all on our own.

A while later Bailey and I had finished cooking a breakfast feast. There was bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, and rice. We made plates for ourselves and our mates then took the rest to the dining room for the others. I know that Bailey was going to take his plates to Chay's room while I took mine and Star's food to her room. I even made sure to even take drinks for us, everything was piled onto the tray I was carrying. It was time for me to have my first official meal with my mate who also felt the bond like I did.

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