Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 105 - Both - Giving Into Temptation Part 1




I hurriedly made certain that I was properly dressed again before I ran across the room and opened the door.

"Artem?" I was slightly breathless and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, but I was elated to see him. I mean who wouldn't be happy to see the person they were just fantasizing about?

"Hey Star." He was grinning happily at me with a warm look in his eyes. "Can I come in?" I was hoping he would ask that.

"Sure." I moved aside to let him into the room.

Artem went to sit on the couch that we had sat on together countless times. I thought about all the things we had talked about during his visits in this room. There had been good times and bad times, but I would never want to change that I had come here with him.

I sat next to him, close to his side but not quite touching him. He turned to look at me with a calm, serene expression.

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"Star?" He said my name like it was a question as well as if it were something so important.

"Yes?" All I could think about right now was him. My eyes were glued to his lips while he spoke. My skin longed to be touched by him again. I had thought I would be able to keep these feelings under wraps when he was near me, I had thought I could handle all of this, but I guess I was wrong. I think I was slowly losing my mind.

"I wanted to ask if you would come with me to-." I lost all control while he was talking. I had actually leaned forward and placed my lips against his. I cut off his words and caused him to stiffen instantly.

When I pulled away from Artem, there was a shocked look on his face. His eyes were wide, his jaw had gone slack, and he looked as if someone had just slapped him in the face.

"Star?" It looked like I had shocked him into disbelief. Hey look at that, I think there is smoke coming from his ears, did I fry his brain too?

"Was that OK, Artem? I shouldn't have done that, should I?"

"I didn't mind, but are you OK with it Star?" He looked nervous and apprehensive. I wanted to kiss him again. I wanted so much more, but I was the one who flipped out last time. Would he accept me this time?

"Artem, I am sorry about before. I'm sorry for the way I acted, but I am sure that I want this. I want to kiss you again. I want to be with you." I gave him the most honest and heartfelt look that I could muster. 

"Are you sure? I don't want to do something that you're not comfortable with."

I had caused this. I had made him afraid to be with me. It was up to me to fix it now. I would show him right here and right now that I was not afraid of him, that I wanted him. I wanted to be with him in all the ways possible. My body and my wolf have been begging for it.

I was still so new to this. I was nervous but excited. The problem was that I didn't know what I should be doing. I had done this all once with Artem but he had initiated it and he had basically been the one to do everything that time. What in the world am I supposed to do to seduce him?

I tried thinking of something that I could do. I tried thinking of what it was that I was capable of doing. Throughout all of my thinking Artem was just staring at me nervously, but I did detect a hint of hope and excitement in his eyes.

I could try touching him more, but he was sitting to the side of me. What should I do then to touch him? Should I just slide closer? No, I had an idea of what I could do.

"Artemis." I said his full first name, something I never really did, I thought it would shock him and leave him open for what I was planning. Just as I thought he nearly jumped and almost seemed to lean back with the shock of it.

I took advantage of that moment and quickly rose to my feet and slid onto his lap. I was facing him as I sat on him. My legs slid past his thighs so that my knees were resting on the cushions of the couch. I was literally straddling him.

I leaned over him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I went, yet he still wasn't moving. I needed to fix this.

"I love you, Artemis. I love you and I want to show you just how much."

"Star?" He still couldn't say anything besides my name. I think I really had broken him somehow.

"Kiss me, Artem. Kiss me now."




  I couldn't believe what was happening right now. I had come to Star's room hoping to talk to her, spend some time together and I wanted to ask her on another date.

I had known that we were getting closer and that she was definitely not afraid of me like I had once thought she was, but I never once guessed that the events of this evening would go so differently compared to what I had imagined.

I had just been about to ask Star out when she leaned forward and kissed me. She had been staring at me, and I will admit that I could tell she was staring at my lips a lot, but I didn't think she was going to lean in and kiss me while I was in the middle of talking. It was so sudden that it basically made my brain stop working for a moment.

"Star?" I had called to her not certain of what else to do.

"Was that OK, Artem? I shouldn't have done that, should I?" How could she think that she had done something wrong? I was just wanting to make sure it was her that was actually doing this.

"I didn't mind, but are you OK with it Star?" I was nervous, apprehensive about accepting what she was telling me.

"Artem, I am sorry about before. I'm sorry for the way I acted, but I am sure that I want this. I want to kiss you again. I want to be with you." There was no doubting the look on her face, but still I was not sure if I should continue. I had fucked up really bad once before and I would not mess up again.

"Are you sure? I don't want to do something that you're not comfortable with."

She looked at me nervously, like she didn't know what to do. She was so new to all of this, and I didn't know how to help her out right now.

"Artemis." She said my whole first name which shocked me. I felt myself jump and almost recoil. Though I have to admit, I loved the way she sounded when she said that name, that name that I usually hated so much.

She seemed to want to take advantage of the moment that I was shocked by the usage of the name. She quickly rose to her feet and slid onto my lap. She was facing me and her legs slid past my thighs so that she was straddling me. I felt my body stiffen then, in more than one way.

She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around my neck, and still I couldn't move. I was so entranced by her movements and the way she was behaving.

"I love you, Artemis. I love you and I want to show you just how much." Again she used the full version of my name and I felt a jolt of arousal shoot through my body.

"Star?" Her name was all that I could say.

"Kiss me, Artem. Kiss me now."

How could I deny a request such as that? Who was I to deny the beautiful woman that was currently sitting on my lap?

With a slight growl of satisfaction and arousal I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her toward me as I hungrily took her lips. My mouth had settled over her with a need and desire that was so strong that I feared that I would scare her off instantly.

She was far from scared off though. Instead she kissed me back with a passion that was equal to if not stronger than my own. It didn't matter that she wasn't the greatest at kissing yet, she was still driving me insane with the feel of her lips and tongue.

The kiss was like heaven for me. I felt her chest as it pressed against me and the soft and plump weight of her bottom as I held her steady in my hands. This was all so amazing and so perfect that I wouldn't think you were lying if you said I had died and gone to heaven right then and there.

This was literally all of my dreams and fantasies coming true.

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