Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 110 - Artem - Help Is Finally Coming




 After things had settled down following Star's rescue I had tried searching for someone that could help the rest of the talisman wearing kids. No one I had met so far knew anything about the talismans and Doc's research into them hasn't yielded much information at all. I was up against a wall with nowhere to turn.

 That had been when I remembered the business card I had gotten back in the beginning of April. It had literally been just days after I took over the pack.

 I had gotten a visit from an FBI agent from Colorado. Odd huh, that she was from the same place that my Star was from. Was she somehow tied into all of this? Or was she following a lead of her own that led her to us because of some shared history with our pack?

 If I remember correctly she said that she had experience with Warlocks and other super naturals. Perhaps I should give her a call.

 It had been almost four weeks after I saved Star that I called the FBI Agent. Her name was Special Agent Rawlynne Otsana, according to her card. When I dialed the number she answered after only two rings.

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 "This is Otsana." It sounded like it was a cellphone and not an office phone that she needed to answer in an official capacity.

 "Agent Otsana?" I asked, just to make sure I had the right person.

 "Yeah, who is this?" She was definitely a strong willed person, that was for sure.

 "I don't know if you remember me, my name is Artemis Cooper, the new Alpha of the Hidden Paw wolf pack in northern California."

 "Yeah, I remember you. What can I do for you Artemis?" Good, I didn't have to explain everything, just the issue I was having.

 "We have an issue with some talismans that were created by a warlock a long time ago. I remember you saying that you had experience with warlocks. Do you think you know of anyone that might be able to help us?"

 "I know plenty of warlocks, and I am sure someone could help you out. Their Queen and the elder are out of the country for the time being but I can contact someone for you. What exactly is it you need from them?" She sounded friendly enough, I had gotten that vibe from her when I met her a couple months back.

 "Well, there are half a dozen boys, maybe even more, who have been wearing wolf blocking talismans. Several of these boys have died over the years due to neglect and abuse, but I have rescued these six. I'm not certain if there are more in the area or not, I need to run a full sweep of the pack to find out."

 "Who the fuck would put something like that onto children?" She sounded pissed off.

 "They were given to our pack to persecute and punish weak wolves. The warlock's name was Gannon."

 "Figures it'd be that sick son of a bitch." I heard her growl into the phone.

 "So you know who he is?"

 "Yeah, he's currently been targeting another pack and he's a crazy asshole that seems to stop at nothing. Do you know why he did this to your pack?"

I could tell that Agent Otsana wanted the whole story. She wanted all of the details that I had to offer. So, I detailed them for her. I told her about the boys being taken away to never be seen again. I told her about the encouraged abuse and the dark history of our pack. I even told her why it was that I had decided to become the Alpha and change the fate of the pack.

 "I can tell that your people have been through a lot." There was a note of sorrow in her voice as she spoke. "Have you had any dealings with the Warlock named Gannon? Have you seen him there recently?"

 "Unfortunately I haven't. I have, however, dealt with his son."

 "His son?" That seemed to surprise her more than I thought.

 "Yeah, a sick pervert son of a bitch that kidnapped my mate and tried to marry and rape her. He wanted to create hybrid babies or some stupid shit like that."

 "Like father, like son I see." She sighed into the phone. "The new Luna Queen is the product of Gannon's nasty ass experiments."

 "What did you just say?" I think I just heard the words Luna Queen. "What in the world is a Luna Queen?"

 "You don't know? Damn that pack of yours really is in the dark. The Luna Queen is the living embodiment of the Moon Goddess Nehalennia. She is the Queen of all the shifters."

 "Holy shit!" I nearly yelled. "I never knew something like that existed. And you're telling me she is the daughter of that disgusting warlock Gannon? Can she even be trusted?"

 "Don't ever doubt Trinity." She growled at me. "She is the greatest Luna you could ever ask for."

 "I didn't mean to offend her. I just know what Gannon's son was like."

 "Yeah, I never knew he had other living children. That was definitely news to me. I will need to pass this information on to her and let her decide what to do, but she won't be back for a little while longer."

 "Well, is there someone else that you can notify of our situation?"

 "Yeah, I will let the rest of the Warlocks know. The good ones so there will be nothing to fear."

 "Thank you."

 It had been a little over a week now since I had called Agent Otsana to let her know what had happened here. Finally I was receiving word from the Warlocks. They were sending two of them here to see us. Two older warlocks that were named Henrich Asten and Lionel Fritz. They would be coming here in two days.

 The night that I had heard from the Warlocks about them sending some people I had been thinking a lot about Star. I wanted to ask her out on a date, somewhere just the two of us could go and be alone together.

 Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that when I got to her room that night she would pounce on me like a hungry she-wolf. But I wasn't going to complain. I enjoyed every minute of it and the following morning when everything just got better and better.

 Star had not regretted that night, we had been together intimately and woken up to complete bliss. Best of all, I had asked Star to move into my room and she agreed. Things were definitely turning around for me.

 After an awkward moment with my sister, where I found out I was marked, the two of us had breakfast and then went to shower in our currently separate bathrooms. Following that though, I helped Star to move all of her things into my room. It had taken longer because I kept kissing Star every time I passed by her. I was just too happy not to.

 Later that afternoon, after lunch, I went to my office and responded to messages and took care of some business. I wanted to be prepared for when the Warlocks got here tomorrow. I would not let there be any unfinished business.

 After finishing up the work in my office I went to find my mate. She wasn't in the room and according to her cousins they had last seen her reading in the library. So that's where I was heading. I could smell her in there as I got closer. I could also hear the gentle rhythm of her breathing and the steady thumping of her heart beat. All these sounds and smells were like a part of me now, I would never forget them at all.

 When I pushed the door to the library open and followed my nose to the back of the room I found that my sweet little mate had fallen asleep while reading her book. She was so beautiful sitting there with her head against the window sill. The sun had gone down quite some time ago so she must have been sleeping for a while.

 I pulled the book from her hands gently and set it aside. After that I scooped her into my arms and carried her back to our room. Oh how wonderful did that sound. Our room. The room I shared with the woman I love. The room where so much love would be shared.

 When I got to the room I laid Star gently in the bed, resting her head on the pillows. I had dinner in the room, and left hers sitting there in case she woke up and was hungry. I could always call down to the kitchen if she needed or wanted something else.

 She didn't wake up though, and after I brushed my teeth and stripped down to my boxers I climbed into the bed with her and held her close until I fell asleep. This was truly bliss. To sleep like this tonight and every night to come. I was definitely a happy man with a very happy wolf.

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