Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 125 - Artem - Examination




As soon as we walked into the room I felt Star tense next to me. It always made her uneasy to see the boys in their current state. Especially since more of them had been brought to us. She hated to see anyone suffering and this situation was no different.

I instinctively wrapped my arm tighter around her to offer her silent emotional support. I felt her lean slightly into me so that I was bearing a small amount of her weight. I could tell that it was helping her, even if just slightly.

There were fourteen boys that were currently hooked up to heart monitors and brainwave monitors. They had feeding tubes and oxygen that was there as a fail safe just in case they suddenly stopped breathing. There were so many different devices that were simultaneously running that the whole room sounded like it was humming slightly.

The sight of more than a dozen children in a state like this was heart wrenching. Even I had a hard time accepting what I was seeing. I kept hoping that it wasn't real. Every time that I came into the infirmary I hoped and prayed that this would be the day, this would be when they all just suddenly woke up. Of course they never did. 

When the Luna Queen, Trinity, walked into the room along with Juniper they both gasped. As did Star's uncle, Griffin when he came in after them. I think they could all sense the seriousness of what was going on with the children.

"Have they really all been like this for over a month? With no known cause?" Griffin asked with a look of worry on his face.

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"Ever since the day their talismans began to shine with a bright light and came off with no assistance from us, yes. They've not woken. They haven't stirred. They've shown no signs of life since they all fell silent that day." Doc answered before I could.

"And their vitals?" Griffin was looking at a read out on the machine next to Dalton's bed.

"All their vitals have been fine. Nothing at all to indicate why they are like this."

"Hmm. Yeah I can see that everything appears to be normal here." Griffin was looking at another boy's printouts and seemed saddened by what he saw. "Your name was Jayr, correct?" Griffin was looking at Doc without leaving the boy's side.

"Yes, that's my name." Doc answered with a confused look.

"I would like you and I to evaluate and research a few things before I determine what might be the issue here. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, perfectly. I want to solve this more than anyone. This is a situation that has me stumped and I feel like a failure as a doctor."

Doc hung his head in shame when he spoke. He was having trouble accepting that there was nothing he could do to help the children that needed him so desperately. Suddenly, the Luna Queen walked to his side and placed a hand on his forearm. When she was standing next to the King, or any other man in this house, I was able to see just how short she was compared to wolf females. Even compared to Star who was the shortest wolf female I had met, the Queen was short. I wonder if it had to do with them being half wolves.

"Jayr, you're not a failure. I can tell that you have a kind soul. You're a good man and a doctor. I imagine that like many wolves who choose a career like yours you have a large and caring heart. I can assure you, the Goddess has not given up on you, or these children. She is here, all around us right now, and she approves of you."

The moment those words were out of the Luna Queen's mouth a bright light started to shine. It made me think of the day the boys had fallen ill but this light was white and pure. Not to mention it was focused solely on Doc. After a few seconds the light began to fade and it was immediately followed with a voice that came from nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

"Gift Granted."

Every single person in the room had a reaction to what had just happened, it just happened to be that the reactions varied and could be classified into two categories. They were either surprised and confused or happy and pleased. Needless to say that everyone from my pack was confused and surprised to see something like that happen, especially considering the similarities it had to the day the children had fallen ill. The Luna Queen and Alpha King, along with their whole group, just looked pleased. It looked like they were all used to something like this happening and none of it scared them at all.

"Wh-what was that?" Doc seemed shocked and slightly unnerved by what had just happened.

"It seems the Goddess wanted to prove that she was here." I was watching the Luna Queen as she spoke and I saw a slight shifting in the blue of her eyes. It was like there was a turning circle inside of them. Was that something to do with the Goddess?

"What are you saying?" Doc asked her for clarity.

"You're a healer Doc. That's what you were always meant to do. That's what you've been doing with your life. And the Goddess wanted to make that easier for you. You have been granted a healing ability like that of Griffin and Lana's." The Luna Queen smiled and looked down like she was sad before she suddenly raised her head as if she remembered something. "Oh, before I forget, don't be scared if you have a new tattoo. Most of the people that I have granted powers to have gotten a new tattoo like mark. Well, I say most because I haven't actually followed up on it and looked at all of them personally. In truth they should all have the mark."

That was all the Luna Queen said about it before walking away. The rest of us, those not used to the Luna Queen and the magic that worked around her, were left flabbergasted. Still, there was much that we needed to do and not much time that our help was going to be here for.

"Let us go, we will leave the healers here to help the children. They will come to us when they think that they have a solution." The Luna Queen beckoned us all from the room. Unable to deny her, even if I was an Alpha, I just followed after her and the Alpha King out of the room.

Once we were in the hall the Alpha King turned to me and began to speak.

"Artemis, could we have a meeting that is just between Alphas and Lunas?" He was asking to speak with just me and Star. There was, of course, no way that I could refuse him. 

"Of course."

"Thank you. If you would like, my mate and I will wait in a sitting room while you show the others to their rooms. I think most of them would like to settle in before too much more happens."

"Yes, that would probably be for the best. Please, allow me to show you to your rooms." I smiled at them as I followed the Alpha King's suggestion.

I first saw that the Alpha King and the Luna Queen were seated and sent some refreshments before I took the group of men and women to the fourth floor. That floor was nearly all bedrooms that were unoccupied and I had made certain they were prepped and ready to receive very important visitors. The furniture was all high quality and they were very comfortable. Also, they had been cleaned extremely well. The rooms were more than ready for our visitors to use. 

One by one I led them to their rooms. The mated pairs went into their rooms together and those without a mate, or without their mate with them, went into their rooms alone. Once they were inside I went to find Winston and Langley, the two butlereseque men that I had hired from the city. There were good men and followed orders to the letter. They had also joined our pack and sworn their fealty to me. That was comforting.

I asked the men to deliver the luggage for our guests to their rooms on the fourth floor. They nodded their agreement and set off to work immediately. Now that that was done, I could focus on the Alpha King and the Luna Queen.

With a heavy heart and nervous steps I made my way back to where I had left them waiting. Star was walking quietly along next to me. Her hand in mine felt like it was trembling slightly. Neither of us knew exactly what to expect from the two highest authorities for our kind. Well, I guess time would tell. 

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