Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 127 - Becoming Friends With The Queen




With the meeting between us over and Uncle Griffin examining the boys with Doc there wasn't much else for us to do today. I was about to head to the kitchen to help with lunch, just for something to do, when the Luna Queen called out to me.


"Yes, Luna Queen?" She laughed when I answered her.

"Please, just call me Trinity." She was smiling and looked happy.

"O-ok. Yes, Trinity."

"Much better." Another smile. Good, she wasn't upset about anything. "My friend Juniper and I want to go out to dinner. We've never been to California and want to see your area. Will you come with us?"

"Yes. I think that will be fun. We can bring Chay and Ella so it will be just us girls."

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"Great. I'll ask Acacia and the others to come too. Chay is Artem's sister right? And Ella is?" Juniper was talking fast with excitement.

"Ella is my cousin. I haven't gotten to spend much time with her in my life. I just met her right before my birthday."

"Speaking of that, how old are you Star?" Juniper seemed like a nice person but also like someone who wanted to know a lot.

"I just turned eighteen. Ella and Chay are the same age as me as well."

"So Trinity is a year older than you and I am two years since I just turned twenty."

"I am glad that we're all so close in age. We can all become good friends." I laughed then. I was laughing at how surreal all of this was. "Was something I said funny?" Trinity looked confused.

"Not really, it's just that I never thought that I would be friends with the Luna Queen. It's just a strange feeling Trinity, nothing bad, it's just surreal."

"Well, I am glad that we have this chance to be friends. I just wish it was under better circumstances. And I am excited to get to know more about you. You were born in my city after all." She grinned at me again like that made us even closer.

"We will talk a lot at dinner. Let me go get the others, I will be right back."

While I went to go get Chay and Ella for dinner I also grabbed my mother's journal so that I could show it to Acacia and Trinity. Maybe they could figure out something from all of it.

Lana decided not to come to lunch, she wanted to help Uncle Griffin. Ella said she needed to get to work to relieve the others, and Leelin wanted to be near Doc so she wasn't going either. And apparently Thoma and Izzy were Trinity's guards so they were going but they were opting to sit to the side and protect us while the five of us enjoyed our meal together.

Trinity had said that Reece tried to insist on her bringing the man named Vincent with us as he was her head of security but she told him she would be fine with just the two guards. I was actually surprised when she made him listen to her. Was that the power of the Luna Queen?

We ended up going to a cute little cafe that Chay knew. It was called The Quarter Moon and it was owned and operated by wolves from the next pack over. Chay knew the owners and seemed to be friendly with them. The best thing was that the rush was actually over and it was pretty quiet.

"Hey Mary!" Chay called out to a slightly older lady behind the counter.

"Hey Chay." She called back. "Good to see you. You've got some new faces with you today."

"Yeah, let me introduce you. This is Star, she is Artem's mate and the new Luna of our pack. This here is Acacia, she's a Fae from Colorado, then we have Juniper, also from Colorado. And lastly this is Trinity, she is the new Goddess Incarnate and the Luna Queen." When Chay finished what she was saying Mary dropped the plate that was in her hands.

"D-did you say Luna Queen?" Mary looked shocked and scared.

"Yes, my name is Trinity Gray and I am the new Luna Queen, it is nice to meet you Mary."

At that moment Mary and the three waitresses behind the counter dropped to the floor in a bow. I was really glad that there were no customers in the cafe at the moment.

"Please don't do that. I am still just a normal person like you. I am just blessed by Nehalennia, that's all."

"Luna Queen, thank you for visiting my cafe. Everything you have today is on the house."

"Please don't do that. This is your business, you need to make money, don't you? I have no need to get things for free."

"You are truly a kind soul, Luna Queen. Please sit anywhere you'd like.

  "Thank you."

Following that awkward exchange we sat in a corner booth that was large enough for all of us. The service was fast and excellent, probably because of Trinity. Our drinks were brought to us right away. The food was cooked to perfection and brought to us as soon as it was done. I had to wonder if this kind of life ever got exhausting for Trinity.

While we were eating our food we talked. I was making my way through a large BLT with extra bacon. Chay had gotten a Reuben, Trinity and Juniper were both eating a BLT and half of a chicken club, Acacia was the only one without a sandwich, she had opted for just the soup and salad but her salad was larger than ours. We all had the soup and the salad though. There was a lot of food and it all tasted amazing.

"Star, how are you feeling now?" Juniper asked me at some point while we were eating.

"I am doing alright." I grinned.

"Calmer than when we all spoke earlier?" I remembered what she had done for me today and smiled.

"Yes, whatever you did helped me to feel a lot better than I have in a long time."

"I'm glad to hear that. I was hoping to make the painful memories of your past a little easier for you to think about. I didn't want to erase them entirely because they make you the person you are but you need to be able to remember them without it destroying you."

"Thank you, Juniper, thank you."

That was the first serious part of the conversation. After that I showed them my mother's journal. Acacia and Trinity were both very interested in the journal. Trinity even pointed out that the other mother and baby that were mentioned were her and her mother.

Trinity told me that her mother had not been strong enough to bear the magic and bullying during the times before and after Trinity was born. Unfortunately, her mother took her life when Trinity was a baby and so she was raised by her aunt and uncle. We had both lost our mothers at a young age.

Following all the serious and sad talk we talked about everything we liked and were interested in. I learned that Trinity wanted to be a lawyer. Juniper wanted to be a social worker or therapist. And Acacia was a lot older than I had thought. She was eighty-nine and recently married to Juniper's twin brother Cedar.

I also learned that all three of them were pregnant, with multiples. Trinity and Juniper were having twins and Acacia was pregnant with triplets. That was going to be a lot of babies.

It surprised me that Chay said she wouldn't mind starting a family with Bailey and that made me start to think about my future with Artem. I was his mate. Didn't that mean that I was going to be with him forever? Were we going to get married? Were we going to have a family? Was I going to become a mother?

The thought of me becoming a mother was actually a scary one. I didn't know what to expect with babies or how to be a mother. I had no examples to base it off of and that scared me. I tried not to think about it at all though. I was here to have a good time after all.

There were some fun parts of the conversations as well. Trinity was laughing as she explained how her mate was at first.

"He was a brute. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me back to my room and locked me in. I wanted to run away from him so bad. That was the night he started calling me Little Bunny and it's never stopped. It's fine. The next time that I saw him I called him Fido." There were tears in her eyes while she spoke through the laughs.

"Is that what you were going to say when we were talking earlier? I heard you start with Fi but then it was like you caught yourself."

"Yeah, I thought it was best not to call the Alpha King Fido in front of a bunch of new people. But that's not the only one I use. I call him every dog name I can think of when they fit the situation. When he blushed once I even called him Clifford."

"Oh my Goddess, that's epic." Chay and I were laughing just as hard as Trinity and the others were. It was so fun.

"Oh my Goddess." It was my turn for a story. "When I first got taken to the pack house I was terrified of Alphas. I wanted to run away before the Alpha could torture me or whatever. I was at the window ready to jump when Artem found me. I think I just about gave him a heart attack. Then shortly after that he told me he was my mate and all I could do was think that he was crazy. So yeah, I understand the whole wanting to run away."

"You too?" Trinity was laughing. "We were both terrified of our men at first. Reece is just the best now though. I can't imagine my life without him in it."

"Yeah, I know. Artem is amazing. He's been there for me every step of the way and I just love him so much." 

This had been an amazing day. I made a few new friends and I was happy to get to talk to more people my age. Not to mention Acacia said she would go with me to the Fae compound soon. She wanted to help me connect with that side of my lineage and she wanted to help me with figuring out my abilities. Artem had been right about the magic thing. I wonder what they were going to be?

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