Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 129 - How To Cure Them




The day after the Alpha King and Luna Queen, or as they preferred to be called, Trinity and Reece, came to see us we were gathering for another meeting. Doc and Uncle Griffin had spent all night talking about things and they apparently decided on something that might work for curing the boys.

We were gathering in the large meeting room on the first floor again. It was semi familiar to everyone that had come to visit us and they all knew how to get there. So shortly after breakfast we all made our way there from wherever we all were in the house. I had been in the library reading prior to the meeting.

The library was still hard for me to be in but I was trying to force myself to be there. I needed to overcome things and make myself stronger. I would never get stronger if I ran from a room because of a bad memory. I needed to push through it all.

I was lost in my book though, when it was time to head to the meeting. I would have been very late if Artem hadn't come to get me. He pulled me out of my book trance and walked with me down to the meeting room.

Doc and Uncle Griffin were standing at the front of the room when I walked in. I noticed they looked tired and a little disheveled but that would be expected with them having stayed up all night and not slept at all.

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Artem walked me over to an armchair and pulled me onto his lap. Once he was settled into the seat he wrapped his arms around me and indicated that Doc could start the meeting.

I watched as Doc and Uncle Griffin looked knowingly at each other. They seemed to know each other well already. Perhaps it was just because they were both wolves as well as doctors. They were not exactly close in age but they had lived similar lives with the choices they had made. I guess it helped them to bond somewhat.

"As you might guess, Griffin, Lana, and I spent the entire night examining the children. We ran as many tests as we could with the equipment I have here."

"Is there something I forgot to get for you? Could I have made this easier?" Artem looked worried, like any delay now would be his fault.

"No, no, absolutely not Artem." Doc looked apologetic now, like his words had not come out properly.

"The clinic here is amazing, all things considered." Uncle Griffin smiled at Artem as he took over for Doc. "This is nothing more than an infirmary run out of a large house. I am surprised you were able to get as much equipment as you have."

"I admit, it wasn't easy. And I don't want to tell you what I have left to pay for those machines." Artem rubbed the back of his head then and laughed nervously.

"Don't worry about that, Artem." Reece smiled at him. "I'll make sure it's taken care of." Reece was already sending a message on his phone and it seemed like he was doing something way too generous."

"No!" Artem nearly yelled the word out of shock. "I can't let you do that. That's a lot of money."

"And I am investing in a clinic. I am sure that you will have pack members that need to be seen for pregnancy, or there might be something else that Doc wants to do. Perhaps he can open a real clinic in the city when this is all over. He can be the pack doctor as well as see humans like Griffin does." Reece sounded so convincing and very generous as he spoke. "And besides, it's already done. My Beta will have that bill wiped clean within the hour, and that's the longest it will take."

"Seriously? I can't believe that." Artem could barely form words right now. Someone had to thank him.

"Thank you, Reece. From the bottom of our hearts I thank you, we thank you. This is something that will help many more people."

"Think nothing of it." He raised his hand as if to ward off the thank yous. "Anyway, please continue."

"R-right." Uncle Griffin seemed a little nervous now, after what had just happened. "Last night we ran blood tests, we took x-rays, we did ultrasounds. The one main thing we can't do is an MRI but there is no way we can get one of those here in time. Still, I don't think they'd show us anything we hadn't already guessed."

"And what's that?" Trinity's voice was curious as she asked that question.

"That physically the boys are all completely healthy. They're all a little small for their ages, some a lot smaller, but they're physically healthy." Uncle Griffin sounded like he knew what he was talking about, and he wasn't nervous anymore.

"So what does that mean for the kids?" Artem asked him with a worried tone to his voice.

"It means that whatever is wrong with them is mental, not physical. I had pretty much guessed that from the beginning but you don't cut corners when it comes to medicine. I needed to eliminate the other possibilities." Uncle Griffin was so confident in what he was saying that it was hard to doubt him.

"How do we wake them all if it's all a mental issue?" I couldn't stop myself from asking my question just then.

"I can help." Juniper raised her hand. I turned to look at her and saw that she too was sitting on her mate's lap.

"Juniper?" I just looked at her, not really understanding what she meant.

"I can help them. I can reach their minds and heal them like I healed you Star." Juniper was smiling now while I thought back to what had happened the day before. I remembered Juniper touching me and telling me things will be alright.

The feelings that she had helped to calm and to make it easier for me to think about, they didn't hurt me as much anymore. If Juniper could use that ability of hers to reach the minds of the boys then she might just be able to wake them up. She just might be able to save them all.

But was she up to it? It was a really big job after all. Could she handle all of this? I guess we would find out.

"Could she help Nico too?" Kent seemed like he was too eager to know the answer to that question. It was like he might finally have a sliver of hope for his brother. I hoped the answer to his question was a yes. Not just for Nico's sake but for Kent's as well.

"I don't know who Nico is." Juniper started to shake her head.

"I saw Nico last night. He was a victim just like the others only he didn't fall into a coma. A while before that incident happened Nico's wolf took over and has yet to relinquish the reins. The poor boy is locked inside of his own mind. And I think he can be saved."

"Really?" Kent's eyes were ringed with tears as the joy spread through him.

"I will do what I can to help them all." Juniper was smiling.

"We will get your brother and all the others back to you." Trinity gave a comforting smile to Kent.

"Don't worry, you guys, we're here for you." Acacia added.

Soon they were all raining down supportive words.

"Hang in there."

"They will all be fine."

"They'll be back to normal in no time at all." The words came from all over the room at the same time so I couldn't pinpoint who said what, but the words were much appreciated. 

"Thank you, Juniper. Thank you so much for deciding to help my brother. Nothing I say or do could possibly show you how grateful I am right now." 

"I haven't done anything yet. I don't even know if it will work. But I will definitely try my hardest. I want to help him and the others. I hate to see people suffering."

"That's all we could ask for, Juniper, and for that we thank you." I tried to sound regal and important. I wanted to sound like a true Luna. But I think all I accomplished was me sounding like an idiot. Isn't that great.

We spent a little while longer trying to work out the logistics of this healing mission of Juniper's. We needed to know who all was going to be in the room with her. Plus we needed to know if she was going to try and heal everyone at once or one boy at a time. One thing I knew for certain though was that Artem and I would be in the room when the healing happened. We were the Alpha and Luna so it was our jobs to be there.

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