Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 141 - Star - The Pack Meeting Part 6




  The young woman who spoke had caused everyone who was nay saying to stop and think. They were starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, everything we were saying was true. Or at least, they were starting to hope it was.

I noticed that a lot of the flowers surrounding the crowd had changed from yellow to other colors. Some were white which spoke of happiness and joy to me. Something that was calm and filled with serenity. Others turned green, they were happy as well but they had more excitement mixed in with it. Others only shifted from yellow to orange. They were still weary but they were warming to the idea.

From what I could tell there were barely any yellow flowers left. This was going to be much better than I thought if the emotions of the others were going to be that easy to change.

However, there were still those with the black flowers. None of them had changed at all. They were still murderously angry. I didn't know what to do about all of them.

"Yes, Delphi, the Goddess could help you all find your true mates. That is what we all hope to find in life. Everyone up here with me aside from two guards has a true mate. The mate bonds will run true with the Goddess's favor." I could hear how happy Artem was with everything. Even facing down this crowd he was happy to have found me, and I was happy to have found him.

I could see the awe and the hope spreading across most of the faces that I was looking at. There were still just that handful of people who didn't want to accept what was going on.

"Don't listen to them!" Nico and Kent's father was the first one to deny what Artem was saying. "They are lying. No one ever finds a true mate anymore, it's a myth."

"It is not a myth. It is real." I yelled at him. "I know because like those boys I had to be rescued. And after I was saved I found my mate. I found the one and only man on this planet that would ever make me happy."

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Again, a ripple seemed to spread through the crowd. It was like my words were powerful enough to change them completely. Was this the power of love or the power of a Luna?

When I looked at the crowd though, I saw that all but the black flowers had changed to pink. Did I do that? Did I change those flowers to represent love? That would be quite impressive if it had been me.

All of those with the pink flowers looked like they were daydreaming about love. They all seemed a lot calmer and easier to handle. Many of them even looked like they were lulled into a stupor or even sleeping while standing.

I could tell that the others around me were wondering what was going on. It was like they still couldn't see the flowers. Were they really a power that was all mine? Could no one but me see this? Was I crazy?

"Reece, what is going on here?" Artem asked for help from the only person he could think to ask, the Alpha King. Who would be better qualified, aside from the Queen?

"I don't have a clue." Oh well, I guess this wasn't something they had ever seen before.

"Artem, do you see the flowers?" I put my hand on his shoulder as I leaned into him. "Do you see the flowers that are all around us?"

"What flowers⁶?" 

He was starting to indicate that he couldn't see them but he froze when I was finally touching him. His eyes went wide and that was when I could tell that he really could see the flowers all around us. So, he needed to touch me to see them. That was quite interesting. That definitely meant that the flowers came from me, right?

"Star? Where did they all come from?" He was at a loss. "Did you make these appear?"

"I think so. I think it might be the Fae powers from my father. I will have to ask Acacia later."

"What do they do?"

"Well, they've been telling me what everyone's emotions are. When they shifted from scared to happy and things like that. But there are some that are worrying me."

"Which ones? All I see is pink."

"Don't you see the few people with black flowers?" I was looking right at Jeremy, Kent's father. He was the man that apparently helped to make Nico a slave for so long.

"Yeah, now that you mention them, I do see them. What do they mean? What are they feeling?" Artem was not as worried as I was. I guess he would change his mind when I told him the meaning of those flowers.

"Murderous rage. That is what I am getting from those people. It is like they are so scared and angry they could and possibly would kill someone. We need to be careful."

"What are the pink flowers?" I knew he would be curious about that.

"Love, infatuation, romance. It seems they're all in a daze thinking about future love prospects."

"Did you do that, Star? Did you change what they felt?" Artem's cute grin and raised eyebrow told me he was proud of me no matter what.

"Yes, I think I did. They changed when I was talking about you. They felt what I was feeling."

"Can you change the other ones?"

"I can try, I don't know how to do it yet."

While we were having our private conversation it seemed that the men and women with black flowers were growing impatient.

"Stop talking among yourselves. Are you going to leave here or not? None of us want a new Alpha to change things. None of us want to change the way we've lived so far." Jeremy was the man who seemed to be talking for all of them.

"Silence." Trinity's voice rang down from above and Jeremy's mouth snapped shut.

It looked as if Jeremy was trying to speak, his mouth was moving and his face was straining with the effort but he couldn't make a sound. The man's face was turning red as he held onto his throat. The scent of fear and anger that was coming from his flower was getting worse and worse.

"What did she do to him?"

"What happened?"

"That is freaky."

The hecklers were beginning to become more scared than angry right now. Of the seven of them that could still talk, four of them had the color shift in their flowers from black to yellow. That was definitely an improvement.

"He will not be able to speak again until I give him permission." Trinity addressed those that were curious about what was happening. "Like I said, I am your Luna Queen. I am the one in charge of all shifters. You cannot disobey me if I give you a direct order. You would be wise to accept this now."

The fear was still there but there was an acceptance in the color that the flowers had now. All of those aside from Nico and Kent's father were calming down. The color of their flowers were now bright yellow. They were still a little afraid but they were no threat to us now.

While I thought about how these people were no longer going to be able to harm someone I saw that Jeremy had reached his breaking point. He leapt toward the stage, toward the children. He was already shifting into his large gray wolf.

Reece, Artem, Kent, even Trinity, they were all getting ready to stop the man from hurting anyone. I wanted to help too. I wanted to stop him as well. I needed to do this.

While I thought about stopping him I tried to imagine a way that would make him less angry. He needed to be calm and serene. But how?

Well, calm and serene were emotions as well. Could I manipulate his feelings and calm him down? Could I make him feel what I wanted him to? Well, now was the time to find out.

I sent my thoughts toward the flowers. I imagined what calm and serene looked like. I imagined what the older man would look like if he were to instantly be calm. I thought of him being so calm he could just fall right to sleep.

The flowers that seemed to be following the man through the air turned into a dark blue. Something that signified the night sky. It was calming to me and something that made me feel relaxed. It wasn't like the blue of sadness at all.

As soon as the flower changed colors the man fell instantly into a deep sleep. Reece had been the first one to get to the man. Now that the attacker was asleep, all Reece could do was catch him and grab him out of the air.

"What the hell?" Reece's voice was definitely a lot more clear in his lycanthrope form.

"He's asleep." I told him. "I put him to sleep, like the others."

"You did?" Trinity looked at me with curious eyes when she leapt from her wind platform.

"Yes, I did."

There were a lot of curious looks and some promises to talk about it later. For now, though, we needed to focus on the meeting. It was up to me to wake everyone up. When they were no longer in their stupor they had all become a lot more receptive to the idea of having a new Alpha and a new way of life. They saw first hand that there were wolves that had been granted special powers and were eager to get theirs. No need to tell them just yet that those were special to specific people.

The meeting finally concluded after that. It felt like it had lasted forever. The pack members were allowed to go on their way, aside from a couple of them. Nico and Kent's mother was being banished. She was not going to be executed but she needed to leave the pack to allow those she had hurt to heal. Jeremy was being taken to the dungeons. It was clear he was never going to accept the new way of life. He, however, was going to be executed. I tried not to think about that too much.

There had been a warning given. They would need to comply or they would meet similar fates as Nico and Kent's parents.

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