Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 143 - Artem - Alpha Lessons With The King




My morning was very exciting and stimulating. I was more than happy with the way that it started. I already loved Star, but it felt like my love only grew even bigger for her this morning.

I think that Reece and the others could tell what was making me so happy. The way they looked at me was just all too telling. Was I smiling too much? Was I giving it away? Oh well, I didn't care. I was happy and that was all that mattered.

The pack meeting had finished late last night and it was clear that things were going to be difficult for a while. I had laid out some punishments to people who deserved them, but for the most part the pack was getting a second chance.

The thing about the second chance though, was it was only under the condition that they live a more moral life. I would not have a pack that was filled with abuse and corruption. It was time for us to live like the King and Queen's pack.

And it was because I wanted that so bad that I was currently getting lessons from Reece. I was being taught by him personally on how to behave like an Alpha. Unfortunately for the others, they were the guinea pigs for my lessons.

Kent, Toby, Morgan, Bailey, and Reed were in the large meeting room that I was practicing how to order people around. I could form a command no problem, but making it stick was my issue. I couldn't make myself hold someone to my will.

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"You need to put your intent and emotions into the words. If you don't put the intent into them then they won't become a proper command. All members of your pack must follow the intent of its leader. That is a basic fact."

Reece was explaining everything he could in an easy to understand way.

"Now, Artem, make Kent do something. It can be anything but you need to form it as a command." This felt wrong to me. I didn't like making my best friend do stunts like this but he had volunteered for this work. He said he would take on any job we gave him now that Nico was back. He was all too happy to comply. "And Kent, make sure you try your best to resist his order."

"Got it." Kent nodded his head and grinned. "What do you got for me Artem?"

I thought for a second, trying to think of something that I should make him do. It would be funny if I could do something embarrassing but he might not be happy with it later. Still, he could just say it wasn't him so why should he be worried.

"Alright, I have something." I thought about what it was that I wanted to make my friend do. "Kent, dance like a sugar plum fairy on top of that table. Now." I put the ring of the command into it and Kent instantly started to move.

I saw him falter a little as he moved. He would stop and start as he walked toward the chair nearest to him. Still, with all the stopping and starting he still got to the top of the table and started dancing like he was a ballerina.

Everyone in the room, including the Alpha King, started to laugh. Apparently they liked my choice of command for Kent. We just laughed and watched as he did a pirouette and then a jumping leap from one end of the table to the other.

After several minutes filled with gales of laughter I thought I should let him be done.

"Enough." I sent the command at him and he stopped instantly, consequently he had stopped in the middle of another spin and that made him drop to the table in a heap.

"Please don't make me dance again." He pleaded with me. "You know I always make a fool of myself."

"I don't know Kent, I think you did rather good if I say so myself." Morgan was still laughing hard as he spoke so it took a while for him to get those words out.

"Shut up dick face." Kent snapped at him.

The laughter started all over again, everyone including Kent was laughing this time. It was nice to see that we were all in better spirits than we have been lately.

"That was a good display." Reece clapped me on the shoulder as he praised my work.

I still found it odd that the Alpha King was only three years older than me. He seemed like he had been through so much already and he had just turned twenty six.

Still, he was someone to look up to. Even before becoming the Alpha King, Reece had been running his pack since he was eighteen. He took over when his father died and had grown both the pack and his business empire. He was more like a God than a King if you asked me.

Being that we were both Alphas though, I wanted to ask him something about last night.

"Reece?" I started cautiously.

"Yeah Artem?" He had started treating me much more like a friend lately.

"Last night you turned into a lycan, didn't you?" I remember what he had looked like and it was amazing. He was more like a man in that form. He was like a movie version of a werewolf that you would see in Hollywood.

"Yes, that was one of my other forms."

"One of them?" Reed apparently couldn't stay silent when he heard that.

"Yes, one of them. Aside from my human self I have four forms that I can shift into at will."

"Really? What are they?" Alright, now Morgan was getting way too excited. At least all the others were just staring at him excitedly as well as expectantly.

Reece didn't seem bothered by their responses though. He just laughed and smiled at us all.

"Well, of course you know my wolf. The large black one with the ruby red eyes. Then I can turn into lycan form. Those you have already seen. Aside from those I have another wolf form but it is covered in flames. That is my affinity, or so I have been told."

"You have a wolf covered in flames?" Bailey was shocked into asking his question.

"Yes, Trinity has a form that is covered in ice and I have one that is covered in flames."

"What is the last form?" Well, everyone else seemed to be talking, aside from Toby, so I thought I would ask a question as well.

"My last form has nothing at all to do with wolves, and I am completely convinced it comes from the fact that I am also the Warlock King. I am married to their Queen after all." He chuckled as he said that.

"I am guessing that it has a fire affinity though, right?" There is Toby with his question.

"Yes, my last form is that of a phoenix."

"The flame covered bird?" I gasped when I heard his final form.

"That is right. I can turn into the four different forms. But that is nothing compared to Trinity." He shook his head. "She can literally turn into any animal. She is amazing."

"Is it possible for me to turn into a lycan?" That was what I wanted to ask him this whole time.

"I don't know. It just happened for me one day when I was fighting with two enemies. I am supposedly the first Lycan in a very, very long time. So I wouldn't hold my breath about it at all."

"That sucks." My response made the whole room laugh. At least we were still having fun.

We continued our lessons through the afternoon and up until dinner. By that time I felt like I would be a better Alpha, especially after Reece's Beta sent me the copies of his books.

I was glad to have had this time with them since they were leaving later tonight. We would be having a banquet for them that was basically just a party with all of us here thanking them. Still, I was really glad that they had come here and helped us. Without them the boys would still be lost, my pack would still be in ruin, and Nico would still be feral. They had helped us so much that I would never be able to repay them. 

I would try though. I would do my best to make sure that I lived a life that would make the Goddess as well as the Alpha King and Luna Queen proud of me. I would make sure that my pack followed that way of life as well. I would protect the children that had been harmed and I would grow my family with Star when the time was right. I would make sure that everything turned out alright for everyone here. I had to. 

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